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    Thread: Python install issue
Post: RE: Python install issue

Did you untar/unzip the downloaded file? Take a look at And take notice that you use altinstall.
woooee General Coding Help 2 233 Oct-03-2024, 02:43 PM
    Thread: Can't stop keyboard listener to grab chars typed inside CTk window
Post: RE: Can't stop keyboard listener to grab chars typ...

Quote: I don't wan(t) any keys typed, while this CTk window is active, to be captured by my keyboard listener. Use an Entry instead of a keylogger and set the state to disabled when you don't want to...
woooee General Coding Help 9 2,233 Sep-24-2023, 08:15 PM
    Thread: Button to stop while loop from another script
Post: RE: Button to stop while loop from another script

Change some variable in script B from True to False You should consider a class structure for this. while (time<maxtime): if not script_b.variable: break
woooee General Coding Help 5 1,626 Sep-24-2023, 08:06 PM
    Thread: Parallel processing - AttributeError: Can't get attribute 'sktimekmeans'
Post: RE: Parallel processing - AttributeError: Can't ge...

from multiprocessing import Process p1 = multiprocessing.Process(target=sktimekmeans) Not sure what this does, but you import Process and try to start multiprocessing.Process. Also. you only start o...
woooee General Coding Help 1 1,207 Jun-22-2023, 02:33 AM
    Thread: tkinter mapview in a frame
Post: RE: tkinter mapview in a frame

map_widget = tkintermapview.TkinterMapView(window, width=800, height=600, corner_radius=0), rely=0.5, anchor=tkinter.CENTER) page1 = Frame(window) page2 = Frame(window) pag...
woooee GUI 2 1,903 Jun-22-2023, 02:10 AM
    Thread: Beginner question re: Tkinter geometry
Post: RE: Beginner question re: Tkinter geometry

This is a job for a Listbox import tkinter as tk def listbox_insert(lb, items): for var in items: lb.insert("end", var) list_a = [1, 2, 3] list_b = [4, 5, 6, 'x', 'y'] list_c = [7, 8, 9...
woooee GUI 3 1,389 Jun-19-2023, 04:58 PM
    Thread: tkinter.TclError
Post: RE: tkinter.TclError

Post some code What you want to destroy obviously doesn't exist
woooee General Coding Help 10 2,802 Jun-12-2023, 12:03 AM
    Thread: Updating Code And Having Issue With Keys
Post: RE: Updating Code And Having Issue With Keys

Try something along the lines of shapes = list(CONTROL_SHAPES.keys())
woooee General Coding Help 8 1,904 May-24-2023, 03:30 AM
    Thread: Why is the program not running? Is there a logical or syntax problem?
Post: RE: Why is the program not running? Is there a log...

rule() returns a float. You output does not include formatting the float import tkinter as tk class Profit: def __init__(self, master): self.master = master master.title("Profit...
woooee GUI 10 2,848 Apr-01-2023, 12:50 AM
    Thread: Set order
Post: RE: Set order

Come on, those are not the same. The two sets that are the same are in the same order. The third set begins with "C" i.e. god and dog are not the same word. And how do you print 3 sets of 3 each wit...
woooee General Coding Help 7 1,785 Jan-09-2023, 06:35 PM
    Thread: Set order
Post: RE: Set order

Quote:but when converting the alphabet as a string to a set it always takes up the same order. Correct. Sets are hashed (look it up), so they are in hash table order. And you possibly want differen...
woooee General Coding Help 7 1,785 Jan-09-2023, 06:08 PM
    Thread: Non-blocking real-time plotting
Post: RE: Non-blocking real-time plotting

You might want to try using a multiprocessing Manager list or dictionary. You can write to it in a process or processes, and can plot from it in another process. This is a simple program that uses a...
woooee General Coding Help 5 5,213 Jan-07-2023, 09:47 PM
    Thread: How to continuously receive messages until specified to stop using Bleak
Post: RE: How to continuously receive messages until spe...

Quote: am trying to make a program that receives data from a bluetooth device Use multipricessing, running this code in a separate process. Quote:until you press a button to make it stop. Wait for ...
woooee General Coding Help 3 2,914 Dec-28-2022, 02:16 AM
    Thread: Trying to add data into a shelf from a submit button
Post: RE: Trying to add data into a shelf from a submit ...

If you want to read from the file as well as write new records, use the writeback=True option.
woooee GUI 8 2,494 Dec-18-2022, 09:21 PM
    Thread: [split] formula for validating monetary values?
Post: RE: [split] formula for validating monetary values...

Look up string formatting. Note that 1000 and 1,000.00 are the same number, they are just formatted differently.
woooee General Coding Help 1 1,058 Dec-17-2022, 09:28 PM
    Thread: Checkbox itens with a button to run action
Post: RE: Checkbox itens with a button to run action

What have you tried so far? You can certainly check the variables to see if one is on or off.
woooee General Coding Help 3 1,305 Dec-16-2022, 06:13 PM
    Thread: Help with python 'not subscriptable' error
Post: RE: Help with python 'not subscriptable' error

I have always used double equal signs WHERE Name == ?
woooee General Coding Help 3 2,958 Dec-16-2022, 05:55 PM
    Thread: Python Tkinter Simple Multithreading Question
Post: RE: Python Tkinter Simple Multithreading Question

Ran fine on my Linux box. Don't have any idea what this means EOFError: Ran out of input
woooee General Coding Help 5 2,294 Dec-14-2022, 10:37 PM
    Thread: Python Tkinter Simple Multithreading Question
Post: RE: Python Tkinter Simple Multithreading Question

There are multiple threads each trying to control the same resource, terminal output, so the results are unpredictable. I use multiprocessing and a Manager (common) list in the cases when I want to d...
woooee General Coding Help 5 2,294 Dec-14-2022, 08:03 PM
    Thread: TypeError: 'float' object is not callable
Post: RE: TypeError: 'float' object is not callable

Which average? def average(message):     global average     average = float(message.text)
woooee General Coding Help 3 2,355 Dec-03-2022, 01:23 AM

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