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Need help making code more efficient - Printable Version

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Need help making code more efficient - dhbergen - Apr-12-2018

I am working on processing version 3.3.6 and I am having trouble simplifying some code. My goal is to have text that types out across the screen like in some video games. I have tried using lists but haven't found a way to get that to work. I would like to retain the exact same effect with more efficient code. My code is as follows:
story = 0
def setup():
    size(400, 400)
def draw():
    #slower framerate to exaggerate what I am trying to do, and make it easier for you guys
    #I know resetting the background isn't necessary for this example but it is for a larger project this is a part of
    global story
    #beggining of the ineffecient code that I need help with
    story = story + 1
    if story > 1 :
        text("t", 10, 30)
    if story > 2 :
        text("th", 10, 30)
    if story > 3 :
        text("thi", 10, 30)
    if story > 4 :
        text("this", 10, 30)
    if story > 5 :
        text("this ", 10, 30)
    if story > 6 :
        text("this i", 10, 30)
    if story > 7 :
        text("this is", 10, 30)
    if story > 8 :
        text("this is ", 10, 30)
    if story > 9 :
        text("this is a", 10, 30)
    if story > 10 :
        text("this is a ", 10, 30)
    if story > 11 :
        text("this is a t", 10, 30)
    if story > 12 :
        text("this is a te", 10, 30)
    if story > 13 :
        text("this is a tes", 10, 30)
    if story > 14 :
        text("this is a test", 10, 30)
    if story > 15 :
        text("this is a test.", 10, 30)
    #end of the ineffecient code that I need help with
thanks to all who help out!

RE: Need help making code more efficient - Larz60+ - Apr-12-2018

You want to use a loop:
import time

def display_this(my_string):
    cur_str = []
    for character in my_string:
        text(cur_str, 10, 30)

display_this('this is a test.')

RE: Need help making code more efficient - dhbergen - Apr-12-2018

Larz60+, I have tried what you have suggested and have received an error. I type in the following:
def setup():
    size(400, 400)
def draw():
    import time
    def display_this(my_string):
        cur_str = []
        for character in my_string:
            text(cur_str, 10, 30)
    display_this('this is a test.')
and recieve
Error: TypeError: a float is required at at$2( at

RE: Need help making code more efficient - Larz60+ - Apr-12-2018

the function should not be embedded inside of draw, but on it's own.
also, what I show will not work verbatim in your code, you will need to make it fit.
import statement should be at start of program.

RE: Need help making code more efficient - dhbergen - Apr-12-2018

Thanks, I will tell when I get it working, and if not, what I can't get to work. but I think I understand the concept

RE: Need help making code more efficient - dhbergen - Apr-17-2018

finished getting the code to work. adjusted for the fact that having another def... in my code causes problems.
solution here:
character = 0
cur_str = []
my_string = "this is a test."
def setup():
    size(400, 400)
def draw():
    global character
    global cur_str
    global my_string
    frameRate(15)#again, added for exaggerated effect
    if character < len(my_string):
        text(''.join(map(str, cur_str)), 10, 30)
        character = character + 1
for those wishing to keep the text on screen after the sentence has typed, add:
        text(''.join(map(str, cur_str)), 10, 30)
to the end of the code