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Variable reported as not set, though I"ve set it before... - Printable Version

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Variable reported as not set, though I"ve set it before... - georgelza - Apr-18-2018

Hi guess

Need some advice, the below code...

just after the imports I set gotEFTConnection = False

then I try and execute the following code.... I'm getting gotEFTConnection not set error from def eftdashboard()

Pretty sure I'm running into variable scope problem...

How do I pass a variable into a flask function ( => eftdashboard) and then how do I return a value, so that it's now set to True.

import sys
import datetime

eft_connectString = ''                              # Empty variable to be used for connection string
DEBUGLEVEL = 1                                      # My Debug level/s -> To Screen/terminal
gotEFTConnection        = False 

# some code...

def GetEFTDBConnection(eft_connectString, opswatchenv):

    # Get the connection to the database

        ########## EFT Database Connection and Cursor

        eft_connection = cx_Oracle.connect(eft_connectString)

        # Query all rows
        eft_cursor = eft_connection.cursor()

        if DEBUGLEVEL > 0:
            print "** ", opswatchenv, " - EFT ConnectString   :", eft_connectString
            print "** ", opswatchenv, " - Connected to EFT DB :", eft_connection
            print "** ", opswatchenv, " - EFT Query Cursor    :", eft_cursor
        # end if DEBUG > 0:

        return eft_cursor

    except Exception, e:
        print "** ", opswatchenv, "Exception :", e
        print ''
        # end DEBUG > 0:

    # end try

# end GetEFTDBConnection():

def main():

	return render_template("index.html")
#end main

def eftdashboard( ):

    # One Single Dashboard with all the EFT information

    # if gotEFTConnection == False:
    #    eft_cursor = GetEFTDBConnection(eft_connectString, opswatchenv)
    #    gotEFTConnection = True

    # end if gotEFTConnection:

    configurationsettings, delivery_date, next_output_date = eft_refreshsettings(eft_cursor)

RE: Variable reported as not set, though I"ve set it before... - nilamo - Apr-18-2018

You shouldn't be getting that error, since you never use that variable.

Please, help us, to help you. Share the code that's actually throwing an error, along with the actual traceback. Otherwise the best we can do is guess.

RE: Variable reported as not set, though I"ve set it before... - georgelza - Apr-18-2018

I've added some comments... "line <number<=> so where you find #line 128 that means that comment line is on line 128

added #line numbers for 128, before the variable is set, #line 441 where GetEFTDBConnection() is defined and #line 572 where the error originates from.


Error stack

* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
[2018-04-18 21:39:21,207] ERROR in app: Exception on /eftdashboard [GET]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/flask/", line 1982, in wsgi_app
response = self.full_dispatch_request()
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/flask/", line 1614, in full_dispatch_request
rv = self.handle_user_exception(e)
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/flask/", line 1517, in handle_user_exception
reraise(exc_type, exc_value, tb)
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/flask/", line 1612, in full_dispatch_request
rv = self.dispatch_request()
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/flask/", line 1598, in dispatch_request
return self.view_functions[rule.endpoint](**req.view_args)
File "", line 573, in eftdashboard
if gotEFTConnection == False:
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'gotEFTConnection' referenced before assignment - - [18/Apr/2018 21:39:21] "GET /eftdashboard HTTP/1.1" 500 -

from flask import Flask, request, render_template
import cx_Oracle
import os
import time
import sys
import datetime

EXIT_FAILURE=1                                      # Exit variable for sys.exit

# Set these to defaults, we'll get the actual values from OS environment in a second, (line 131 onwards)
eft_connectString = ''                              # Empty variable to be used for connection string
FLASK_DEBUG = False                                 # FLASK Debug mode by default disabled, it can either be enabled by changing this or by setting DEBUG > 0
DEBUGLEVEL = 1                                      # My Debug level/s -> To Screen/terminal
                                                    # > 0 print basic connection and cursor details out
                                                    # >= 2 print sql statements to be executed
                                                    # >= 3 print variable values from queries to screen,
                                                    # ... not all data though as the data sets can be large, so only single row results sets
PORT=5000                                           # Default port - we change this below depending on environment argument passed in.

