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Python and pandas: Aggregate lines form Excel sheet
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Python and pandas: Aggregate lines form Excel sheet
(Oct-18-2023, 06:02 AM)Pedroski55 Wrote: Hab grad Besuch aus Deutschland, nicht so viel Zeit diese Woche, but if you are happy with the pattern of collecting the various patterns for deposit, withdrawal and order, I will "amalgamate" the rows to a very small XL.

I have inserted the snippet and I think it is working as intended now.
The outcome (for now) is only one line, but as I understand the code, this is (for now) intended.

I am eager to see the next steps and it is really impressive what can be archived if you know python.

Before you provided me with the code to make the script actually working for me, you asked me to provide feedback if the script collects data as intended (at least that is what I understood).
I am not shure I am able to answer your question as the result is (until now) just one line.
So just to clarify and preserve you from spending time for helping me and me possibly not being able to communicate what I would like to archive in english, it might be allowed to ask if you are a native german speaker. If so, I could perhaps articulate my goals better via a private message.

Ich wünsche Dir/Ihnen eine gute Zeit mit dem Besuch aus Deutschland.
Please take your time, I am in no hurry, so it's not urgent at all. I will have a look every other day and will try if I can complete the code with ChatGPTs help and will update this thread as I make progress or not if that is okay with you.

Viele Grüße
Hey there... I managed to solve most of my problems in the meantime....

Thanks you very much for your ideas that were very helpful to get started!

My German visitors left on Sunday, so I finally had time to look at your Excel properly.

I extracted the data to another Excel file with 3 sheets: deposit, withdraw and order.

I only used openpyxl, I am not very familiar with pandas.

Anyway, this may give you some ideas. Just change the paths for the sourceFile and the targetFile, then you can try myApp() in your IDE.

I use Python's Idle shell. This worked for me, but I would like to try it with a longer sourceFile, see it there are any problems.

I don't like the idea of adding all the comments, so I just overwrote with the comment from the latest row.

def myApp():
    import openpyxl
    # the 5 imports below can help you format cells in openpyxl for this I only need get_column_letter
    # check the documentation online
    #from openpyxl.styles import PatternFill
    #from openpyxl.styles import Font
    from openpyxl.utils import get_column_letter
    #from openpyxl.styles import Alignment
    #from openpyxl.worksheet.dimensions import ColumnDimension, DimensionHolder

    # set the paths
    # openpyxl.load_workbook(filename = path2file, data_only=True)
    path2file = '/home/pedro/myPython/openpyxl/xlsx_files/Beispieltabelle.xlsx'
    savepath = '/home/pedro/myPython/openpyxl/xlsx_files/condensed_Beispieltabelle.xlsx'
    dtypes = ['deposit', 'withdraw', 'order']
    for d in dtypes:
        print('These are the data types we are looking at:', d)

    # setColumn_width(afile, asheet, path)
    # setColumn_width(targetFile, dtype, savepath)
    # a function to set the sizes the cells of your worksheet to the length of the max cell size + 6
    # asheet = your current worksheet
    # dims is a dictionary
    # do this last when everything is done
    def setColumn_width(afile, asheet, path):
        print(f'Setting the column widths for: {path} and sheet: {asheet} ... ')
        # set the active sheet, in case there is more than 1 sheet = afile[asheet]
        dims = {}
        for row in
            for cell in row:
                if cell.value:
                    # dims.get(cell.column_letter, 0) returns 0 if there is nothing in cell.column_letter
                    dims[cell.column_letter] = max((dims.get(cell.column_letter, 0), len(str(cell.value))))
                # in case of empty cells
                    dims[cell.column_letter] = 6
        # set the width a little wider than the content            
        for col, value in dims.items():
  [col].width = value + 6 

