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Beginner class. Need help with some questions. Willing to pay - Printable Version

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Beginner class. Need help with some questions. Willing to pay - curtice - Mar-08-2018

I have some questions I need to answer. These questions are beginners but are confusing to myself. Willing to pay a little for helping answer all the questions.

RE: Beginner class. Need help with some questions. Willing to pay - j.crater - Mar-09-2018

If your questions are about Python coding, post your attempt at writing the code (in Python code tags). If you get errors post them in error tags. If result is not as desired explain what the result should be instead.

If questions are about Python in general post them in General Coding Help.

If you want someone else to write the program for you, post in the Jobs subforum and explain the task (or do it in this thread and it will be moved).