# these are Global variables, values from =>: OPS_WATCHER_PARAMETERS, populated in eft_refresettings()
delivery_date           = ''
next_output_date        = ''
timeC                   = ''

# line 128
gotEFTConnection        = False                     # PLANNED - We start with no connection for all the sub pages, as the page is called the first time then
                                                    # we connect to the relevant target database

########## EFT Queries

# This is where we're going to get the Warning and Alert values out of the ops_watcher_parameters table and then populate
# the global variables with
statement_globalvars = "select eftdelivery_elapse_warning, eftdelivery_elapse_alert, eftload_elapse_warning, eftload_elapse_alert, eftvalidate_elapse_warning, eftvalidate_elapse_alert, refreshtime from ops_watcher_parameters"

# EFT Delivery - Prepare - ( Get todays processing date from ops_system_parameters.process_active_ind = 'Y' )
statement_date = "Select max(to_char(process_date, 'DD/MON/YYYY')) from ops_system_parameters"

# EFT Delivery -  ( xmit_ind = 'Y' and trim(queue_file_name) in ('INQUE', 'ONLREC', 'ONLUNP') )
statement_delivery = "select filename, to_char(created_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MM:SS') CREATED_DATE, case when((extract(DAY from DIFF)) * 24 * 60 * 60 + (extract(HOUR from DIFF) ) *60 * 60 + (extract(MINUTE from DIFF))*60 + extract(SECOND from DIFF)) > :eftdelivery_elapse_alert then 'ALERT' when((extract(DAY from DIFF)) * 24 * 60 * 60 + (extract(HOUR from DIFF) ) *60 * 60 + (extract(MINUTE from DIFF))*60 + extract(SECOND from DIFF)) > :eftdelivery_elapse_warning then 'WARNING' else '' end as STATUS from (select filename, created_date, (systimestamp - created_date) DIFF from del_delivery_files where filename is not null and xmit_ind = 'Y' and trim(queue_file_name) in ('INQUE', 'ONLREC', 'ONLUNP') order by created_date asc)"

# EFT Loading - ( process_status = '2' )
statement_load      = "Select workunit_ref_number, to_char(load_start_time, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MM:SS'), case when((extract(DAY from DIFF)) * 24 * 60 * 60 + (extract(HOUR from DIFF) ) *60 * 60 + (extract(MINUTE from DIFF))*60 + extract(SECOND from DIFF)) > :eftload_elapse_alert then 'ALERT' when((extract(DAY from DIFF)) * 24 * 60 * 60 + (extract(HOUR from DIFF) ) *60 * 60 + (extract(MINUTE from DIFF))*60 + extract(SECOND from DIFF)) > :eftload_elapse_warning then 'WARNING' else '' end as STATUS from (select workunit_ref_number, load_start_time, (systimestamp - load_start_time) DIFF from ops_watcher_details where process_status = '2' order by load_start_time desc)"

# EFT Validating - ( validate_start_date is not null and validate_end_date is null )
statement_validate = "select workunit_ref_number, process_status, to_char(load_end_time, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MM:SS'), to_char(validate_start_time, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MM:SS'), record_count, case when((extract(DAY from DIFF)) * 24 * 60 * 60 + (extract(HOUR from DIFF) ) *60 * 60 + (extract(MINUTE from DIFF))*60 + extract(SECOND from DIFF)) > :eftvalidate_elapse_alert then 'ALERT' when((extract(DAY from DIFF)) * 24 * 60 * 60 + (extract(HOUR from DIFF) ) *60 * 60 + (extract(MINUTE from DIFF))*60 + extract(SECOND from DIFF)) > :eftvalidate_elapse_warning  then 'WARNING' else '' end as STATUS from (select workunit_ref_number, process_status, load_end_time, validate_start_time, record_count, (systimestamp - nvl(validate_start_time, load_end_time )) DIFF from ops_watcher_details where validate_start_time is not null and validate_end_time is null order by validate_start_time asc)"

