Python Forum
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    Thread: Masters of Computer Engineering Vs Computer Science
Post: RE: Masters of Computer Engineering Vs Computer Sc...

(May-08-2018, 05:20 PM)AndyB Wrote: With this degree, my goal is to become a machine learning engineer/data scientist. I really love machine learning and this is my over-all goal. Then take whateve...
Ofnuts Bar 9 6,599 May-09-2018, 07:47 PM
    Thread: Mimicry
Post: Mimicry And don't forget to push the red button.
Ofnuts Bar 2 2,879 May-07-2018, 02:40 PM
    Thread: Python written in Python, written in Python (warning: somewhat heavy image included)
Post: RE: Python written in Python, written in Python (w...

All there: Ofnuts' Gimp path tools downloads (but using them requires some Gimp skills).The first four waves where created by path-waves Intermediate lines are interpolated with path-inbetweener "PY...
Ofnuts Bar 3 4,080 Oct-27-2017, 05:27 PM
    Thread: Python written in Python, written in Python (warning: somewhat heavy image included)
Post: Python written in Python, written in Python (warni...

All done with four Gimp scripts (all in Python of course) [Image:]
Ofnuts Bar 3 4,080 Oct-27-2017, 01:53 PM
    Thread: Do you really know what your freshly installed module from PyPi is doing?
Post: RE: Do you really know what your freshly installed...

Well, OpenSource doesn't mean that it can't happen, but just that it will be spotted, and that anyone can fix it.
Ofnuts News and Discussions 4 4,540 Sep-16-2017, 08:38 PM
    Thread: And the prize for the funniest headline goes to ElReg
Post: And the prize for the funniest headline goes to El...

(legit URL masked y a tinyurl link)
Ofnuts News and Discussions 1 2,796 Sep-16-2017, 08:15 PM
    Thread: Do you really know what your freshly installed module from PyPi is doing?
Post: Do you really know what your freshly installed mod...
Ofnuts News and Discussions 4 4,540 Sep-15-2017, 10:51 PM
    Thread: Official: Python is for the rich :)
Post: Official: Python is for the rich :)

Yet another interesting use of the StackOverflow usage statistics:
Ofnuts News and Discussions 9 6,468 Aug-31-2017, 08:37 AM
    Thread: Invalid links on official website
Post: RE: Invalid links on official website

Likely a mistake. Plenty of downloads available here: The page says "Download Python 2.7.14rc1 Documentation" so maybe the doc isn't really available yet.
Ofnuts News and Discussions 2 3,642 Aug-27-2017, 07:55 PM
    Thread: Future of Python
Post: Future of Python

Not complete news for many of python-forum dwellers, but still interesting reading:
Ofnuts News and Discussions 1 3,230 Aug-23-2017, 08:20 PM
    Thread: Code review subforum?
Post: RE: Code review subforum?

"Scripts" used to be very open but ended up being a pile of very amateurish code. A code review forum could be useful, but IMHO it should definitely be distinct, otherwise "scripts" will be back to t...
Ofnuts Board 17 10,441 Aug-19-2017, 09:35 PM
    Thread: Dataframe error help
Post: RE: Dataframe error help

What are the imports?
Ofnuts Web Scraping & Web Development 2 5,215 Jul-17-2017, 09:29 PM
    Thread: Program exits with error, but can't discover which
Post: RE: Program exits with error, but can't discover w...

Works for me, the last lines are: Output: 195: 8437.0 / 32010.0 MiB used (26.36%); 5850000 objects 196: 8451.0 / 32010.0 MiB used (26.40%); 5880000 objects 197: 8465.0 / 32010.0 MiB used (26.44%);...
Ofnuts Data Science 4 4,607 Jul-17-2017, 09:26 PM
    Thread: Exception capture, logging and grouping services
Post: RE: Exception capture, logging and grouping servic...

(Jul-11-2017, 06:22 PM)caxis Wrote: Thanks for the response. I had taken a look at Sentry earlier and while it seemed great at first, it's primarily targeting errors. Trakerr helped me find perform...
Ofnuts Bar 3 4,785 Jul-12-2017, 11:05 PM
    Thread: Matching whole words in find/replace script
Post: RE: Matching whole words in find/replace script

(Jul-10-2017, 07:10 PM)greektranslator Wrote: I use the code below through Notepad++ but I cannot make it match whole words with open('C:/Temp/Substitutions.txt') as f:    for l in f:        s = ...
Ofnuts General Coding Help 4 14,501 Jul-10-2017, 08:39 PM
    Thread: FCC API: addressing unexpected error
Post: RE: FCC API: addressing unexpected error

In Python2 You can convert a sequence of UTF-8 bytes to Unicode. See the codecs module. But your root problem seems to be that the EC2 instance hasn't got the fcc module installed for Python3, and thi...
Ofnuts Data Science 8 6,765 Jun-29-2017, 08:40 PM
    Thread: Help with code to access USB port
Post: RE: Help with code to access USB port

I don't understand how this: serialPort = "dev/ttyUSB" port = 0 while port <= 1: mm = maxSonarTTY.measure(serialPort + str(port))Can make your code reference a variable named serialPort1 (a...
Ofnuts General Coding Help 2 9,088 Jun-27-2017, 09:07 PM
    Thread: How to build this code ??
Post: RE: How to build this code ??

(Jun-27-2017, 12:54 AM)micseydel Wrote: What have you tried? Not LED lights, obviously :)
Ofnuts General Coding Help 11 8,390 Jun-27-2017, 08:38 PM
    Thread: Properly share logger objects
Post: RE: Properly share logger objects

(Jun-26-2017, 10:07 AM)CardBoy Wrote: Hi In python file 1 I have       def main():                    logger = logging.getLogger("pre-commit-logger")            handler = logging.FileHandler(log_...
Ofnuts General Coding Help 2 3,564 Jun-27-2017, 08:33 PM
    Thread: FCC API: addressing unexpected error
Post: RE: FCC API: addressing unexpected error

Bingo!: Trying this (this is your data above): -106.77485461&showall=trueGives: Output:{"Block":{"FIPS":"350...
Ofnuts Data Science 8 6,765 Jun-27-2017, 08:28 PM

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