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Can't stop keyboard listener to grab chars typed inside CTk window
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Can't stop keyboard listener to grab chars typed inside CTk window
Hey guys, what I am trying to do is simple, but I don't know what am I doing wrong:

1. I have keyboard class capturing the keystrokes typed in background; I still have variables capturing these keys for further actions.

2. In a moment of my code, I created a Custom Tkinter pop up window when the user can click in a option or select it by typing it's
correspondent number. I don't wanna any keys typed, while this CTk window is active, to be captured by my keyboard listener.

3. So, when I create my window i do this:

class CustomTkinterPopupSelector:
    def __init__(self, options,  key_listener):
        self.key_listener = key_listener  # Store the key_listener instance
        self.key_listener.popup_open = True  # Set the flag when popup is open
        print(f"Debug: Setting popup_open to True in CustomTkinterPopupSelector")  # Debug log
         = False  # Deactivate the key listener

        self.root = ctk.CTk()  # Using customtkinter's CTk instead of tk.Tk

        self.root.withdraw()  # Hide the main window

        self.top_window = ctk.CTkToplevel(self.root)  # Using customtkinter's CTkToplevel
        self.top_window.title("Select Expansion")

        # Make the window modal

         # To capture keypress events and paste the corresponding expansion
        self.top_window.bind('<Key>', lambda event: self.on_key(event, options))

        for i, option in enumerate(options):
            button = ctk.CTkButton(
                text=f"{i + 1}. {option}",
                command=lambda i=i: self.make_selection(i),
                fg_color="orange",  # Set background to orange
                text_color="black",    # Set text to black
                font=ctk.CTkFont(family='Work Sans', size=16),
            button.pack(padx=10, pady=10, anchor='w')  # Left-align buttons

        # Attempt to bring Tkinter window to the foreground

    def bring_window_to_foreground(self):
        hwnd = win32gui.FindWindow(None, "Select Expansion")
        shell = win32com.client.Dispatch("WScript.Shell")
        # Send another Alt key to nullify the activation

    def make_selection(self, index):
        print(f"Debug: make_selection called. Popup open before: {self.key_listener.popup_open}")

        #Stop keyboard listener

        # Wait for a small period to ensure the keyboard listener has fully stopped
        # Explicitly reset last_sequence and typed_keys to avoid capturing keys during popup
        self.key_listener.last_sequence = ""
        self.key_listener.typed_keys = ""

        self.top_window.grab_release()  # Release the grab (modal state)
         # Add a small delay here
        time.sleep(0.1)  # You can adjust the duration

        # Explicitly call paste_expansion here to test
        selected_expansion_data = self.key_listener.expansions_list[index]

        time.sleep(0.1)  # Add a slight delay
        #self.key_listener.popup_open = False  # Reset the flag when popup is closed

        print(f"Debug: make_selection called. Popup open after: {self.key_listener.popup_open}")

    def on_key(self, event, options):
            index = int(event.char) - 1  # Convert to integer and 0-based index
            if 0 <= index < len(options):
                self.key_listener.popup_open = True  # Use self.key_listener to access the instance variable
        except ValueError:
            pass  # Ignore non-integer keypress
The problem is that my main function to verify key presses is set to verify is the pop-up window is open or not. However is not working as after I typed the number, for instance "2", the option is pasted correctly but the number "2" is added to my variables and I dont wanna it., so I made this check:
def on_key_press(self, event):
        print(f"Debug: Checking popup_open in on_key_press: {self.popup_open}")  # Debug log
        if self.programmatically_typing or self.popup_open == True:  # Skip if we are programmatically typing or popup is open
I unhook the keyboard when the window is called, set the flag to open, and whatever I do, the any key I press inside the pop-up window is added to the variables after the code pastes the expansion. I need empty variables after that. When I just click the option everything works fine. Can someone give me a clue of whats going on here? What am I not stopping the keyboard to record the key presses inside the pop-up window?
(Sep-23-2023, 03:16 PM)Valjean Wrote: Hey guys, what I am trying to do is simple, but I don't know what am I doing wrong:

1. I have keyboard class capturing the keystrokes typed in background; I still have variables capturing these keys for further actions.

