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Convert from time.struct_time to a string - Printable Version

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Convert from time.struct_time to a string - chris0147 - Feb-22-2018

Hi all,

I need your help with my code. I want to convert from time.struct_time to a string.


time.struct_time(tm_year=2018, tm_mon=2, tm_mday=23, tm_hour=8, tm_min=0, tm_sec=0, tm_wday=4, tm_yday=54, tm_isdst=-1)
To this:

22/02/2018 23:08PM
If I want to convert from time.struct_time to a string, I would have to use something like this:

program_start_date = str(row[0])
program_start_hours = int(program_start_date.hour)
program_start_minutes = str(start_time.minute)
program_start_days = int(
program_start_months = int(start_time.month)
program_start_year = str(start_time.year)
#program_start_hours = str(program_start_hours)

if program_start_minutes == "0":
   program_start_minutes = "00"
elif program_start_minutes == "5":
     program_start_minutes = "05"

if program_start_hours >= 0 and program_start_hours <= 9:
   program_start_hours = str(program_start_hours)
   program_start_hours = str("0" + program_start_hours)

if program_start_days >= 0 and program_start_days <= 9:
   program_start_days = str(program_start_days)
   program_start_days = str("0" + program_start_days)

if program_start_months >= 0 and program_start_months <= 9:
   program_start_months = str(program_start_months)
   program_start_months = str("0" + program_start_months)

program_start_hours = int(program_start_hours)
program_start_days = str(program_start_days)
program_start_months = str(program_start_months)

program_finished = str(program_stop_minutes)

if program_start_hours >= 00 and program_start_hours <= 12:
    program_AM_PM = 'AM'
    program_AM_PM = 'PM'
program_start_times = str(program_start_hours + ':' + program_start_minutes + program_AM_PM)
program_start_time1 = str(program_start_days + "/" + program_start_months + "/" + program_start_year + " " + program_start_times)        
program_start_time = time.strptime(program_start_time1, '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M%p')
Here is the code:

cur.execute('SELECT start_date, stop_date, title, program_id FROM programs WHERE channel=? and program_id != "" LIMIT 10', [channel])
programs = cur.fetchall()

for ind, row in enumerate(programs):
    program_start_date = str(row[0])
    start_time = time.strptime(program_start_date, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
    #program_start_time = time.strptime(start_time, '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M%p')
Output for program_start_date:

I'd find that the code I wrote which it is too long and it is not necessary. If you can show me an example how I could do this with my current code, that would be great.

RE: Convert from time.struct_time to a string - ODIS - Feb-22-2018

You almost had it:

cur.execute('SELECT start_date, stop_date, title, program_id FROM programs WHERE channel=? and program_id != "" LIMIT 10', [channel])
programs = cur.fetchall()
for ind, row in enumerate(programs):
    program_start_date = str(row[0])
    # parsing time with time.strptime()
    start_time = time.strptime(program_start_date, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
    # formatting time.struct_time with time.strftime()
    program_start_time = time.strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M%p', start_time)

RE: Convert from time.struct_time to a string - chris0147 - Feb-22-2018

Thank you very much for your help ODIS, I can see the problem are now is solved! :)