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compacting a mutable sequence - Printable Version

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compacting a mutable sequence - Skaperen - Jan-22-2018

i am looking for some already existing implementation of this logic i am ready to implement for myself, if necessary. i want to "compact" a mutable sequence by removing duplicates, keeping the order of both the unique items and each first item of duplicates. converting to a set loses the original order, so it is not an option to convert to a set and convert back, but maybe a set can be used to help detect duplicates in an implementation. anyone know of an existing implementation?

RE: compacting a mutable sequence - Larz60+ - Jan-22-2018

there's zlib:
import zlib

class TryZlibBz2:
    def __init__(self):
        your_text = str.encode('i am looking for some already existing implementation of this logic i am ready to implement for myself, if necessary. i want to "compact" a mutable sequence by removing duplicates, keeping the order of both the unique items and each first item of duplicates. converting to a set loses the original order, so it is not an option to convert to a set and convert back, but maybe a set can be used to help detect duplicates in an implementation. anyone know of an existing implementation?')
        compressed = self.zlib_encode(your_text)
        print(f'orig len: {len(your_text)}, len compressed: {len(compressed)}')

    def zlib_encode(self, text):
        return zlib.compress(text)

    def zlib_decode(self, enctext):
        return zlib.decompress(enctext)

if __name__ == '__main__':
orig len: 484, len compressed: 263 i am looking for some already existing implementation of this logic i am ready to implement for myself, if necessary. i want to "compact" a mutable sequence by removing duplicates, keeping the order of both the unique items and each first item of duplicates. converting to a set loses the original order, so it is not an option to convert to a set and convert back, but maybe a set can be used to help detect duplicates in an implementation. anyone know of an existing implementation?

RE: compacting a mutable sequence - Skaperen - Jan-22-2018

sorry i was not clear. i did not mean compression. maybe deduplicate or unduplicate would have been a better choice of terminology. and i expected to do this directly to mutable sequences such as lists.

[7,4,3,4,9,4,'foo',3,1,7,5] -> [7,4,3,9,'foo',1,5]

the duplicate items are removed and those items that stay keep their original order.

RE: compacting a mutable sequence - Gribouillis - Jan-22-2018

Don't you know unique_everseen() ? Look in itertools documentation.

RE: compacting a mutable sequence - Skaperen - Jan-22-2018

(Jan-22-2018, 06:29 AM)Gribouillis Wrote: Don't you know unique_everseen() ? Look in itertools documentation.

no ... i do not know of it. i do now. thanks! i suspected this might exist but had no ideal what name.

but... itertools.unique_everseen() is limited to hashable items. i don't know if i will need to support non-hashable or not. so i still might need to implement my own, in which case a deep compare would be handy (have not looked for one,yet)

RE: compacting a mutable sequence - Gribouillis - Jan-22-2018

(Jan-22-2018, 06:46 AM)Skaperen Wrote: i don't know if i will need to support non-hashable or not.
If you don't know, don't implement it! More seriously, there is a key parameter in unique_everseen. It should be able to handle many non hashable cases because a non hashable item can have a hashable key.

RE: compacting a mutable sequence - Skaperen - Jan-23-2018

if it turns out that the lists i need to compact might have non-hashable objects then i will simply need to use a less efficient method to keep the memory of what objects have been seen. what i am thinking about is to start running the hashable way (keeping seen objects in a set) while hashing each object, and if any object is ever found to be unhashable, then switch over to the method that handles unhashable objexts (keeping seen objects in a list that is scanned linearly). that way i can have the O(n*log(n)) performance of keeping a set, but still be able to work with a mutable sequence of unhashable objects.