2. In a moment of my code, I created a Custom Tkinter pop up window when the user can click in a option or select it by typing it's
correspondent number. I don't wanna any keys typed, while this CTk window is active, to be captured by my keyboard listener.

3. So, when I create my window i do this:

class CustomTkinterPopupSelector:
    def __init__(self, options,  key_listener):
        self.key_listener = key_listener  # Store the key_listener instance
        self.key_listener.popup_open = True  # Set the flag when popup is open
        print(f"Debug: Setting popup_open to True in CustomTkinterPopupSelector")  # Debug log
         = False  # Deactivate the key listener

        self.root = ctk.CTk()  # Using customtkinter's CTk instead of tk.Tk

        self.root.withdraw()  # Hide the main window

        self.top_window = ctk.CTkToplevel(self.root)  # Using customtkinter's CTkToplevel
        self.top_window.title("Select Expansion")

        # Make the window modal

         # To capture keypress events and paste the corresponding expansion
        self.top_window.bind('<Key>', lambda event: self.on_key(event, options))

        for i, option in enumerate(options):
            button = ctk.CTkButton(
                text=f"{i + 1}. {option}",
                command=lambda i=i: self.make_selection(i),
                fg_color="orange",  # Set background to orange
                text_color="black",    # Set text to black
                font=ctk.CTkFont(family='Work Sans', size=16),
            button.pack(padx=10, pady=10, anchor='w')  # Left-align buttons

        # Attempt to bring Tkinter window to the foreground

    def bring_window_to_foreground(self):
        hwnd = win32gui.FindWindow(None, "Select Expansion")
        shell = win32com.client.Dispatch("WScript.Shell")
        # Send another Alt key to nullify the activation

    def make_selection(self, index):
        print(f"Debug: make_selection called. Popup open before: {self.key_listener.popup_open}")

        #Stop keyboard listener

        # Wait for a small period to ensure the keyboard listener has fully stopped
        # Explicitly reset last_sequence and typed_keys to avoid capturing keys during popup
        self.key_listener.last_sequence = ""
        self.key_listener.typed_keys = ""

        self.top_window.grab_release()  # Release the grab (modal state)
         # Add a small delay here
        time.sleep(0.1)  # You can adjust the duration

        # Explicitly call paste_expansion here to test
        selected_expansion_data = self.key_listener.expansions_list[index]

        time.sleep(0.1)  # Add a slight delay
        #self.key_listener.popup_open = False  # Reset the flag when popup is closed

        print(f"Debug: make_selection called. Popup open after: {self.key_listener.popup_open}")

    def on_key(self, event, options):
            index = int(event.char) - 1  # Convert to integer and 0-based index
            if 0 <= index < len(options):
                self.key_listener.popup_open = True  # Use self.key_listener to access the instance variable
        except ValueError:
            pass  # Ignore non-integer keypress
The problem is that my main function to verify key presses is set to verify is the pop-up window is open or not. However is not working as after I typed the number, for instance "2", the option is pasted correctly but the number "2" is added to my variables and I dont wanna it., so I made this check:
def on_key_press(self, event):
        print(f"Debug: Checking popup_open in on_key_press: {self.popup_open}")  # Debug log
        if self.programmatically_typing or self.popup_open == True:  # Skip if we are programmatically typing or popup is open
I unhook the keyboard when the window is called, set the flag to open, and whatever I do, the any key I press inside the pop-up window is added to the variables after the code pastes the expansion. I need empty variables after that. When I just click the option everything works fine. Can someone give me a clue of whats going on here? What am I not stopping the keyboard to record the key presses inside the pop-up window?

Analyzing deeper the question, after hours spent, I guess is a question of nature of the keyboard library or tkinter, because no matter what flag I set, no matter when I hook or unhook the listener, the pop-up window stops the code execution, and everything I type when the pop-up window is active is somehow saved in a buffer and restored into the variables after the window is destroyed. Adding this information, I hope someone how knows more about the keyboard library and tkinter (or customTkinter) can light my way...
Where is the key listener? How do you expect help understanding why the tkinter windows doesn't cooperate with the key listener when you don't show the key listener being made or the tkinter window being created.
(Sep-24-2023, 04:35 AM)deanhystad Wrote: Where is the key listener? How do you expect help understanding why the tkinter windows doesn't cooperate with the key listener when you don't show the key listener being made or the tkinter window being created.

