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Any idea on how to keep score of My Tic Tac Toe game?
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Any idea on how to keep score of My Tic Tac Toe game?
Sup the boys,

I would like to have rounds so that like if the player or AI gets to like maybe a score of like 5 or something it prints "you have won the game!".I tried a little bit by making a variable or something with the score and adding to it everytime a player wins however i also dont know how to get the board to reset and go to the next round... Can anyone tell me how i could do this please?


import random

def printGameBoard (boardValues): #prints out the game board layout
    print(boardValues[0], boardValues[1], boardValues[2])
    print(boardValues[3], boardValues[4], boardValues[5])
    print(boardValues[6], boardValues[7], boardValues[8])

def chooseMove (boardValues):   ###This is the players choice of where to go. (the player starts first always in this game.)
    validMove = False
    while (not validMove):
            squareChoice = int(input("Choose a square!")) -1
        except ValueError:
            print("\nAnswer is not a number! please enter a valid number!")
        if boardValues[squareChoice] != "X" and boardValues[squareChoice] != "O": ## checks to see that the chosen square is not already occupied.
            boardValues[squareChoice] = "X"
            validMove = True
        elif boardValues[squareChoice] != range(0, 9):
        	print("\nAnswer is not a number! please enter a valid number!")
            print("Please choose a free square!")
    return checkForWin(boardValues)


def chooseRandom(boardValues): ##This is the AI's/ Computers turn function. (Quite similar to the players)
    validMove = False
    while (not validMove):
        squareChoice = random.randint(0, 8)# chooses random integer between 0-8 on the board, this is done through import random at the top.

        if boardValues[squareChoice] != "X" and boardValues[squareChoice] != "O":
            boardValues[squareChoice] = "O"
            validMove = True
    return checkForWin(boardValues)

def checkHorizontal(boardValues): ##Checks the Horizontal axis/squares of the board to see if they form a row.
     foundWin = False
     if (boardValues [0] == boardValues [1] == boardValues [2]): 
         foundWin = True
     elif (boardValues [3] == boardValues [4] == boardValues [5]):
         foundWin = True
     elif (boardValues [6] == boardValues [7] == boardValues [8]):
         foundWin = True
     return foundWin

def checkVerticle(boardValues):##Checks the Verticle axis/squares of the board to see if they form a row.
     foundWin = False
     if (boardValues [0] == boardValues [3] == boardValues [6]):
         foundWin = True
     elif (boardValues [1] == boardValues [4] == boardValues [7]):
         foundWin = True
     elif (boardValues [2] == boardValues [5] == boardValues [8]):
         foundWin = True
     return foundWin

def checkDiagnol(boardValues):##checks the Diagnol axis/squares of the board to see if they form a row.
     foundWin = False
     if (boardValues [0] == boardValues [4] == boardValues [8]):
         foundWin = True
     elif (boardValues [6] == boardValues [4] == boardValues [2]):
         foundWin = True
     return foundWin

def checkForWin(boardValues):##Checks to see if any of the horizontal,verticle or diagnol functions are now true, and if any are, gamewon will be returned.
    gameWon = False
    if (checkHorizontal(boardValues) == True):
        gameWon = True
    elif (checkVerticle(boardValues) == True):
        gameWon = True
    elif (checkDiagnol(boardValues) == True):
        gameWon = True
    return gameWon

boardList = [ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" ]    #initialises the list
won = False
turn = 0
playerScore = 0
AIscore = 0

while (not won and turn < 9):
    if turn % 2 == 0:
        won = chooseMove(boardList)

        won = chooseRandom(boardList)
    turn = turn + 1

turn = turn -1 

if (not won):
    print ("The Game Ends in a Tie")
elif (turn % 2 == 0):
    playerScore = playerScore + 1
    print ("Player Has Won!")
else :
    AIscore = AIscore + 1
    print ("The Computer Has Won.")

if playerScore >= 3:
    print("You won the whole game fam!")
Change line 111 to:
print ("Player Has Won! Total of {} games".format(playerScore))

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