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Issue using in code
Hello, I have an application in which I am performing Face recognition using raspberry pie. I have the following list of components to be used:
1.A raspberry pi
2.A pan/tilt bracket
3.Two Servos
4.A GPIO Ribbin Cable
5. A Pi-Supported Webcam -- I used a Logitech C210

I have used the motor driver software from the following link:

Here is my code for the same:
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
import time
import cv2

# Upper limit
_Servo1UL = 250
_Servo0UL = 230

# Lower Limit
_Servo1LL = 75
_Servo0LL = 70

ServoBlaster = open('ServoBlaster', 'w')		# ServoBlaster is what we use to control the servo motors

webcam = cv2.VideoCapture(0)				# Get ready to start getting images from the webcam
webcam.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 320)		# I have found this to be about the highest-
webcam.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 240)	# 	resolution you'll want to attempt on the pi

frontalface = cv2.CascadeClassifier("haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml")		# frontal face pattern detection
profileface = cv2.CascadeClassifier("haarcascade_profileface.xml")		# side face pattern detection

face = [0,0,0,0]	# This will hold the array that OpenCV returns when it finds a face: (makes a rectangle)
Cface = [0,0]		# Center of the face: a point calculated from the above variable
lastface = 0		# int 1-3 used to speed up detection. The script is looking for a right profile face,-
			# 	a left profile face, or a frontal face; rather than searching for all three every time,-
			# 	it uses this variable to remember which is last saw: and looks for that again. If it-
			# 	doesn't find it, it's set back to zero and on the next loop it will search for all three.-
			# 	This basically tripples the detect time so long as the face hasn't moved much.

Servo0CP = Queue()	# Servo zero current position, sent by subprocess and read by main process
Servo1CP = Queue()	# Servo one current position, sent by subprocess and read by main process
Servo0DP = Queue()	# Servo zero desired position, sent by main and read by subprocess
Servo1DP = Queue()	# Servo one desired position, sent by main and read by subprocess
Servo0S = Queue()	# Servo zero speed, sent by main and read by subprocess
Servo1S = Queue()	# Servo one speed, sent by main and read by subprocess

def P0():	# Process 0 controlles servo0
	speed = .1		# Here we set some defaults:
	_Servo0CP = 99		# by making the current position and desired position unequal,-
	_Servo0DP = 100		# 	we can be sure we know where the servo really is. (or will be soon)
	while True:
		if Servo0CP.empty():			# Constantly update Servo0CP in case the main process needs-
			Servo0CP.put(_Servo0CP)		# 	to read it
		if not Servo0DP.empty():		# Constantly read read Servo0DP in case the main process-
			_Servo0DP = Servo0DP.get()	#	has updated it
		if not Servo0S.empty():			# Constantly read read Servo0S in case the main process-
			_Servo0S = Servo0S.get()	# 	has updated it, the higher the speed value, the shorter-
			speed = .1 / _Servo0S		# 	the wait between loops will be, so the servo moves faster
		if _Servo0CP < _Servo0DP:					# if Servo0CP less than Servo0DP
			_Servo0CP += 1						# incriment Servo0CP up by one
			Servo0CP.put(_Servo0CP)					# move the servo that little bit
			ServoBlaster.write('0=' + str(_Servo0CP) + '\n')	#
			ServoBlaster.flush()					#
			if not Servo0CP.empty():				# throw away the old Servo0CP value,-
				trash = Servo0CP.get()				# 	it's no longer relevent
		if _Servo0CP > _Servo0DP:					# if Servo0CP greater than Servo0DP
			_Servo0CP -= 1						# incriment Servo0CP down by one
			Servo0CP.put(_Servo0CP)					# move the servo that little bit
			ServoBlaster.write('0=' + str(_Servo0CP) + '\n')	#
			ServoBlaster.flush()					#
			if not Servo0CP.empty():				# throw away the old Servo0CP value,-
				trash = Servo0CP.get()				# 	it's no longer relevent
		if _Servo0CP == _Servo0DP:	        # if all is good,-
			_Servo0S = 1		        # slow the speed; no need to eat CPU just waiting

def P1():	# Process 1 controlles servo 1 using same logic as above
	speed = .1
	_Servo1CP = 99
	_Servo1DP = 100
	while True:
		if Servo1CP.empty():
		if not Servo1DP.empty():
			_Servo1DP = Servo1DP.get()
		if not Servo1S.empty():
			_Servo1S = Servo1S.get()
			speed = .1 / _Servo1S
		if _Servo1CP < _Servo1DP:
			_Servo1CP += 1
			ServoBlaster.write('1=' + str(_Servo1CP) + '\n')
			if not Servo1CP.empty():
				trash = Servo1CP.get()
		if _Servo1CP > _Servo1DP:
			_Servo1CP -= 1
			ServoBlaster.write('1=' + str(_Servo1CP) + '\n')
			if not Servo1CP.empty():
				trash = Servo1CP.get()
		if _Servo1CP == _Servo1DP:
			_Servo1S = 1