Sorry, I am new to programming. The custom tkinter window is called here, using the constructor of my previous message:

# Multiple Expansions
        if len(expansions_list) > 1:
            self.expansions_list = expansions_list  # Store the expansions list

           [b] popup_selector = CustomTkinterPopupSelector(
                [exp["expansion"] for exp in expansions_list], self

        # One expansion
        elif len(expansions_list) == 1:  # Handling single expansion
            print("Debug: Single expansion detected.")  # Debugging line
            expansion_data = expansions_list[0]
                expansion_data["expansion"], format_value=expansion_data["format_value"]
The key listener is the keyboard library. I just imported it. As I read, it creates its own thread. Then, in my I call on_key_press function, that i registered here in the constructor of my Keylistener class :
 keyboard.on_press(lambda e: self.on_key_press(e))
to colelct the key presses:

 def on_key_press(self, event):
            f"Debug: Checking popup_open in on_key_press: {self.popup_open}"
        )  # Debug log
        if (
            self.programmatically_typing or self.popup_open == True
        ):  # Skip if we are programmatically typing or popup is open

            "on_key_press called"
        )  # Debugging: Changed from on_key_release to on_key_press
        key =
            f"Key pressed: {key}"
        )  # Debugging: Changed from Key released to Key pressed

        # Initialize variables to None at the start of the function
        expansion = None
        format_value = None
        self.requires_delimiter = None
        self.delimiters = None

        start_time = time.time()

        # Initialize self.last_sequence if not already done
        if not hasattr(self, "last_sequence"):
            self.last_sequence = ""

        if (
            or self.shift_pressed
            or self.alt_pressed
            or self.winkey_pressed

        # CTRL
        if key == "ctrl":
            self.ctrl_pressed = False

        # Shift KEY
        elif key == "shift":
            self.shift_pressed = False

        # ALT
        elif key == "alt":
            self.alt_pressed = False

        # WINKEY
        elif key == "cmd":
            self.winkey_pressed = False

        # Ignore 'enter' when self.typed_keys is empty
        if key == "enter" or (key == "space" and not self.typed_keys):

        if key not in self.omitted_keys:
            if self.shift_pressed:
                char = key.upper()  # Convert to upper case if Shift is pressed
                self.shift_pressed = False  # Reset the flag immediately after use
                char = key

            self.handle_accents(char)  # Handle accents

            print(f"Self Typed Keys:__ {self.typed_keys}")
            print(f"Last Sequence:__ {self.last_sequence}")

        else:  # Key is in omitted_keys
            if key == "backspace":
                self.typed_keys = self.typed_keys[:-1]
                self.last_sequence = self.last_sequence[:-1]  # Update last_sequence

            elif key == "space":
                self.typed_keys += " "
                self.last_sequence = ""  # Clear last_sequence

            elif key == "enter":  # Handling the "Enter" key
                self.typed_keys += "\n"  # Add newline to last_typed_keys
                self.last_sequence = ""  # Clear last_sequence

            self.last_key = key

            if key not in self.omitted_keys:
                if key == "space":
                    # Tokenize the sentence into words
                    words = word_tokenize(self.typed_keys)

                    # Get the last word
                    last_word = words[-1]

        except Exception as e:
            logging.error(f"Error in on_key_release: {e}")

        end_time = time.time()
        elapsed_time = end_time - start_time"on_key_release processing took {elapsed_time:.2f} seconds")
Let me know if it helps. Thanks
Please post the code for the keypad listener. My guess is the tkinter mainloop() blocks the listener, but I have no way of knowing that from the code you have posted.

