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Coding improvements
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Coding improvements
I have the following code and I would like it to give results in about 20 seconds. Thanks...

import string
import random
import time

global max_load_factor

max_load_factor = 0.1


def primeGreaterThan2(num):
    while True:
        if num % 2 == 1:
            isPrime = True

            for x in range(3,int(num**0.5),2):
                if num % x == 0:
                    isPrime = False
            if isPrime:
                return num
        num += 1

N = primeGreaterThan2(1000)


arr = [ None for _ in range(N)]


def CreatNewItem():
    days = ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed" , "Thu" , "Fri", "Sat"]

    letters = ['W','X','Z','Y']
    sl = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0','1','2','3','4','5','6']
    for x in letters:
        while True:
            p = random.randint(0,15)
            if sl[p].isdigit():
                sl[p] = x
    s = ''.join(sl)

    d = random.randint(0,5)
    day = days[d]
    money = random.randint(10,100)
    a = [s,day,money]

    return a

def Ηash(key, tablesize):
    sum = 0
    for pos in range(len(key)):
        sum = sum + ord(key[pos])*10**pos
    h = sum % tablesize
    return h

def rehash(oldhash , tablesize):
    rh = ( oldhash + 1 ) % tablesize
    return rh


def put2 (arr,a,N,lenght,collisions):
    if float(lenght)/float(N) >= max_load_factor:
        (arr,N,collisions) = Resize(arr,N,lenght,collisions)

    key = a[0]
    i  = Ηash(key,N)
    j =0 

    while (True):
        if arr[i] is None:
            arr[i] = a
            lenght = lenght + 1
        elif arr[i][0] == key:
            arr[i][2] = arr[i][2] + a[2]
            arr[i][1] = arr[i][1] + a[1]
            if j == 0 :
                collisions = collisions +1 #gia na υπολογιζω τα collition μονο στην πρωτη συγκρουση
                j = 1
            i = rehash(i,N)

    return (lenght,N,arr,collisions ) 


def Resize(arr,N,lenght,collisions):
    N = primeGreaterThan2(2*N)
    collisions = 0
    lenght = 0
    arr2 = [ None for _ in range(N)]
    for p in arr:
        if p is not None:

    return (arr2,N,collisions)
def Find_max_money(arr,N):
    max_money = 0
    for i in range(0,N):
        if arr[i] == None:
        elif arr[i][2] > max_money:
            max_money = arr[i][2]
            key = arr[i][0]
    return (key,max_money)

def Find_most_visits(arr,N):
    max_len = 0
    for i in range(0,N):
        if arr[i] == None:
        elif len(arr[i][1]) > max_len:
            max_len = len(arr[i][1])
            key = arr[i][0]
    visits = int(max_len/3)
    return (key,visits)

def Find_most_visited_day(arr,N):
    days = ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed" , "Thu" , "Fri", "Sat"]
    visits = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
    max_v = 0
    d = 0
    for i in range(0,len(days)):
        for j in range(0,N):
            if arr[j] == None:
                v = arr[j][1].count(days[i])
                visits[i] = visits[i] + v
    for i in range(0,len(visits)):
        if visits[i] > max_v:
            max_v = visits[i]
            d = i
    mday = days[d]


def find_item(arr,N,key):
    hashed_key = Hash(key,N) 
    if arr[hashed_key] is None:
        raise KeyError
    if arr[hashed_key][0] != key:
        original_key = hashed_key
        while arr[hashed_key][0] != key:
            hashed_key = rehash(hashed_key,N)
            if arr[hashed_key] is None:
                raise KeyError
            if hashed_key == original_key:
                raise KeyError
    return hashed_key
def get_item(arr,N,key):
    index = find_item(arr,N,key)
    return arr[index]

l = 0
collisions = 0

print("-----------\n load factor:",max_load_factor)

t0 = time.time()

while i!=1000000:
    b = CreatNewItem()
    (l,N,arr,collisions) = put2(arr,b,N,l,collisions)

t1 = time.time() - t0
print('\ntime is {:0.20f}'.format(t1))

