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Warning regarding instaling pylint in VS Code
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Warning regarding instaling pylint in VS Code
I added ssd to my laptop so had to reinstall windows and everything on it. I first installed VS Code and then python on C in root folder C:\Python38\
So when I installed pylint got this:
WARNING: The script isort.exe is installed in 'C:\Users\Miloš\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\Scripts' which is not on PATH. Consider adding this directory to PATH or, if you prefer to suppress this warning, use --no-warn-script-location. WARNING: The scripts epylint.exe, pylint.exe, pyreverse.exe and symilar.exe are installed in 'C:\Users\Miloš\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\Scripts' which is not on PATH. Consider adding this directory to PATH or, if you prefer to suppress this warning, use --no-warn-script-location.
Not sure how to add this directory to PATH, help is appreciated.
Or maybe I should just install python without choosing folder. Should let python do it. But in that case it will be more complicated to manage files.
It's fine to have the placement C:\Python38\,i always use this short path.
Install a couple linters on command line cmd.
pip install pylint flake8
Then the massage should go away,i always have linter turn off in VS Code.
Can be annoying to have on,only turn of if want a check Python: Select Linter in command palette Disable Linting.
Then the same to turn on for a check.
Look at VS Code from start there i talk about Linters and Formatters eg Black.
Try to use setup there like Code runner this make usage simpler.
I can't even use pip and I remember well that when I was installing python pip was included.
PS C:\Python38> pip install pylint flake8 pip : The term 'pip' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. At line:1 char:1 + pip install pylint flake8 + ~~~ + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
Fix your Environment Variables Path Python 3.8 (3.6-3.7) and pip installation under Windows

In Powershell as you use,it look like this when works 3.8 for you.
Shall work like this from any Path,that's the whole point of setting Environment Variables Path.
PS E:\div_code\home> pip -V
pip 20.0.2 from c:\python37\lib\site-packages\pip (python 3.7)
I used this link to add C:\Python38path but don't understand what to do next.
I also don't understand the code that you added.
There is picture in my install i gave you.
You shall add C:\Python38\ and C:\Python38\Scripts\ folders.
Here for 3.7 just the same for you but 3.8.
[Image: GUgLry.jpg]

Restart Pc.
Now test that if work,just the same for you but 3.8.
Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Try the new cross-platform PowerShell

PS C:\Users\Tom> cd ..
PS C:\Users> cd..

# Test python
PS C:\> python -V
Python 3.7.2

# Test pip
PS C:\> pip -V
pip 19.3.1 from c:\python37\lib\site-packages\pip (python 3.7)
PS C:\>
Thank you. It works!
by the way, I have one more question.
In PowerShell this is automatic path PS C:\Users\Miloš>
Is there a chance that I change it to PS C:\Python38 once for all so that I don't have to do cd\ and cd blabla each time?
Make a shortcut to Powershell,right click Properties and edit the Start In property to your desired path.

You should use cmder(full install with Git for Windows) it's in a completely different league than Powershell/cmd.
Can also go directly to cmder from any path in File Explore.
[Image: kGAwLo.jpg]
Download to a folder eg C:\cmder.
One time setup that important is .\cmder.exe /REGISTER ALL command is done if folder of cmder from command line.
This make a shortcut link to cmder as in image over.
From some reason I don't see Start in property in Properties. I checked all tabs from Options to Terminal.

And I tried to use Jupyter within VS Code but again it can't be located.

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