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Love for Python
Did anyone hesitate to get into Python, and when you finally did, you fell in love with it?

I have a background working with Java, and at first I wasn't in any rush to learn Python. I tried it a while ago, but became frustrated, gave up and uninstalled it. Fast forward a few years later, I picked up a text book, finished, and couldn't help but think, Why did I give up the first time?!??! I just experimented with namedtuples this morning, and given that I write a lot of classes that are just data containers, and favor immutable objects, named tuples provided the convenience I needed! I even learned how to sort it.

C# now has tuples, does any one know if they took the concept from Python? It seems a little different from the Python implementation.
I played with python a bit in the early 90's, but I was not allowed to use it for any of my work
(which was done almost exclusively in 'C' at that time). Didn't pick it up again until 2013, and
have use it almost exclusively since then, except when working on embedded code.

I think the thing that I like most about it is the plethora of packages available on almost any subject.
I started with c++ in 2011-ish, My college instructor did a course in Python, and i havent really programmed much in other languages since. The majority of what i do can be done in python.

I know in C++11 they added for_each which almost is identical to python for loop, lambdas, automatic type detection, and others that looks very similar to python. Im not sure if they took it directly from python, or if the way python does things is just more common sense. Either way the world looks a little more like python every day.
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Programming is not I do for leaving. I code for fun and to make my life easier. Also, to saving my time, automating some things.
However, a time ago a friend of mine asked me to learn Python so we can write some 3D Max or Blender plugins. At that time I was thinking that is too much for me. Not a long time ago I just decided to give it a try just because I was so bored.
Now I can't leave without Python. I am using it for many things including learning a foreign language, gathering info from the internet for friends. I found that is much easier for me to write Python scripts instead of bash scripts for almost everything I need. Summarising, my life is easier with Python.
The language syntax comes naturally for me. I know a little C and when I started with Python instead of doing for loop like I'd in C I just for n in string : without even know how this is happening in Python. And it worked. Love? Too much to say but I enjoy it and have a lot of fun coding in Python. Especially when I have a working script at the end.
"As they say in Mexico 'dosvidaniya'. That makes two vidaniyas."
i started with Python around 2010.  i had been doing C since 1982 and gradually quit doing C, even for system stuff.  i have also been doing Pike since around 1992, about as long as i have been using Linux.  before that i was using SunOS, NeXTOS, and a few others.  i started with mainframes in 1972 and got into VM/CMS in 1976 coding in assembler language all the way (except for assignments in a couple COBOL classes i took to raise my GPA).  i did look into ways to port gcc to IBM mainframes but that never went anywhere.  i also got into TOPS-20 on a DECsystem20/60 in 1982 which was my start in C.

this all delayed my ham radio license which i finally got in 1986 ... [removed]

now i need to find a way to do a certain Linux syscall that is not present in the os module.  but, it is in libc.  i heard there is a way to invoke functions in binary libraries. from Python code, but i have not found it.
Tradition is peer pressure from dead people

What do you call someone who speaks three languages? Trilingual. Two languages? Bilingual. One language? American.
(Oct-18-2017, 06:19 AM)Skaperen Wrote: this all delayed my ham radio license

I'll leave it up to you, but I strongly recommend you delete the call sign, to much personal info can be obtained from it.
If it ain't broke, I just haven't gotten to it yet.
OS: Windows 10, openSuse 42.3, freeBSD 11, Raspian "Stretch"
Python 3.6.5, IDE: PyCharm 2018 Community Edition
I agree with aparkz_alot as I also am a licensed amateur radio op.
oops, sorry.  my brain was running down a narrow channel.

i have also done some Fortran and PL/1 (on IBM mainframes), PCL (on DEC TOPS-20), awk (on Unix and Linux), perl (trashed it the same day), Forth (can't remember where) and Focal (on PDP-8).  i also did assembly on many platforms: PDP-8, PDP-11, IBM 360/370, IBM 1130, DEC-20, 6502, 8080, z80, i386, 6809, 68000, Sparc, and a few more i can't even remember the names of.  i also read up on ADA, CLU, Modula, and Pascal.  i never really could understand the concepts in LISP.
Tradition is peer pressure from dead people

What do you call someone who speaks three languages? Trilingual. Two languages? Bilingual. One language? American.

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