(card,money) = Find_max_money(arr,N)
print("The card with the most money is:",card,"and the money:",money)
(card2,visits) = Find_most_visits(arr,N)
print("The card with the most visits is:",card2,"and the vistits:",visits)
(day,max_visits) = Find_most_visited_day(arr,N)
print("The day with the most visits is:",card2,"and the vistits:",visits)
This is code without any comments, but with bunch of meaningless one letter names and use of global variables.
I doubt anyone in their right minds would put efforts to try and decipher it, what it is doing and why it is not fast as per your expectations.
If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself, Albert Einstein
How to Ask Questions The Smart Way: link and another link
Create MCV example
Debug small programs

You are right. Now with comments.

import string
import random
import time

global max_load_factor

max_load_factor = 0.6


def primeGreaterThan2(num):
    while True:                     #Look for next prime number
        if num % 2 == 1:
            isPrime = True

            for x in range(3,int(num**0.5),2):
                if num % x == 0:
                    isPrime = False
            if isPrime:
                return num
        num += 1

N = primeGreaterThan2(1000)


arr = [ None for _ in range(N)]         #Make list of None elements
                                        #This is the Hash Table


def CreatNewItem():
    days = ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed" , "Thu" , "Fri", "Sat"]

    letters = ['W','X','Z','Y']
    sl = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0','1','2','3','4','5','6']
    for x in letters:
        while True:
            p = random.randint(0,15)    #choose a random seat
            if sl[p].isdigit():         #Check if this seat is 
                sl[p] = x               #Replace number with letter
    s = ''.join(sl)                     #Make list s1 into a string s

    d = random.randint(0,5)             #Choose a random day form list days
    day = days[d]
    money = random.randint(10,100)      #Choose a random nymber for maney
    a = [s,day,money]                   #Combine all those elements into a list

    return a

def Ηash(key, tablesize):           
    sum = 0                             
    for pos in range(len(key)):
        sum = sum + ord(key[pos])*10**pos       #Make a hash code
    h = sum % tablesize
    return h

def rehash(oldhash , tablesize):
    rh = ( oldhash + 1 ) % tablesize            #Make a rehash code in case of collision, linear probing
    return rh 


def put (arr,a,N,lenght,collisions):
    if float(lenght)/float(N) >= max_load_factor:
        (arr,N,collisions) = Resize(arr,N,lenght,collisions)    #Check load factor and call Resize if needed

    key = a[0]              #Name a[0](card) key
    i  = Ηash(key,N)        #Call Hash to make a hash code
    j =0 

    while (True):
        if arr[i] is None:                          #Check if seat arr[i] is None
            arr[i] = a                              #Replace that seat with element a
            lenght = lenght + 1                     #Increase lenght by 1
        elif arr[i][0] == key:                      #If the elemnt a has the same key with seat arr[i]    
            arr[i][2] = arr[i][2] + a[2]            #Add money(a[2])
            arr[i][1] = arr[i][1] + a[1]            #Add day (a[1])
            if j == 0 :                             #Check if this is the 1st collision of this element
                collisions = collisions +1 
                j = 1
            i = rehash(i,N)                         #Call rehash to make a new hash code

    return (lenght,N,arr,collisions ) 


def Resize(arr,N,lenght,collisions):
    N = primeGreaterThan2(2*N)                      #Find the next bigger prime number
    #N=2*N                                          #Double N
    collisions = 0                                  #Set collision to zero
    lenght = 0                                      #Set lenght to zero
    arr2 = [ None for _ in range(N)]                #Make a new list of None elements Thats the bouble size hash table
    for p in arr:                                   #Put elements of arr(old hash table) in the arr2(new hash table)    
        if p is not None:

    return (arr2,N,collisions)                      #Return new hash table
def Find_max_money(arr,N):
    max_money = 0                                   #Maximum amount of money
    for i in range(0,N):                            #For all the elements in arr(hash tsble)                   
        if arr[i] == None:                          #If elements is None continue
        elif arr[i][2] > max_money:                 #If money(arr[i][2]) is bigger than Maximum amount of money       
            max_money = arr[i][2]                   #Change Maximum amount of money
            key = arr[i][0]                         #Keep the key/card
    return (key,max_money)

def Find_most_visits(arr,N):
    max_len = 0                                     #Maximum lenght of string with days
    for i in range(0,N):                            #For all the elements in arr(hash tsble)
        if arr[i] == None:                          #If elements is None continue
        elif len(arr[i][1]) > max_len:              #If days(arr[i][1]) is bigger than Maximum lenght of string with days   
            max_len = len(arr[i][1])                #Change Maximum lenght of string with days
            key = arr[i][0]                         #Keep the key/card
    visits = int(max_len/3)                         #Divide by 3 to find the number of days
    return (key,visits)

def Find_most_visited_day(arr,N):
    days = ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed" , "Thu" , "Fri", "Sat"]         #List of Days
    visits = [0,0,0,0,0,0]                                      #List of visits for each day
    max_v = 0                                                   #Maximum visits
    d = 0                                                       #Position of Day
    for i in range(0,len(days)):                                #For all the days
        for j in range(0,N):                                    #For all the elements in arr(hash tsble)
            if arr[j] == None:                                  #If elements is None continue
                v = arr[j][1].count(days[i])                    #Count the visits of each day
                visits[i] = visits[i] + v                       #Add it in the appropriate seat of visits list
    for i in range(0,len(visits)):                              #For all the elements in visits
        if visits[i] > max_v:                                   #If visits[i] is bigger than Maximum visits
            max_v = visits[i]                                   #Change Maximum visits 
            d = i                                               #Keep position on day
    mday = days[d]                                              #Keep day


def find_item(arr,N,key):
    hashed_key = Ηash(key,N)                                    #Find the hash code for that key
    if arr[hashed_key] is None:                                 #If arr[hashed_key] is None raise error
        raise KeyError
    if arr[hashed_key][0] != key:                               #If arr[hashed_key][0] isn't the one we looking for 
        original_key = hashed_key                               #Keep that possition
        while arr[hashed_key][0] != key:                        #Look until we find what we want
            hashed_key = rehash(hashed_key,N)                   #Find the new hash code
            if arr[hashed_key] is None:                         #If arr[hashed_key] is None raise error
                raise KeyError
            if hashed_key == original_key:                      #If new hsh code is the same with the old raise error
                raise KeyError
    return hashed_key
def get_item(arr,N,key):
    index = find_item(arr,N,key)                                #Keep the results of get_item, that is the position of key in arr(hash table)
    return arr[index]

l = 0                                       #lenght, that is how many elements in arr are not None
collisions = 0                              #The number of collitions

print("-----------\nload factor:",max_load_factor)

t0 = time.time()

while i!=1000000:                                                #Create the data serial
    b = CreatNewItem()
    (l,N,arr,collisions) = put(arr,b,N,l,collisions)             #Put new data in arr(hash table)

t1 = time.time() - t0                                           #Calculate running time
print('\ntime is {:0.20f}'.format(t1))

(card,money) = Find_max_money(arr,N)                                                    #Call Find_max_money to find the card with the maximum amount of money
print("\nThe card with the most money is:",card,"and the money:",money)
c = get_item(arr,N,card)                                                                #Call Find_most_visit to find the card with the maximum amount of visits
(card2,visits) = Find_most_visits(arr,N)                                                
print("\nThe card with the most visits is:",card2,"and the vistits:",visits)
c1 = get_item(arr,N,card2)
(day,max_visits) = Find_most_visited_day(arr,N)                                         #Call Find_most_visited_day to find the day with the maximum amount of visits
print("\nThe day with the most visits is:",day,"and the vistits:",max_visits)

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