    # the function criterion1(rowNum) is True if column R, i.e. column 18 is False
    # some problem with openpyxl and the Excel formula =FALSE() workaround by using the string '=FALSE()'
    # using: sourceFile = openpyxl.load_workbook(filename = path2file, data_only=True) didn't seem to help
    # first row is headers so start at 2
    # maxRow + 1 or you won't get the last row
    def criterion1(rowNum, type_wanted):
        if sourceFile[mysheet].cell(row=rowNum, column=2).value == type_wanted and sourceFile[mysheet].cell(row=rowNum, column=18).value == '=FALSE()':
            return True
    # get the source XL
    sourceFile = openpyxl.load_workbook(path2file)
    #sourceFile = openpyxl.load_workbook(filename = path2file, data_only=True)
    sourceFilesheets = sourceFile.sheetnames
    # show the available sheets
    for sheet in sourceFilesheets:
        print('These are the sheets:', sheet)
    # get the sheet you want to process
    mysheet = input('What sheet do you want to process? Copy and paste the sheet name ... ')
    # set the active sheet, in case there is more than 1 sheet = sourceFile[mysheet]
    #ss =
    # get the maximum row and column numbers for later loops
    smaxRow = sourceFile[mysheet].max_row
    smaxCol = sourceFile[mysheet].max_column
    print(f'Sheet {mysheet} has {smaxRow} rows and {smaxCol} columns')

    # make a file to take the data you extract
    # targetFile = openpyxl.load_workbook(savepath)
    targetFile = openpyxl.Workbook()

    # make a sheet for each dtype
    for dt in dtypes:
    # a new workbook starts with a sheet called Sheet, remove it    
    targetFilesheets = targetFile.sheetnames
    # just checking that everything is OK
    for t in targetFile.sheetnames:
        print('The target file has the following sheets:', t)

    # make a dictionary to take the column numbers and names
    # this may be useful later to remind yourself of what is happening
    column_numbers_names = {dtype: [] for dtype in dtypes}
    # need a loop here to go through the dtypes and put the relevant headers in the correct targetFile sheets
    for dtype in dtypes:
        count = 0
        for rowNum in range(2, smaxRow + 1):
            if sourceFile[mysheet].cell(row=rowNum, column=2).value == dtype:
                count +=1
        print(f'The type {dtype} is present {count} times in {path2file}')
        # get a list of tuples of format (column number, column name) from the sourceFile
        # need an if clause here for withdrawals and orders: later, do deposits first
        if dtype == 'deposit':
            for colNum in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17]:
                # write the column headers to the target file
                data1 = sourceFile[mysheet].cell(row=1, column=colNum).value
                # save the column_numbers_names for later
                column_numbers_names[dtype].append((colNum, data1))
                # put the headers in the target file
                if colNum > 5:
                    targetFile[dtype].cell(row=1, column=colNum - 6).value=data1
                    targetFile[dtype].cell(row=1, column=colNum).value=data1
        elif dtype == 'withdraw':
            for colNum in [1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17]:
                # write the column headers to the target file
                data1 = sourceFile[mysheet].cell(row=1, column=colNum).value
                # save the column_numbers_names for later
                column_numbers_names[dtype].append((colNum, data1))
                # put the headers in the target file
                if colNum > 2:
                    targetFile[dtype].cell(row=1, column=colNum - 3).value=data1
                    targetFile[dtype].cell(row=1, column=colNum).value=data1
        elif dtype == 'order':
            for colNum in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17]:
                # write the column headers to the target file
                data1 = sourceFile[mysheet].cell(row=1, column=colNum).value
                # save the column_numbers_names for later
                column_numbers_names[dtype].append((colNum, data1))
                # put the headers in the target file
                if colNum > 11:
                    targetFile[dtype].cell(row=1, column=colNum - 1).value=data1
                    targetFile[dtype].cell(row=1, column=colNum).value=data1    

    # have a look at column_numbers_names any time you need to
    # just run showColumn_data()
    def showColumn_data(sheet):
        print(f'These are the column numbers and headers from the source file copied to the target file sheet: {sheet}')
        for tup in column_numbers_names[sheet]:

    # remind yourself of the column numbers and names
    for dt in dtypes:
    # save the basic file and have a look

    # for each type  in dtypesget a list of unique patterns
    # boughtCurrency, boughtCurrencyId, or soldCurrency, soldCurrencyId, feeCurrency, feeCurrencyId, classification, location, area  as lists    
    type_dict = {dt: [] for dt in dtypes}
    for dt in dtypes:
        # column 4 = boughtCurrency, col 5 = boughtCurrencyId, col 12 = classification, col 13 = location, col 14 = area
        # sourceFile columns 3, 6 and 9 are the numerical values we are interested in. They should be added later
        if dt == 'deposit':
            for rowNum in range(2, smaxRow + 1):
                # if column 18, isIgnored is not FALSE go to the next row
                if not criterion1(rowNum, dt):
                mylist = [sourceFile[mysheet].cell(row=rowNum, column=t).value for t in [4, 5, 12, 13, 14]]    
                # check that this list is not already in deposit_list
                if not mylist in type_dict[dt]:
        if dt == 'withdraw':
            for rowNum in range(2, smaxRow + 1):
                # if column 18, isIgnored is not FALSE go to the next row
                if not criterion1(rowNum, dt):
                mylist = [sourceFile[mysheet].cell(row=rowNum, column=t).value for t in [7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]]    
                # check that this list is not already in deposit_list
                if not mylist in type_dict[dt]:
        if dt == 'order':
            for rowNum in range(2, smaxRow + 1):
                # if column 18, isIgnored is not FALSE go to the next row
                if not criterion1(rowNum, dt):
                mylist = [sourceFile[mysheet].cell(row=rowNum, column=t).value for t in [4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14]]    
                # check that this list is not already in deposit_list
                if not mylist in type_dict[dt]:
    # these are the different permutations of the types deposit, withdraw, order
    for key in type_dict.keys():
        # get the count for each type from deposit, withdraw and order
        count = 0
        for rowNum in range(2, smaxRow + 1):
            if sourceFile[mysheet].cell(row=rowNum, column=2).value == key:
                count +=1
        print(f'The type {key} is present {count} times in {path2file}')
        print(f'The {key} list of lists is {len(type_dict[key])} long. If {count} > {len(type_dict[key])} some {key} have the same pattern.')
        for alist in type_dict[key]:

    Using the small sample Excel file, these values were extracted for type = deposit
    ['Stone', 1, 'mined', 'quarry', 'Kingstown']
    ['Copper', 2, 'add', 'quarry', 'Kingstown']
    ['Iron', 3, None, 'quarry', 'Kingstown']
    ['Iron', 3, 'mined', 'quarry', 'Kingstown']
    ['Iron', 1, 'mined', 'quarry', 'Kingstown']
    ['Stone', 1, 'internal', 'quarry', 'Kingstown']
    ['Stone', 1, 'internal', 'warehouse', 'Kingstown']
    ['wood', 5, None, 'warehouse', 'Kingstown']
    ['gold', 4, 'rent_income', 'tenement houses', 'Belize']
    ['gold', 4, 'rent_income', 'tenement houses', 'Kingstown']

    # The above are the different combinations of deposit, boughtCurrency or boughtCurrencyId, classification, location and area, 
    # of course there may be more patterns when the XL file is much longer
    # at the moment, with the example Excel I have, you need 10 amalgamated rows for deposit
    # make a new XL to take the results of processing
    # put the non-numerical values from deposit_list in the targetFile
    # for deposit each list d is 5 long and we start at row 2 so d[rowNum -2]
    # for withdraw each list d is 7 long and we start at row 2 so d[rowNum -2]
    # for order each list d is 8 long and we start at row 2 so d[rowNum -2]
    # columns 1,2, 9,10,11 are all variable but not numerical. The value from the last row will be inserted
    # columns 3, 6, 9 are numerical and should be added
    def writeRow(alist, rowNr, dt):
        if dt == 'deposit':
            print(f'Type is deposit. Writing these values to row {rowNr}', alist)
            # these are all dt rows anyway each type on a separate sheet
            targetFile[dt].cell(row=rowNr, column=2, value=dt)
            # set col 3 boughtQuantity to zero to start with
            targetFile[dt].cell(row=rowNr, column=3, value=0)
            count = 0
            for colNum in [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]:        
                targetFile[dt].cell(row=rowNr, column=colNum, value=alist[count])
                count +=1
        if dt == 'withdraw':
            print(f'Type is withdraw. Writing these values to row {rowNr}', alist)
            # these are all dt rows anyway each type on a separate sheet
            targetFile[dt].cell(row=rowNr, column=2, value=dt)
            # set targetFile col 3, soldQuantity and col 6, feeQuantity to zero to start with
            targetFile[dt].cell(row=rowNr, column=3, value=0)
            targetFile[dt].cell(row=rowNr, column=6, value=0)
            count = 0
            for colNum in [4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]:        
                targetFile[dt].cell(row=rowNr, column=colNum, value=alist[count])
                count +=1
        if dt == 'order':
            print(f'Type is order. Writing these values to row {rowNr}', alist)
            # these are all dtype rows anyway each type on a separate sheet
            targetFile[dt].cell(row=rowNr, column=2, value=dt)
            # set targetFile col 3 boughtQuantity, col 6 soldQuantity and col 9 feeQuantity to zero to start with
            targetFile[dt].cell(row=rowNr, column=3, value=0)
            targetFile[dt].cell(row=rowNr, column=6, value=0)
            targetFile[dt].cell(row=rowNr, column=9, value=0)
            count = 0
            for colNum in [4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13]:        
                targetFile[dt].cell(row=rowNr, column=colNum, value=alist[count])
                count +=1