Process(target=P0, args=()).start()	# Start the subprocesses
Process(target=P1, args=()).start()	#
time.sleep(1)				# Wait for them to start


def CamRight( distance, speed ):		# To move right, we are provided a distance to move and a speed to move.
	global _Servo0CP			# We Global it so  everyone is on the same page about where the servo is...
	if not Servo0CP.empty():		# Read it's current position given by the subprocess(if it's avalible)-
		_Servo0CP = Servo0CP.get()	# 	and set the main process global variable.
	_Servo0DP = _Servo0CP + distance	# The desired position is the current position + the distance to move.
	if _Servo0DP > _Servo0UL:		# But if you are told to move further than the servo is built go...
		_Servo0DP = _Servo0UL		# Only move AS far as the servo is built to go.
	Servo0DP.put(_Servo0DP)			# Send the new desired position to the subprocess
	Servo0S.put(speed)			# Send the new speed to the subprocess

def CamLeft(distance, speed):			# Same logic as above
	global _Servo0CP
	if not Servo0CP.empty():
		_Servo0CP = Servo0CP.get()
	_Servo0DP = _Servo0CP - distance
	if _Servo0DP < _Servo0LL:
		_Servo0DP = _Servo0LL

def CamDown(distance, speed):			# Same logic as above
	global _Servo1CP
	if not Servo1CP.empty():
		_Servo1CP = Servo1CP.get()
	_Servo1DP = _Servo1CP + distance
	if _Servo1DP > _Servo1UL:
		_Servo1DP = _Servo1UL

def CamUp(distance, speed):			# Same logic as above
	global _Servo1CP
	if not Servo1CP.empty():
		_Servo1CP = Servo1CP.get()
	_Servo1DP = _Servo1CP - distance
	if _Servo1DP < _Servo1LL:
		_Servo1DP = _Servo1LL


while True:

	faceFound = False	# This variable is set to true if, on THIS loop a face has already been found
				# We search for a face three diffrent ways, and if we have found one already-
				# there is no reason to keep looking.

	if not faceFound:
		if lastface == 0 or lastface == 1:
			aframe =[1]	# there seems to be an issue in OpenCV or V4L or my webcam-
			aframe =[1]	# 	driver, I'm not sure which, but if you wait too long,
			aframe =[1]	#	the webcam consistantly gets exactly five frames behind-
			aframe =[1]	#	realtime. So we just grab a frame five times to ensure-
			aframe =[1]	#	we have the most up-to-date image.
			fface = frontalface.detectMultiScale(aframe,1.3,4,( + +,(60,60))
			if fface != ():			# if we found a frontal face...
				lastface = 1		# set lastface 1 (so next loop we will only look for a frontface)
				for f in fface:		# f in fface is an array with a rectangle representing a face
					faceFound = True
					face = f

	if not faceFound:				# if we didnt find a face yet...
		if lastface == 0 or lastface == 2:	# only attempt it if we didn't find a face last loop or if-
			aframe =[1]	# 	THIS method was the one who found it last loop
			aframe =[1]
			aframe =[1]	# again we grab some frames, things may have gotten stale-
			aframe =[1]	# since the frontalface search above
			aframe =[1]
			pfacer = profileface.detectMultiScale(aframe,1.3,4,( + +,(80,80))
			if pfacer != ():		# if we found a profile face...
				lastface = 2
				for f in pfacer:
					faceFound = True
					face = f

	if not faceFound:				# a final attempt
		if lastface == 0 or lastface == 3:	# this is another profile face search, because OpenCV can only-
			aframe =[1]	#	detect right profile faces, if the cam is looking at-
			aframe =[1]	#	someone from the left, it won't see them. So we just...
			aframe =[1]
			aframe =[1]
			aframe =[1]
			cv2.flip(aframe,1,aframe)	#	flip the image
			pfacel = profileface.detectMultiScale(aframe,1.3,4,( + +,(80,80))
			if pfacel != ():
				lastface = 3
				for f in pfacel:
					faceFound = True
					face = f

	if not faceFound:		# if no face was found...-
		lastface = 0		# 	the next loop needs to know
		face = [0,0,0,0]	# so that it doesn't think the face is still where it was last loop

	x,y,w,h = face
	Cface = [(w/2+x),(h/2+y)]	# we are given an x,y corner point and a width and height, we need the center
	print str(Cface[0]) + "," + str(Cface[1])

	if Cface[0] != 0:		# if the Center of the face is not zero (meaning no face was found)

		if Cface[0] > 180:	# The camera is moved diffrent distances and speeds depending on how far away-
			CamLeft(5,1)	#	from the center of that axis it detects a face
		if Cface[0] > 190:	#
			CamLeft(7,2)	#
		if Cface[0] > 200:	#
			CamLeft(9,3)	#

		if Cface[0] < 140:	# and diffrent dirrections depending on what side of center if finds a face.
		if Cface[0] < 130:
		if Cface[0] < 120:

		if Cface[1] > 140:	# and moves diffrent servos depending on what axis we are talking about.
		if Cface[1] > 150:
		if Cface[1] > 160:

		if Cface[1] < 100:
		if Cface[1] < 90:
		if Cface[1] < 80:
When I run the file, it shows me the following error:
VIDEOIO ERROR: V4L: can't open camera by index 0 Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 172, in <module> fface = frontalface.detectMultiScale(aframe,1.3,4,( + +,(60,60)) AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'cv'
I have installed open cv into my system