# EFT Aggregates
statement_aggregates = "select workunit_ref_number as wrkunit, dataset_ref_number as dtset, installation_code as icode from Ops_user_hdrs where user_limits_exceeded_indicator in ('Y','B','C','D') order by installation_code asc"

# EFT Reporting
statement_efvetrpt   = "select 'efvetrpt',   count(*) from ops_vet_report_parameters where vet_report_produced_ind = 'N'"
statement_efpdistrib = "select 'efpdistrib', count(*) from ops_z1_z9_input_outputs where internal_indicator = 'N' and distributed_indicator = 'N'"
statement_efpaxd020  = "select 'efpaxd020',  count(*) from ops_z1_z9_input_outputs where internal_indicator = 'N' and distributed_indicator = 'Y' and axd_created_indicator = 'N' and TRANSMIT_INDICATOR = 'Y'"

    # EFT Extract - Prepare
statement_nextoutputdate = "Select max(to_char(process_date, 'DD/MON/YY')) from ops_system_parameters"

# EFT Extract
statement_efconman      = "select /*+ INDEX_ASC(OPS_USER_HDRS OUH_PK)*/ 'efconman', count(1) FROM OPS_USER_HDRS WHERE PROCESS_STATUS = '7' AND OPS_STATUS     = 'A' AND UNPAIDS_INCLUDED_INDICATOR    = 'Y'"
statement_efextract     = "select 'efextract', count(*) from ops_user_hdrs where process_status = 'A' and ops_status != 'F' and next_output_date = :next_output_date"
statement_efval001      = "select 'efval001',count(1) from ops_installation_hdrs where process_status = '3'"

# Number Files to process in each of the program stream
statement_delivery_cnt      = "select count(1) from del_delivery_files where filename is not null and xmit_ind = 'Y' and trim(queue_file_name) in ('INQUE', 'ONLREC', 'ONLUNP') "
statement_load_cnt          = "select count(1) from ops_watcher_details where process_status = '2'"
statement_validate_cnt      = "select count(1) from ops_watcher_details where validate_start_time is not null and validate_end_time is null"
statement_aggregates_cnt    = "select count(1) from Ops_user_hdrs where user_limits_exceeded_indicator in ('Y','B','C','D')"

def correctusage():
	print ''
	print 'Welcome to OPSWatcher'
	print ''
	print '  OPSWatcher needs to be run with a input parameter specifying the desired environment to dashboard:'
	print ''
	print '  ./ <environment>'
	print ''
	print '  Valid environment inputs are: prd  uat  iat  dev'
	print ''
	print ''

# end correctusage()

def getAppEnvVariables(opswatchenv):
    if opswatchenv == 'prd':
        eft_connectString   = os.getenv('DBCON_EFTP')                           # Whats the database connection string
        FLASK_DEBUG         = os.getenv('OPSW_EFTP_FLASK_DEBUG')                # Flask Debug True/False
        DEBUGLEVEL          = os.getenv('OPSW_EFTP_DEBUGLEVEL')                 # Screen based Debug level
        PORT                = os.getenv('OPSW_EFTP_PORT')                       # Flask port to listen on

        opswatchenv = 'Production'

    elif opswatchenv =='uat':
        eft_connectString   = os.getenv('DBCON_EFTU')
        FLASK_DEBUG         = os.getenv('OPSW_EFTU_FLASK_DEBUG')
        DEBUGLEVEL          = os.getenv('OPSW_EFTP_DEBUGLEVEL')
        PORT                = os.getenv('OPSW_EFTU_PORT')

        opswatchenv = 'UAT'

    elif opswatchenv =='iat':
        eft_connectString   = os.getenv('DBCON_EFTI')
        FLASK_DEBUG         = os.getenv('OPSW_EFTI_FLASK_DEBUG')
        DEBUGLEVEL          = os.getenv('OPSW_EFTP_DEBUGLEVEL')
        PORT                = os.getenv('OPSW_EFTI_PORT')

        opswatchenv = 'IAT'

