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Looking for some general advice
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Looking for some general advice
Saw this cool 1985 Home Automation system GUI (Link) and I was thinking about replicating it. I was thinking tkinter, or Css and using python or JavaScript to actually control stuff (time, date, weather?)

Any thoughts on how to go about replicating this (what software would be best to use)
Python and a raspberry pi
Additional info, you can find all kinds of sensors and motors at the following locations:

Seeed Studio
(Jan-28-2022, 09:45 PM)Extra Wrote: Saw this cool 1985 Home Automation system GUI (Link) and I was thinking about replicating it. I was thinking tkinter, or Css and using python or JavaScript to actually control stuff (time, date, weather?)

Any thoughts on how to go about replicating this (what software would be best to use)
There is a lot stuff made for this like eg Home Assistant which is mostly made with Python.
So a common word for this is Internet of Things(IoT),eg Python,Raspberry Pi,Micropython...ect is heavily involved in this.

It's a fine training to build something yourself,don't need a Raspberry Pi can take data from a API eg OpenWeatherMap API
Then use eg Flask and a weather widget, Weather app as help with HTML/CSS setup.
I have a tutorial here using Flask and OpenWeatherMap API.

Web-development(Flask, Django, FastAPI) is what i would use for this as usually get a better and more modern look than GUI can give.
I was helping someone servals years ago with a weather setup in Tkinter,it came out looking somewhat ok.
[Image: DzutnN.png]
Thanks for all the great advice!

I'm defiantly going to stick with a retro look for my G.U.I (because I want a retro-futuristic feel to my project) But it's good to know that there's a lot of software that can help me develop the G.U.I.

I'm looking into Tkinter and html/Css to help me create the GUI, but I'lll definaly check out Flask, Django and FastAPI.

A little side question:
I was playing around with tkinter and I noticed that I couldn't get it quite to full screen (and by full screen I meant I couldn't get rid of the top bar with the "x" & minimize and maximize button).
Will tkinter allow me to get rid of that top bar(I find it annoying and I can't stop focusing on it. I feel like it's going to take away from the GUI)?
(Jan-31-2022, 10:21 PM)Extra Wrote: Will tkinter allow me to get rid of that top bar(I find it annoying and I can't stop focusing on it. I feel like it's going to take away from the GUI)?
This goes full screen on my system.
Code illustration: 8.01
Tkinter GUI Application Development Blueprints

from tkinter import Tk, Canvas, BOTH
from random import randint

class RandomBall:

    def __init__(self, canvas):
        self.canvas = canvas
        self.screen_width = canvas.winfo_screenwidth()
        self.screen_height = canvas.winfo_screenheight()

    def create_ball(self):

    def generate_random_attributes(self):
        self.radius = r = randint(40, 70)
        self.x_coordinate = randint(r, self.screen_width - r)
        self.y_coordinate = randint(r, self.screen_height - r)
        self.x_velocity = randint(6, 12)
        self.y_velocity = randint(6, 12)
        self.color = self.generate_random_color()

    def generate_random_color(self):
        r = lambda: randint(0, 0xffff)
        return '#{:04x}{:04x}{:04x}'.format(r(), r(), r())

    def create_oval(self):
        x1 = self.x_coordinate - self.radius
        y1 = self.y_coordinate - self.radius
        x2 = self.x_coordinate + self.radius
        y2 = self.y_coordinate + self.radius
        self.ball = self.canvas.create_oval(
            x1, y1, x2, y2, fill=self.color, outline=self.color)

    def move_ball(self):
        self.x_coordinate += self.x_velocity
        self.y_coordinate += self.y_velocity
        self.canvas.move(self.ball, self.x_velocity, self.y_velocity)

    def check_screen_bounds(self):
        r = self.radius
        if not r < self.y_coordinate < self.screen_height - r:
            self.y_velocity = -self.y_velocity
        if not r < self.x_coordinate < self.screen_width - r:
            self.x_velocity = -self.x_velocity

class ScreenSaver:

    balls = []

    def __init__(self, number_of_balls):
        self.root = Tk()
        self.number_of_balls = number_of_balls
        self.root.attributes('-fullscreen', True)
        self.root.attributes('-alpha', 0.1)

    def create_screensaver(self):

    def create_canvas(self):
        self.canvas = Canvas(self.root)
        self.canvas.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH)

    def add_balls_to_canvas(self):
        for i in range(self.number_of_balls):

    def quit_on_interaction(self):
        for seq in ('<Any-KeyPress>', '<Any-Button>', '<Motion>'):
            self.root.bind(seq, self.quit_screensaver)

    def animate_balls(self):
        for ball in self.balls:
        self.root.after(30, self.animate_balls)

    def quit_screensaver(self, event):

if __name__ == "__main__":

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