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Outlook mail watcher - Printable Version

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Outlook mail watcher - g_shanmuga - Feb-23-2018

Hi Guys,

Greeting to all, i am new learner, i just want to write app, which monitors outlooks applications and parse the newly received mail, extract mail information.
I have found some reference code for that task which i posted below.
import win32com.client
import pythoncom
import re

class Handler_Class(object):
    def OnNewMailEx(self, receivedItemsIDs):
        # RecrivedItemIDs is a collection of mail IDs separated by a ",".
        # You know, sometimes more than 1 mail is received at the same moment.
        for ID in receivedItemsIDs.split(","):
            mail = outlook.Session.GetItemFromID(ID)
            subject = mail.Subject
            body = mail.Body
                # Taking all the "BLAHBLAH" which is enclosed by two "%". 
                command ="%(.*?)%", subject).group(1)
                print(command) # Or whatever code you wish to execute.

outlook = win32com.client.DispatchWithEvents("Outlook.Application", Handler_Class)
#and then an infinit loop that waits from events.
I understand the code some how. But its is very useful if you explained in detailed manner.

The problem i am facing is, the body of the mail is not fully received in the code "body = mail.Body".
I want to extract the body of mail fully even though it is a large chain mail.
More over i want to read tables also if its in mail body.
Please provide your suggestion and ideas to solve this issue.
Thanks for spending your time for reading my post.

RE: Outlook mail watcher - nilamo - Mar-26-2018

Is there a reason you're interfacing with outlook, instead of just using imap to query the server directly?