    elif opswatchenv =='dev':
        eft_connectString   = os.getenv('DBCON_EFTD')
        FLASK_DEBUG         = os.getenv('OPSW_EFTD_FLASK_DEBUG')
        DEBUGLEVEL          = os.getenv('OPSW_EFTP_DEBUGLEVEL')
        PORT                = os.getenv('OPSW_EFTD_PORT')

        opswatchenv = 'Development'

    elif opswatchenv =='orcl':
        eft_connectString   = os.getenv('DBCON_ORCL')
        FLASK_DEBUG         = os.getenv('OPSW_ORCL_FLASK_DEBUG')
        DEBUGLEVEL          = os.getenv('OPSW_ORCL_DEBUGLEVEL')
        PORT                = os.getenv('OPSW_ORCL_PORT')

        opswatchenv = 'George : orcl'

        print correctusage()

    if FLASK_DEBUG == 'True': FLASK_DEBUG = True
    else: FLASK_DEBUG = False


    PORT = int(PORT)

    # end opswatchenv == 'prd'
    return opswatchenv, eft_connectString, FLASK_DEBUG, DEBUGLEVEL, PORT

# end getAppEnvVariables():

def eft_refreshsettings(eft_cursor):

    # get values from ops_watcher_parameters
        configurationsettings = eft_cursor.fetchone()

    except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError as e:
        error, = e.args
        print 'Oracle Error:', error

    # Next Delivery date from ops_system_parameters
        res = eft_cursor.fetchone()
        delivery_date = res[0]

    except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError as e:
        error, = e.args
        print 'Oracle Error:', error

    # Next Delivery date from ops_system_parameters, same date as above, just formated different
        res = eft_cursor.fetchone()
        next_output_date = res[0]

    except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError as e:
        error, = e.args
        print 'Oracle Error:', error

    return configurationsettings, delivery_date, next_output_date
#end refreshsettings

def eft_delivery(eft_cursor, delivery_date, configurationsettings):


        results = eft_cursor.fetchone()
        results_delivery_cnt = results[0]

        eft_cursor.execute(statement_delivery, { 'eftdelivery_elapse_alert': configurationsettings[0], 'eftdelivery_elapse_warning': configurationsettings[1]})
        results_delivery = eft_cursor.fetchall()

    except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError as e:
        error, = e.args
        print 'Oracle Error:', error

    return results_delivery_cnt, results_delivery
#end eft_delivery

def eft_load(eft_cursor, configurationsettings):

        eft_cursor.execute(statement_load_cnt )
        results = eft_cursor.fetchone()
        results_load_cnt = results[0]

        eft_cursor.execute(statement_load, {'eftload_elapse_warning':configurationsettings[2] ,'eftload_elapse_alert':configurationsettings[3]})
        results_load = eft_cursor.fetchall()

    except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError as e:
        error, = e.args
        print 'Oracle Error:', error

    return results_load_cnt, results_load
#end eft_load

def eft_validate(eft_cursor, configurationsettings):

        results = eft_cursor.fetchone()
        results_validate_cnt = results[0]

        eft_cursor.execute(statement_validate, {'eftvalidate_elapse_warning':configurationsettings[4] ,'eftvalidate_elapse_alert':configurationsettings[5] })
        results_validate = eft_cursor.fetchall()

    except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError as e:
        error, = e.args
        print 'Oracle Error:', error

    return results_validate_cnt, results_validate
#end eft_validate

def eft_aggregates(eft_cursor):

        results = eft_cursor.fetchone()
        results_aggregates_cnt = results[0]

        results_aggregates = eft_cursor.fetchall()

    except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError as e:
        error, = e.args
        print 'Oracle Error:', error

    return results_aggregates_cnt, results_aggregates
#end eft_finance

def eft_efvetrpt(eft_cursor):

        results_efvetrpt = eft_cursor.fetchall()

    except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError as e:
        error, = e.args
        print 'Oracle Error:', error

    return results_efvetrpt
#end eft_efvetrpt

def eft_efpdistrib(eft_cursor):

        results_efpdistrib = eft_cursor.fetchall()

    except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError as e:
        error, = e.args
        print 'Oracle Error:', error