I really don't care about the tkinter window. tkinter or custom tkinter all work the same. Create the root. Populate with widgets. Call mainloop(). Block program until root window is deleted. I do find it odd that you hide the root window. Why are you creating a toplevel window instead of using root?
Valjean likes this post
(Sep-24-2023, 01:03 PM)deanhystad Wrote: Please post the code for the keypad listener. My guess is the tkinter mainloop() blocks the listener, but I have no way of knowing that from the code you have posted.

I really don't care about the tkinter window. tkinter or custom tkinter all work the same. Create the root. Populate with widgets. Call mainloop(). Block program until root window is deleted. I do find it odd that you hide the root window. Why are you creating a toplevel window instead of using root?

Quote:First, I am using chatGPT for helping me starting the code: here what I got after raising your questions:

Your code is built on top of CustomTkinter, a custom tkinter wrapper. You're using the ctk.CTk() for the root window and ctk.CTkToplevel() for the top-level window. You also make use of the bring_window_to_foreground function to attempt to bring the tkinter window to the foreground.

The keypresses might be getting recorded while tkinter is active due to how the tkinter main event loop (mainloop()) and the keyboard listener are interacting. If the tkinter main loop is blocking the event loop of your keyboard listener, then they won't work well together.

Here are some points to consider:

Why Use Top-level Window?: You asked why a top-level window is used instead of the root window. Using a top-level window allows for the root window to remain hidden, making it easier to show/hide the popup without affecting other parts of the GUI. It's a common practice when building tkinter applications.

Keypad Listener: You mentioned you found an answer online suggesting the mainloop() might be blocking the keyboard listener. Yes, that could be the issue. It's hard to say without seeing how you've implemented the keyboard listener. You might want to look into running the keyboard listener in a separate thread.

I dont have a separate keypad function. All my keypresses are recorded in on_key_press function.

I am almost sure that tkinter mainloop is blocking the keyboard listener. As I said, keyboard library already creates its own thread. So maybe keyboard and tkinter are in the same thread, I dont understand it yet very well. In the end, I just wanna a simple popup (focused ---that's hard to do when your main app is not on focus (I am typing my texts in Notepad)) that when active, stops my keyboard listener, and after destroyed resumes it. It maybe tkinter or any other library. The way is is now, everything I type while the tkinter pop up is active is being captured ny the keyboard listener and then restored back to the variables after the tkinter window is closed.
Quote:I dont have a separate keypad function. All my keypresses are recorded in on_key_press function.
There must be some code that you are running to make python listen for key presses. What package are you using to listen? It probably has it's own version of mainloop() that runs until your ok_key_press function does something to stop it.
Quote: I don't wan(t) any keys typed, while this CTk window is active, to be captured by my keyboard listener.
Use an Entry instead of a keylogger and set the state to disabled when you don't want to capture input.
I changed some code and hope what I write here is helpful:

I have a main window in pywebview and I start it this way (resumed code):

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------CREATE WINDOW

    def create_and_position_window(self):
        monitor = get_monitors()[0]
        screen_width = monitor.width
        screen_height = monitor.height
        pos_x = (screen_width - WINDOW_WIDTH) // 2
        pos_y = (screen_height - WINDOW_HEIGHT) // 2

        self.window = webview.create_window(
            min_size=(screen_width // 2, WINDOW_HEIGHT),


        window = get_window()

        if window:
            window.moveTo(pos_x, pos_y)


    def call_load_handler_after_delay(self):

# Define a function to handle triggering the popup
def handle_popup_trigger(api_instance):
    while True:
        # Fetch the options from api_instance.listener_instance.expansions_list
        options = api_instance.listener_instance.expansions_list
        # Show the Tkinter popup here by instantiating CustomTkinterPopupSelector
        popup = CustomTkinterPopupSelector(options, api_instance.listener_instance)

def get_window():
    windows = gw.getWindowsWithTitle(WINDOW_TITLE)
    return windows[0] if windows else None

def load_handler(window):

def start_app(api_instance):
    trigger_event = threading.Event()  # Create an Event object
    key_listener = KeyListener(api_instance, trigger_event)  # Pass the Event object
    key_listener.start_listener()  # Assuming you have a start_listener method in KeyListener

def start_webview(api_instance):
        start_app(api_instance)  # Pass the api_instance here
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"An error occurred: {e}")

