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Error building trac hacks plugin - Printable Version

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Error building trac hacks plugin - lapjunior - Apr-06-2018

I am trying to build a Trac Subtickets plugin ( to use it in my environment.

I downloaded the source and following the build instructions:
python bdist_egg

The error below is presented:
build\bdist.win32\egg\tracsubtickets\ to web_ui.pyc
SyntaxError: ('invalid syntax', ('build\\bdist.win32\\egg\\tracsubtickets\\web_u', 282, 44, ' inh = {f: ticket[f] for f in opt_inherit}\n'))

I use trac 0.12.3 and python 2.6.2

I am not a python developer, anyone could help me?

RE: Error building trac hacks plugin - nilamo - Apr-06-2018

(Apr-06-2018, 07:54 PM)lapjunior Wrote: inh = {f: ticket[f] for f in opt_inherit}
Dictionary comprehensions were added in python version 2.7. The solution is to use a more recent version of python.