    return results_efpdistrib
#end eft_efpdistrib

def eft_efpaxd020(eft_cursor):

        results_efpaxd020 = eft_cursor.fetchall()

    except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError as e:
        error, = e.args
        print 'Oracle Error:', error

    return results_efpaxd020
#end eft_efpaxd020

def eft_efconman(eft_cursor):

        results_efconman = eft_cursor.fetchall()

    except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError as e:
        error, = e.args
        print 'Oracle Error:', error

    return results_efconman
#end eft_efconman

def eft_efextract(eft_cursor, next_output_date):

        eft_cursor.execute(statement_efextract, {'next_output_date': next_output_date})
        results_efextract = eft_cursor.fetchall()

    except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError as e:
        error, = e.args
        print 'Oracle Error:', error

    return results_efextract
#end eft_efextract

def eft_validate_efval001(eft_cursor):

        results_validate_efval001 = eft_cursor.fetchall()

    except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError as e:
        error, = e.args
        print 'Oracle Error:', error

    return results_validate_efval001
#end eft_validate_tobeval

#line 441
def GetEFTDBConnection(eft_connectString, opswatchenv):

    # Get the connection to the database

        ########## EFT Database Connection and Cursor

        eft_connection = cx_Oracle.connect(eft_connectString)

        # Query all rows
        eft_cursor = eft_connection.cursor()

        if DEBUGLEVEL > 0:
            print "** ", opswatchenv, " - EFT ConnectString   :", eft_connectString
            print "** ", opswatchenv, " - Connected to EFT DB :", eft_connection
            print "** ", opswatchenv, " - EFT Query Cursor    :", eft_cursor
        # end if DEBUG > 0:

        return eft_cursor

    except Exception, e:
        print "** ", opswatchenv, "Exception :", e
        print ''
        # end DEBUG > 0:

    # end try

# end GetEFTDBConnection():

#                                        OK Lets START

if len(sys.argv) <> 2:

# end if len(sys.argv) <> 2

opswatchenv = sys.argv[1]

opswatchenv, eft_connectString, FLASK_DEBUG, DEBUG, PORT = getAppEnvVariables(opswatchenv)

    print '*******************************************'
    print '*                                         *'
    print '*         Welcome to OPSWatcher:          *'
    print '*                                         *'
    print '*    ', time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'),'                *'
    print '*                                         *'
    print '*    by [email protected]        *'
    print '*******************************************'
    print ''
    print "** " , opswatchenv       , " - FLASK_DEBUG         : " , FLASK_DEBUG
    print "** " , opswatchenv       , " - OPSW_*_DEBUGLEVEL   : " , DEBUGLEVEL
    print "** " , opswatchenv       , " - PORT                : " , PORT
    print ""

# end if DEBUGLEVEL > 0

    print ""
    print "******************************"
    print "*    Defined Queries         *"
    print "******************************"
    print ""
    print "** " , opswatchenv       , " - statement_globalvars     :", statement_globalvars
    print ''
    print "** " , opswatchenv       , " - statement_date           :", statement_date
    print ''
    print "** " , opswatchenv       , " - statement_delivery       : +delivery_date ", statement_delivery
    print ''
    print "** " , opswatchenv       , " - statement_load           :", statement_load
    print ''
    print "** " , opswatchenv       , " - statement_validate       :", statement_validate
    print ''
    print "** " , opswatchenv       , " - statement_aggregates     :", statement_aggregates
    print ''
    print "** " , opswatchenv       , " - statement_efvetrpt       :", statement_efvetrpt
    print ''
    print "** " , opswatchenv       , " - statement_efpdistrib     :", statement_efpdistrib
    print ''
    print "** " , opswatchenv       , " - statement_efpaxd020      :", statement_efpaxd020
    print ''
    print "** " , opswatchenv       , " - statement_nextoutputdate :", statement_nextoutputdate
    print ''
    print "** " , opswatchenv       , " - statement_efconman       :", statement_efconman
    print ''
    print "** " , opswatchenv       , " - statement_efextract      :", statement_efextract
    print ''
    print "** " , opswatchenv       , " - statement_efval001       :", statement_efval001
    print ''
    print "** " , opswatchenv       , " - statement_delivery_cnt   : +delivery_date ",  statement_delivery_cnt
    print ''
    print "** " , opswatchenv       , " - statement_load_cnt       :", statement_load_cnt
    print ''
    print "** " , opswatchenv       , " - statement_validate_cnt   :", statement_validate_cnt
    print ''
    print "** " , opswatchenv       , " - statement_aggregates_cnt :", statement_aggregates_cnt
    print ''