# Moved this block into a main block to control execution flow
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Initialize the Api class
    api = Api()

# Start the function in a separate thread
    popup_thread = Thread(target=handle_popup_trigger, args=(api,))  # <-- Add this line
    popup_thread.start()  # <-- Add this line

    # Initialize and start the webview in the main thread
I started my keyboard listener (keyboard library) in main thread. Then I have this file code for the keyboard listener:

class KeyListener:

    def __init__(self, api, trigger_event):  # <-- Add a trigger_event parameter

        self.popup_closed_event = threading.Event()  # Add this line

        self.trigger_event = trigger_event  # <-- Store the Event object


        self.popup_open = False  # Initialize the flag here as False
        print(f"Debug: Initializing popup_open to False in KeyListener")  # Debug log

        self.expansions_list = []  # Define the expansions_list

        keyboard.on_press(lambda e: self.on_key_press(e))
        keyboard.on_release(lambda e: self.on_key_release(e))

        self.programmatically_typing = False  # Initialize the flag here

        self.last_word = ""  # Initialize last_word
        self.word_buffer = deque([], maxlen=50)  # Initialize with an empty deque

        self.ctrl_pressed = False
        self.shift_pressed = False
        self.alt_pressed = False
        self.winkey_pressed = False

        self.api = api

        self.key_to_str_map = {
            "": "space",
            "Key.enter": "enter",
            # Add more if needed

        self.requires_delimiter = None
        self.delimiters = None

        self.accent = False
        self.last_key = None
        self.typed_keys = ""

        self.resetting_keys = set(["space"])

    def stop_listener(self):
        print ("Stopping listener...")

    def start_listener(self):
        print ("Starting listener...")
        keyboard.on_press(lambda e: self.on_key_press(e))
        keyboard.on_release(lambda e: self.on_key_release(e))


    def paste_expansion(self, expansion, format_value):
            f"Debug: paste_expansion called with expansion: {expansion}, format_value: {format_value}"
        self.programmatically_typing = True  # Set the flag

        keyboard.press_and_release("left arrow")

        if expansion is not None:
            format_value = int(format_value)

            if format_value == 0:
                print("Debug: Using REGULAR clipboard.")
                dirty_HTML = expansion  # Your variable
                html_clipboard.PutHtml(dirty_HTML)  # Your logic
                print("Debug: Using HTML clipboard.")

            # Now paste

        self.programmatically_typing = False  # Reset the flag

        # Remove the last incorrect word from self.typed_keys
        self.typed_keys = self.typed_keys.rstrip(self.last_word)

        # Add the corrected word
        self.typed_keys += expansion + " "

        self.last_word = expansion  # Update the last word to the new expanded word
        self.word_buffer.append(expansion)  # Add the expanded word to the buffer

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def lookup_and_expand(self, sequence):
        hardcoded_suffixes = {
            "çao": ("ção", r"(?<![ã])\bçao\b"),
            "mn": ("mento", r".mn"),
            "ao": ("ão", r".ao"),

        words = word_tokenize(sequence)
        if words:
            last_word = words[-1]

        for i in range(len(last_word) - 1, -1, -1):
            suffix = last_word[i:]
            if suffix in hardcoded_suffixes:
                expansion, regex_pattern = hardcoded_suffixes[suffix]
                if, last_word):
                    prefix = last_word[:i]
                    expansion = prefix + expansion

                    if self.typed_keys.endswith(last_word + " "):
                        self.typed_keys = self.typed_keys[: -len(last_word) - 1]
                    elif self.typed_keys.endswith(last_word):
                        self.typed_keys = self.typed_keys[: -len(last_word)]

                    if self.word_buffer and self.word_buffer[-1] == last_word:

                    self.paste_expansion(expansion, format_value=0)

        expansions_list = []
            expansions_list = lookup_word_in_all_databases(sequence)
        except ValueError:
            print("Not enough values returned from lookup 
################################################################################################ Multiple Expansions
        if len(expansions_list) > 1:
            if len(expansions_list) > 1:
                self.expansions_list = expansions_list  # Store the expansions list

                self.stop_listener()  # Stop the listener here

                self.popup_closed_event.clear()  # Clear the event
                self.trigger_event.set()  # Signal the main thread to show the popup

