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setting parameters for functions and nested functions - Printable Version

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setting parameters for functions and nested functions - mepyyeti - Feb-24-2018

I feel I'm shaky on understanding the interplay between passing variables through functions (outside of classes)...Basically IDK when to use foo() vs foo(bar) especially in freestanding (OUTSIDE of a class) nested functions. Wall Wall Wall


I wrote this up. it's a self contained script:
#!usr/bin/env python3
import sys
from functools import partial as p
def inquire(a,type,errmsg):
	while True:
		b = input(a)
		if b !='':
				b == type(b)
			except ValueError:
				return b
			print(f'{a:^50} must be answered.')

the_q = p(inquire,type=str,errmsg='sorry')

def foo():
	while True:
		quit_now = the_q('\'y\' to quit anything else to continue')
		if quit_now =='y' or quit_now =='yes':
def bar():
	quest=the_q('please enter a, b, c, d or etc.')
	if quest == 'a':
	elif quest == 'b':
		forB()#won't work
	elif quest == 'c':
	elif quest == 'd':
	elif quest == 'e':

def forA(x):
	print(f'{x:^10}is fine.')

def forB():
	global someVariable
'''but this WOULD work:
def forB():
	global someVariable
I don't understand

def forC(y):
	print('{} works too...'.format(y))

def forD():

def forE(someVariable):
	global quest
	print('should work...'.format(someVariable))
	#forE() global variable names must be different from parameter names???

def forEtc():

if __name__=='__main__':
	print('sorry {__name__} not main') 
It works. Except for [input]b[/input]

this triggers
Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 77, in <module> foo() File "", line 30, in foo bar() File "", line 39, in bar forB()#won't work File "", line 54, in forB print('nothing...'.format(someVariable)) NameError: name 'someVariable' is not defined
Perhaps someone could clarify foo() vs foo(bar) and their nuances in nested functions? Please?

RE: setting parameters for functions and nested functions - nilamo - Feb-24-2018

Think of a function as a sort of black box. You give it some data to work with, it does *something*, and then gives you a return value. A function shouldn't use any value that isn't passed to it. global should be avoided at all costs.

RE: setting parameters for functions and nested functions - mepyyeti - Feb-24-2018

(Feb-24-2018, 06:13 PM)nilamo Wrote: Think of a function as a sort of black box. You give it some data to work with, it does *something*, and then gives you a return value.
Yes. And it works wonderfully well when functions are part of a class.

Quote:A function shouldn't use any value that isn't passed to it.

this is where I get frustrated lol. Pls see code in op above. Entire script runs off foo(). Not a single parameter, but quite a few variable gets assigned values in its body....
So this is what keeps getting me and textbooks seems to not care about the discrepency

def foo():
    a = 'moo'

def bar():
    print('bar function')

if __name__=='__main__':
    print('choosing not to run')
this script runs...this bothers me.

Maybe it's a detail that comes from experience but I never feel certain when I can make do with foo() and when I need foo(param)....

RE: setting parameters for functions and nested functions - snippsat - Feb-25-2018

(Feb-24-2018, 09:14 PM)mepyyeti Wrote: this script runs...this bothers me.

Maybe it's a detail that comes from experience but I never feel certain when I can make do with foo() and when I need foo(param)....
Make it clear that foo takes a augment.
def foo(bar):
    a = 'moo'

def bar():
    print('bar function')

if __name__=='__main__':
    print('choosing not to run')
Quote:this is where I get frustrated lol. Pls see code in op above. Entire script runs off foo().
That's normal to have a function that run whole script,the design bit can be the hard part to figure out.
Clearer name(like eg menu) and never ever global,make it clear that a function take arguments,not to long functions.
Can be some tips.

Example no variables in global name namespace,calling menu start it.
result function takes 2 argumet,coin_flip and user_choice these function do only one task each.
Always fall back to menu where can play again or Quit out.

import random

def coin_flip():
    return random.choice(('head', 'tail'))

def user_choice():
    command = input("Choose Head or Tail: ").lower()
    return command

def result(coin_flip, user_choice):
    ''' Doc string explain what function do'''
    coin = coin_flip()
    choice = user_choice()
    if coin == choice:
        print(f'\nComputer <{coin}> You gussed <{choice}> which is correct\n')
         print(f'\nComputer <{coin}> You gussed <{choice}> which is wrong\n')

def menu():
    while True:
        print('(1) Coin flip game')
        print('(Q) Quit\n')
        choice = input('Enter your choice: ').lower()
        if choice == '1':
            result(coin_flip, user_choice)
        elif choice == 'q':
            return False
            print(f'Not a correct choice: {choice}')

if __name__ == '__main__':
If function get to complicated to design use a class Wink

RE: setting parameters for functions and nested functions - mepyyeti - Feb-25-2018

SO with the 1st snippet:
def foo(bar):
    a = 'moo'
def bar():
    print('bar function')
if __name__=='__main__':
    print('choosing not to run')
since both foo() and foo(bar) work to execute the it simply a matter of best practices to just use foo(bar) to run the script? Technically, whether or not I have a parameter doesn't seem too matter...

Regarding the snippet you wrote:
import random
def coin_flip():
    return random.choice(('head', 'tail'))
def user_choice():
    command = input("Choose Head or Tail: ").lower()
    return command
def result(coin_flip, user_choice):
    ''' Doc string explain what function do'''
    coin = coin_flip()
    choice = user_choice()
    if coin == choice:
        print(f'\nComputer <{coin}> You gussed <{choice}> which is correct\n')
         print(f'\nComputer <{coin}> You gussed <{choice}> which is wrong\n')
def menu():
    while True:
        print('(1) Coin flip game')
        print('(Q) Quit\n')
        choice = input('Enter your choice: ').lower()
        if choice == '1':
            result(coin_flip, user_choice)
        elif choice == 'q':
            return False
            print(f'Not a correct choice: {choice}')
if __name__ == '__main__':
user_choice() clearly creates a variable, command, and gives it a value but necessitates no parameter. Yet, result(*args) also creates variables,coin and choice, and gives them the returned value of the 2 executed functions, coin_flip and user_choice.

why not just say:
def result():
    ''' Doc string explain what function do'''
    coin = coin_flip()
    choice = user_choice()
the logic works fine for
def user_choice():
#yes I know value of command is set to user's input not  the return result of a previous function
    command = input("Choose Head or Tail: ").lower()
    return command
Question boils down to : Why do I need to set up parameters at all. user_choice() shows that I can create variables without parameters (technically just 1 positional)? this is where I get tripped up...

RE: setting parameters for functions and nested functions - snippsat - Feb-25-2018

(Feb-25-2018, 03:48 AM)mepyyeti Wrote: Why do I need to set up parameters at all. user_choice() shows that I can create variables without parameters
To make it clear and more readable that a function take in code in from outside.
The black box model as @nilamo talk abot crash as son as a function,variable,list,ect... magically appear in a function when is not set as parameter.
As soon as this happen you wonder where dos it come from has it a relationship with this function?
It can be easy to see in shorter code as my example,in larger code it can be a pain that stuff just magically appear from somewhere else.