# end DEBUGLEVEL >= 2:

# Start the FLASK Application
app = Flask(__name__)

# Little waste of time for now... this will always fire at this point, idea is to later move this so that it only fires
# once for the first time the EFT Dashboard is called.
#if gotEFTConnection == False:
#    #   eft_cursor = GetEFTDBConnection(eft_connectString, opswatchenv)
#    gotEFTConnection = True

# end gotEFTConnection == False:

def main():

	return render_template("index.html")
#end main

# line 567
def eftdashboard( ):

    # One Single Dashboard with all the EFT information

    if gotEFTConnection == False:
        eft_cursor = GetEFTDBConnection(eft_connectString, opswatchenv)
        gotEFTConnection = True

    # end if gotEFTConnection:

    configurationsettings, delivery_date, next_output_date = eft_refreshsettings(eft_cursor)

    timeC = time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')

    # Refresh the settings to use before we continue, just in case somethign has changed in the parameter tables.
    configurationsettings, delivery_date, next_output_date = eft_refreshsettings(eft_cursor)

    # Delivery
    results_delivery_cnt, results_delivery = eft_delivery(eft_cursor, delivery_date, configurationsettings)

    # Load
    results_load_cnt, results_load = eft_load(eft_cursor, configurationsettings)

    # Validate
    results_validate_cnt, results_validate = eft_validate(eft_cursor, configurationsettings)

    # Finance
    results_aggregates_cnt, results_aggregates = eft_aggregates(eft_cursor)

    # efvetrpt
    results_efvetrpt = eft_efvetrpt(eft_cursor)

    # efpdistrib
    results_efpdistrib = eft_efpdistrib(eft_cursor)

    # efpaxd020
    results_efpaxd020 = eft_efpaxd020(eft_cursor)

    # efconman
    results_efconman = eft_efconman(eft_cursor)

    # efextract
    results_efextract = eft_efextract(eft_cursor, next_output_date)

    # validate_tobeval
    results_validate_efval001 = eft_validate_efval001(eft_cursor)

    return render_template( "eftdashboard.html",
#end eftdashboard

if __name__ == "__main__":'', debug=FLASK_DEBUG, port=PORT)

RE: Variable reported as not set, though I"ve set it before... - nilamo - Apr-18-2018

(Apr-18-2018, 07:44 PM)georgelza Wrote: if gotEFTConnection == False:
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'gotEFTConnection' referenced before assignment

You're trying to use a variable, before you ever set a value to it. Probably, you're trying to use a global variable, which is why the error isn't very helpful (globals aren't recommended). If you want to use a global, you need to let the function know that you've set it somewhere else before you try to use it. Something like:
def eftdashboard():
    global gotEFTConnection
    # then the rest of your function

RE: Variable reported as not set, though I"ve set it before... - georgelza - Apr-19-2018


thanks, that worked, and understand now,

it was assigned (value set to initial value at start of program), it was how it was referenced in the calling function that did not tell the function that this is a global variable.


(Apr-18-2018, 07:59 PM)nilamo Wrote:
(Apr-18-2018, 07:44 PM)georgelza Wrote: if gotEFTConnection == False:
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'gotEFTConnection' referenced before assignment

You're trying to use a variable, before you ever set a value to it. Probably, you're trying to use a global variable, which is why the error isn't very helpful (globals aren't recommended). If you want to use a global, you need to let the function know that you've set it somewhere else before you try to use it. Something like:
def eftdashboard():
    global gotEFTConnection
    # then the rest of your function