                # Wait for popup to close
                self.popup_closed_event.wait()  # Assuming you have a threading.Event() for this

                self.start_listener()  # Start the listener again

        ################################################################################################### One expansion
        elif len(expansions_list) == 1:  # Handling single expansion
            print("Debug: Single expansion detected.")  # Debugging line
            expansion_data = expansions_list[0]
                expansion_data["expansion"], format_value=expansion_data["format_value"]

            ) = lookup_word_in_all_databases(sequence)

        except ValueError:
            print("Not enough values returned from lookup")
            expansion = format_value = self.requires_delimiter = self.delimiters = None

        if self.requires_delimiter == "yes":
            delimiter_list = [item.strip() for item in self.delimiters.split(",")]
            key_str = self.key_to_str_map.get(str(self.last_key), str(self.last_key))
            if key_str in delimiter_list:
                if expansion is not None:
                    self.paste_expansion(expansion, format_value=format_value)
                    self.typed_keys = ""

        elif self.requires_delimiter == "no":
            if expansion is not None:
                self.paste_expansion(expansion, format_value=format_value)
                self.typed_keys = ""


    def on_key_press(self, event):
            f"Debug: Checking popup_open in on_key_press: {self.popup_open}"
        )  # Debug log
        if (
            self.programmatically_typing or self.popup_open == True
        ):  # Skip if we are programmatically typing or popup is open

            "on_key_press called"
        )  # Debugging: Changed from on_key_release to on_key_press
        key =
            f"Key pressed: {key}"
        )  # Debugging: Changed from Key released to Key pressed

        # Initialize variables to None at the start of the function
        expansion = None
        format_value = None
        self.requires_delimiter = None
        self.delimiters = None

        start_time = time.time()

        # Initialize self.last_sequence if not already done
        if not hasattr(self, "last_sequence"):
            self.last_sequence = ""

        if (
            or self.shift_pressed
            or self.alt_pressed
            or self.winkey_pressed

        # CTRL
        if key == "ctrl":
            self.ctrl_pressed = False

        # Shift KEY
        elif key == "shift":
            self.shift_pressed = False

        # ALT
        elif key == "alt":
            self.alt_pressed = False

        # WINKEY
        elif key == "cmd":
            self.winkey_pressed = False

        # Ignore 'enter' when self.typed_keys is empty
        if key == "enter" or (key == "space" and not self.typed_keys):

        if key not in self.omitted_keys:
            if self.shift_pressed:
                char = key.upper()  # Convert to upper case if Shift is pressed
                self.shift_pressed = False  # Reset the flag immediately after use
                char = key

            self.handle_accents(char)  # Handle accents

            print(f"Self Typed Keys:__ {self.typed_keys}")
            print(f"Last Sequence:__ {self.last_sequence}")

        else:  # Key is in omitted_keys
            if key == "backspace":
                self.typed_keys = self.typed_keys[:-1]
                self.last_sequence = self.last_sequence[:-1]  # Update last_sequence

            elif key == "space":
                self.typed_keys += " "
                self.last_sequence = ""  # Clear last_sequence

            elif key == "enter":  # Handling the "Enter" key
                self.typed_keys += "\n"  # Add newline to last_typed_keys
                self.last_sequence = ""  # Clear last_sequence

                # ---------------------------------------WORDS--------------------------------
                # Tokenize the sentence into words
                words = word_tokenize(self.typed_keys)
                # Get the last word
                last_word = words[-1]

                self.fix_double_caps(last_word)  # Call fix_double_caps here

                # --------------------------------------SENTENCES-----------------------------
                # Sentence Tokenization
                sentences = sent_tokenize(self.typed_keys)
                last_sentence = sentences[-1] if sentences else ""

                # ---------------------------------------ENTITIES--------------------------------
                # Tokenization
                tokens = word_tokenize(
                )  # Make sure self.typed_keys is a string
                tags = pos_tag(tokens)
                entities = ne_chunk(tags)

