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A little general help to make a music player
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A little general help to make a music player
Hello everybody,

Recently our lecturer told us that we'd have to make a project in order to finish the course and two of my friends and I chose ours to be a music player. If anyone has any sort of links, functions, methods, libraries (and ways to use them), please share all of that stuff in this topic. Basically I want to make a regular music player with some extras. Here's an image of how it should look like:
I can make the buttons, album art, song info (I think) but I really need help with the playlist, lyrics and open file dialog box (and probably other stuff that will turn up eventually). Any kind of help is appreciated.
My suggestion:
use any GUI module. I for myself love PySide, though it is not released for python3.6, but hey python3.5 :D
Take a ListView for your playlist, an TextBrowser for your lyrics, Some image Widget for the song art. I dont know if open song should be a button to open a song, or the opened song/path, either use a Button or a Label. below use some Buttons and labels for Play/Pause, etc. and for the Song informations.
Here is a small tutorial for PySide with how buttens etc. work:
How to Program the rest just do a quick google search :) If you want to make it yourself easy, you can build the app by using the Qt Designer. and then you can convert the ui to py by using if you like :) To Play the music there are many ways, the way I know is using PyGame, but there are others as well :)
you can search for packages here:
Thanks for the quick replies, I was thinking of using wxPython for the GUI stuff as that's what I'm familiar with.
Here's a helper for wxpython if you don't already have it:

Note: The following assumes you are using python 3 (preferably latest version (which at writing is 3.6.5))
The demo is very complete and contains the demo code for all.
Yes, I have wxPython installed but am on Python 2.7.14. This thing is too hard :D How to get album art & song info the easiest way? I got the song info like artist, title, album, composer with some module but if a field was missing (empty) in the MP3 file, it gave an error/exception so I didn't stick with that. Could never get album art to work though.
The new phoenix version (which is the only wxpython I would recommend) only runs on python 3.
so if you are using antique python, you get antique wxpython.
OK, so I installed Python 3.5.4. Maybe I won't use wxPython, need a faster solution so found this:
Hopefully everything will install fine.
I managed to make the GUI part I guess. But now when I use "pyuic4.exe GUI.ui >" it makes the Python file, which is great. I have a stupid question though, how to actually run this file so that it displays the window? I tried a few Qt app templates (skeletons?) but none worked, always gave errors. This is how it looks:
The three squares in the middle should be buttons made up of my own PNG images (if that's even possible), the left big white space is a list view and should be a playlist and the right one is a text browser and should display the lyrics if the song has any in it. "Open File" opens a dialog box from which I can select a file to play (currently I only know how to play MP3, need M3U/PLS later on).
Quote:OK, so I installed Python 3.5.4
why not 3.6.5?

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