    for key in type_dict.keys():
        if key == 'deposit':
            # put the non-numerical values in the rows
            for rowNum in range(2, len(type_dict[key]) + 2):
                d = type_dict[key][rowNum-2]
                writeRow(d, rowNum, key)
        if key == 'withdraw':
            # put the non-numerical values in the rows
            for rowNum in range(2, len(type_dict[key]) + 2):
                d = type_dict[key][rowNum-2]
                writeRow(d, rowNum, key)
        if key == 'order':
            # put the non-numerical values in the rows
            for rowNum in range(2, len(type_dict[key]) + 2):
                d = type_dict[key][rowNum-2]
                writeRow(d, rowNum, key)
    # save the basic file and go have a look

    # a function to find the row number of the corresponding list pattern for deposit
    def findRowDeposit(alist, tsheet):    
        tmaxRow = targetFile[key].max_row  
        for rowNum in range(2, tmaxRow + 1):
            mylistT = [targetFile[tsheet].cell(row=rowNum, column=t).value for t in [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]
            if mylistT == alist:
                return rowNum

    # a function to find the row number of the corresponding list pattern for withdraw
    def findRowWithdraw(alist, tsheet):    
        tmaxRow = targetFile[key].max_row  
        for rowNum in range(2, tmaxRow + 1):
            mylistT = [targetFile[tsheet].cell(row=rowNum, column=t).value for t in [4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]]
            if mylistT == alist:
                return rowNum

    # a function to find the row number of the corresponding list pattern for order
    def findRowOrder(alist, tsheet):    
        tmaxRow = targetFile[key].max_row  
        for rowNum in range(2, tmaxRow + 1):
            mylistT = [targetFile[tsheet].cell(row=rowNum, column=t).value for t in [4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13]]        
            if mylistT == alist:
                return rowNum

    # test the findRow() functions above to make sure they work
    # find each row number corresponding to the pattern 
    for key in type_dict.keys():
        # test the above findRow() functions for finding the row number of each pattern
        # seems to work for my short source Excel with 105 rows
        for t in type_dict[key]:
            if key == 'deposit':
                print('row number is:', findRowDeposit(t, key))
            if key == 'withdraw':
                print('row number is:', findRowWithdraw(t, key))
            if key == 'order':
                print('row number is:', findRowOrder(t, key))

    # the test the above  seems to work for my short source Excel
    # so now we can add the numerical values in the correct rows    
    # find the rows with deposit in column 2
    # mylistS must correspond with 1 of the rows in targetFile[sheet]
    # when we have the row number

    def writeNumsDeposit(rn, alist, dt):
        targetFile[dt].cell(row=rn, column=1).value = data[0] # the timestamp
        bQ = targetFile[dt].cell(row=rn, column=3).value # boughtQuantitiy add
        targetFile[dt].cell(row=rn, column=3).value = bQ + data[1] # boughtQuantitiy add
        targetFile[dt].cell(row=rn, column=9).value = data[2] # txID overwrite
        targetFile[dt].cell(row=rn, column=10).value = data[3] # id overwrite
        targetFile[dt].cell(row=rn, column=11).value = data[4] # comments overwrite
        print(f'data written to row number {rn} of sheet {dt}.')

    def writeNumsWithdraw(rn, alist, dt):
        targetFile[dt].cell(row=rn, column=1).value = data[0] # the timestamp overwrite
        sQ = targetFile[dt].cell(row=rn, column=3).value # soldQuantity add
        targetFile[dt].cell(row=rn, column=3).value = sQ + data[1] # soldQuantity add
        fQ = targetFile[dt].cell(row=rn, column=6).value # feeQuantity add
        targetFile[dt].cell(row=rn, column=6).value = fQ + data[2] # feeQuantity add
        targetFile[dt].cell(row=rn, column=12).value = data[3] # txID overwrite
        targetFile[dt].cell(row=rn, column=13).value = data[4] # id overwrite
        targetFile[dt].cell(row=rn, column=14).value = data[5] # comments overwrite
        print(f'data written to row number {rn} of sheet {dt}.')

