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How to find what is causing the unboundlocalerror 'crumb' and invalid syntax error?
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How to find what is causing the unboundlocalerror 'crumb' and invalid syntax error?
I am running a test for cointegration using numpy and pandas library. The codeis written in Python 2 while I am trying to execute the code in Python 3. I am getting 'crum' and invalid syntax errors see below code for detailed input/output. The complete code is available in the link at the end of the post.

This is the code:

import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd

    import statsmodels
    from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import coint
    # just set the seed for the random number generator

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Generate a fake security X and model it’s daily returns by drawing from a normal distribution. Then perform a cumulative sum to get the value of X on each day.

# Generate daily returns
    Xreturns = np.random.normal(0, 1, 100) 
    # sum them and shift all the prices up
    X = pd.Series(np.cumsum(
    Xreturns), name='X') + 50
Generate Y which has deep economic link to X, so price of Y should vary pretty similarly as X.

noise = np.random.normal(0, 1, 100)
    Y = X + 5 + noise = 'Y'
    pd.concat([X, Y], axis=1).plot(figsize=(15,7))
Plot the ratio between the two:

    plt.axhline((Y/X).mean(), color='red', linestyle='--') 
    plt.legend(['Price Ratio', 'Mean'])
# compute the p-value of the cointegration test
    # will inform us as to whether the ratio between the 2 timeseries is stationary
    # around its mean
    score, pvalue, _ = coint(X,Y)
    print (pvalue)
ret1 = np.random.normal(1, 1, 100)
    ret2 = np.random.normal(2, 1, 100)
s1 = pd.Series( np.cumsum(ret1), name='X')
    s2 = pd.Series( np.cumsum(ret2), name='Y')
 pd.concat([s1, s2], axis=1 ).plot(figsize=(15,7))
    print 'Correlation: ' + str(X_diverging.corr(Y_diverging))
    score, pvalue, _ = coint(X_diverging,Y_diverging)
    print 'Cointegration test p-value: ' + str(pvalue)
Error Message:
File "<ipython-input-9-f34a88d80c6a>", line 9
print 'Correlation: ' + str(X_diverging.corr(Y_diverging))
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Y2 = pd.Series(np.random.normal(0, 1, 800), name='Y2') + 20
    Y3 = Y2.copy()
Y3[0:100] = 30
    Y3[100:200] = 10
    Y3[200:300] = 30
    Y3[300:400] = 10
    Y3[400:500] = 30
    Y3[500:600] = 10
    Y3[600:700] = 30
    Y3[700:800] = 10
    plt.ylim([0, 40])
    # correlation is nearly zero
    print 'Correlation: ' + str(Y2.corr(Y3))
    score, pvalue, _ = coint(Y2,Y3)
    print 'Cointegration test p-value: ' + str(pvalue)
Error message:File "<ipython-input-11-63dc43af8155>", line 14
print 'Correlation: ' + str(Y2.corr(Y3))
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

def find_cointegrated_pairs(data):
    n = data.shape[1]
    score_matrix = np.zeros((n, n))
    pvalue_matrix = np.ones((n, n))
    keys = data.keys()
    pairs = []
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(i+1, n):
            S1 = data[keys[i]]
            S2 = data[keys[j]]
            result = coint(S1, S2)
            score = result[0]
            pvalue = result[1]
            score_matrix[i, j] = score
            pvalue_matrix[i, j] = pvalue
            if pvalue < 0.02:
                pairs.append((keys[i], keys[j]))
     return score_matrix, pvalue_matrix, pairs
pip install auquan-toolbox and execute following code snippet:

from backtester.dataSource.yahoo_data_source import YahooStockDataSource
     from datetime import datetime
     startDateStr = '2007/12/01'
     endDateStr = '2017/12/01'
     cachedFolderName = 'yahooData/'
     dataSetId = 'testPairsTrading'
     instrumentIds = ['SPY','AAPL','ADBE','SYMC','EBAY','MSFT','QCOM',
     ds = YahooStockDataSource(cachedFolderName=cachedFolderName,
     data = ds.getBookDataByFeature()['Adj Close']
Error message:File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\backtester\dataSource\", line 25, in getCookieForYahoo
return cookie, crumb # return a tuple of crumb and cookie

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'crumb' referenced before assignment

Complete code and description.

Any help is much appreciated. Thank you.
The syntax errors are because python 3 print statements should be contained in brakets

The code line return cookie, crumb # return a tuple of crumb and cookie shown in the UnboundLocalError does not appear anywhere in the code shown.

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