                # ---------------------------------------COLLECT DATA
                # Call the new method here

                # --------------------------------PRINTS--------------------------------
                print(f"Entities = {entities}")

                print(f"Sentence List= {sentences}")
                print(f"Last Sentence = {last_sentence}")

                print(f"Words List= {words}")
                print(f"Last Word= {last_word}")

            self.last_key = key

            if key not in self.omitted_keys:
                if key == "space":
                    # Tokenize the sentence into words
                    words = word_tokenize(self.typed_keys)

                    # Get the last word
                    last_word = words[-1]

        except Exception as e:
            logging.error(f"Error in on_key_release: {e}")

        end_time = time.time()
        elapsed_time = end_time - start_time"on_key_release processing took {elapsed_time:.2f} seconds")
and this code for the popup window (tkinter)

class CustomTkinterPopupSelector:
    def __init__(self, options,  key_listener):
        self.key_listener = key_listener  # Store the key_listener instance
        self.key_listener.popup_open = True  # Set the flag when popup is open
        print(f"Debug: Setting popup_open to True in CustomTkinterPopupSelector")  # Debug log

        self.root = ctk.CTk()  # Using customtkinter's CTk instead of tk.Tk

        self.root.withdraw()  # Hide the main window

        self.top_window = ctk.CTkToplevel(self.root)  # Using customtkinter's CTkToplevel
        self.top_window.title("Select Expansion")

        # Make the window modal

         # To capture keypress events and paste the corresponding expansion
        self.top_window.bind('<Key>', lambda event: self.on_key(event, options))

        for i, option in enumerate(options):
            button = ctk.CTkButton(
                text=f"{i + 1}. {option}",
                command=lambda i=i: self.make_selection(i),
                fg_color="orange",  # Set background to orange
                text_color="black",    # Set text to black
                font=ctk.CTkFont(family='Work Sans', size=16),
            button.pack(padx=10, pady=10, anchor='w')  # Left-align buttons

        # Attempt to bring Tkinter window to the foreground

    def bring_window_to_foreground(self):
        hwnd = win32gui.FindWindow(None, "Select Expansion")
        shell = win32com.client.Dispatch("WScript.Shell")
        # Send another Alt key to nullify the activation

    def make_selection(self, index):
        print(f"Debug: make_selection called. Popup open before: {self.key_listener.popup_open}")

        # Explicitly reset last_sequence and typed_keys to avoid capturing keys during popup
        self.key_listener.last_sequence = ""
        self.key_listener.typed_keys = ""

        self.top_window.grab_release()  # Release the grab (modal state)
         # Add a small delay here
        time.sleep(0.1)  # You can adjust the duration

        # Explicitly call paste_expansion here to test
        selected_expansion_data = self.key_listener.expansions_list[index]

        time.sleep(0.1)  # Add a slight delay
        #self.key_listener.popup_open = False  # Reset the flag when popup is closed
        self.key_listener.popup_open = False  # Reset the flag when popup is closed

        print(f"Debug: make_selection called. Popup open after: {self.key_listener.popup_open}")

    def on_key(self, event, options):
            index = int(event.char) - 1  # Convert to integer and 0-based index
            if 0 <= index < len(options):
                self.key_listener.popup_open = True  # Use self.key_listener to access the instance variable
        except ValueError:
            pass  # Ignore non-integer keypress
Resuming.. the popup is called, but as soon as I choose an option, the keyboard stops but wont restart, unless I close the app, I see then the message starting listener showing...

this is my print:

Last Sequence:__ ce3
Debug: Initializing popup_open to False in KeyListener
Stopping listener...
Debug: Setting popup_open to True in CustomTkinterPopupSelector
Debug: make_selection called. Popup open before: True
Debug: paste_expansion called with expansion: Art. 3º Qualquer cidadão pode pretender investidura em cargo eletivo, respeitadas as condições constitucionais e legais de elegibilidade e incompatibilidade., format_value: 0
Debug: Using REGULAR clipboard.
Debug: make_selection called. Popup open after: False

I dont know is something with the unhooking and rehooking, threads... I dont know :(
Was there something in your log file that you did not expect?

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