    def writeNumsOrder(rn, alist, dt):
        targetFile[dt].cell(row=rn, column=1).value = data[0] # the timestamp overwrite
        bQ = targetFile[dt].cell(row=rn, column=3).value # boughtQuantity add 
        targetFile[dt].cell(row=rn, column=3).value = bQ + data[1] # boughtQuantity add
        sQ = targetFile[dt].cell(row=rn, column=6).value # soldQuantity add
        targetFile[dt].cell(row=rn, column=6).value = sQ + data[2] # soldQuantity add
        fQ = targetFile[dt].cell(row=rn, column=9).value # feeQuantity add
        targetFile[dt].cell(row=rn, column=9).value = fQ + data[3] # feeQuantity add
        targetFile[dt].cell(row=rn, column=14).value = data[4] # txID overwrite
        targetFile[dt].cell(row=rn, column=15).value = data[5] # id overwrite
        targetFile[dt].cell(row=rn, column=16).value = data[6] # comments overwrite
        print(f'data written to row number {rn} of sheet {dt}.')

    # now get each row in sourceFile and look for a pattern matching each list in type_dict
    # type_dict has 3 keys: deposit, withdraw and order
    for key in type_dict.keys():
        if key == 'deposit':
            for rowNum in range(2, smaxRow + 1):
                if sourceFile[mysheet].cell(row=rowNum, column=2).value == key:
                    mylistS = [sourceFile[mysheet].cell(row=rowNum, column=t).value for t in [4, 5, 12, 13, 14]]
                    # find which row of the targetFile corresponds with this sourceFile pattern
                    rownr = findRowDeposit(mylistS, key)
                    print(f'targetFile row number is {rownr}')
                    # col 1 is timestamp, col 3 is boughtQuantity, 15 is txId, 16 is Id, 17 is comments
                    # for targetFile sheet deposit only column 3 is added, other columns are overwritten
                    data = [sourceFile[mysheet].cell(row=rowNum, column=t).value for t in [1, 3, 15, 16, 17]]
                    writeNumsDeposit(rownr, data, key)
        if key == 'withdraw':
            for rowNum in range(2, smaxRow + 1):
                if sourceFile[mysheet].cell(row=rowNum, column=2).value == key:
                    mylistS = [sourceFile[mysheet].cell(row=rowNum, column=t).value for t in [7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]]
                    # find which row of the targetFile corresponds with this sourceFile pattern
                    rownr = findRowWithdraw(mylistS, key)
                    print(f'targetFile row number is {rownr}')
                    # col 1 is timestamp, col 3 is boughtQuantity, 15 is txId, 16 is Id, 17 is comments
                    # for targetFile sheet: withdraw column 3 soldQuantity and column 6 feeQuantity are added, other columns are overwritten
                    data = [sourceFile[mysheet].cell(row=rowNum, column=t).value for t in [1, 6, 9, 15, 16, 17]]
                    writeNumsWithdraw(rownr, data, key)
        if key == 'order':
                for rowNum in range(2, smaxRow + 1):
                    if sourceFile[mysheet].cell(row=rowNum, column=2).value == key:
                        mylistS = [sourceFile[mysheet].cell(row=rowNum, column=t).value for t in [4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14]]
                        # find which row of the targetFile corresponds with this sourceFile pattern
                        rownr = findRowOrder(mylistS, key)
                        print(f'targetFile row number is {rownr}')
                        # col 1 is timestamp, col 3 is boughtQuantity, col 6 is soldQuantity, col 9 is feeQuantity, 15 is txId, 16 is Id, 17 is comments
                        # for dtype withdraw column 3 soldQuantity and column 6 feeQuantity are added, other columns are overwritten
                        data = [sourceFile[mysheet].cell(row=rowNum, column=t).value for t in [1, 3, 6, 9, 15, 16, 17]]
                        writeNumsOrder(rownr, data, key)   
    for dtype in dtypes:
        setColumn_width(targetFile, dtype, savepath)
    print('All done!')
Actually, I think you should sort the data as it arrives, not later. But I don't really know what you are doing!

Auf dass es klappt!
Glyxbringer likes this post

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