Please could you help me to solve this?
recheck method name 'cv' (line 172, your code)
the error is showing that opencv has no method by this name.
The sub module cv has been removed from OpenCV 3.0.
If i look they also renamed CV_HAAR to CASCADE.
λ ptpython
>>> import cv2


Advice dealing with a package that has a lot of function/methods or in general,
is to use a editor or REPL that have good autocomplete/doc reading.

Like VS Code/PyCharm...ect or REPL IPython/ptpython.
I like VS Code and ptpython(as i use in first example).
How eg look in VS Code.
[Image: ft7vT8.jpg]
@snippsat I did as you suggested it worked indeed but gave another error as shown:
VIDEOIO ERROR: V4L: can't open camera by index 0 Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 174, in <module> fface = frontalface.detectMultiScale(aframe,1.3,4,(cv2.CASCADE_DO_CANNY_PRUNING+ cv2.CASCADE_FIND_BIGGEST_OBJECT + cv2.CASCADE_DO_ROUGH_SEARCH),(60,60)) cv2.error: OpenCV(3.4.3) /io/opencv/modules/core/src/array.cpp:2492: error: (-206:Bad flag (parameter or structure field)) Unrecognized or unsupported array type in function 'cvGetMat'
I did search for the error ((-206:Bad flag (parameter or structure field)) Unrecognized or unsupported array type in function 'cvGetMat and i found the solution to the error at this post:

I added the part of code explained there (lines 159-166) and my modified code is:

from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
import time
import cv2

# Upper limit
_Servo1UL = 250
_Servo0UL = 230

# Lower Limit
_Servo1LL = 75
_Servo0LL = 70

ServoBlaster = open('ServoBlaster', 'w')		# ServoBlaster is what we use to control the servo motors

webcam = cv2.VideoCapture(0)				# Get ready to start getting images from the webcam
webcam.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 320)		# I have found this to be about the highest-
webcam.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 240)	# 	resolution you'll want to attempt on the pi

frontalface = cv2.CascadeClassifier("haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml")		# frontal face pattern detection
profileface = cv2.CascadeClassifier("haarcascade_profileface.xml")		# side face pattern detection

face = [0,0,0,0]	# This will hold the array that OpenCV returns when it finds a face: (makes a rectangle)
Cface = [0,0]		# Center of the face: a point calculated from the above variable
lastface = 0		# int 1-3 used to speed up detection. The script is looking for a right profile face,-
			# 	a left profile face, or a frontal face; rather than searching for all three every time,-
			# 	it uses this variable to remember which is last saw: and looks for that again. If it-
			# 	doesn't find it, it's set back to zero and on the next loop it will search for all three.-
			# 	This basically tripples the detect time so long as the face hasn't moved much.

Servo0CP = Queue()	# Servo zero current position, sent by subprocess and read by main process
Servo1CP = Queue()	# Servo one current position, sent by subprocess and read by main process
Servo0DP = Queue()	# Servo zero desired position, sent by main and read by subprocess
Servo1DP = Queue()	# Servo one desired position, sent by main and read by subprocess
Servo0S = Queue()	# Servo zero speed, sent by main and read by subprocess
Servo1S = Queue()	# Servo one speed, sent by main and read by subprocess

def P0():	# Process 0 controlles servo0
	speed = .1		# Here we set some defaults:
	_Servo0CP = 99		# by making the current position and desired position unequal,-
	_Servo0DP = 100		# 	we can be sure we know where the servo really is. (or will be soon)
	while True:
		if Servo0CP.empty():			# Constantly update Servo0CP in case the main process needs-
			Servo0CP.put(_Servo0CP)		# 	to read it
		if not Servo0DP.empty():		# Constantly read read Servo0DP in case the main process-
			_Servo0DP = Servo0DP.get()	#	has updated it
		if not Servo0S.empty():			# Constantly read read Servo0S in case the main process-
			_Servo0S = Servo0S.get()	# 	has updated it, the higher the speed value, the shorter-
			speed = .1 / _Servo0S		# 	the wait between loops will be, so the servo moves faster
		if _Servo0CP < _Servo0DP:					# if Servo0CP less than Servo0DP
			_Servo0CP += 1						# incriment Servo0CP up by one
			Servo0CP.put(_Servo0CP)					# move the servo that little bit
			ServoBlaster.write('0=' + str(_Servo0CP) + '\n')	#
			ServoBlaster.flush()					#
			if not Servo0CP.empty():				# throw away the old Servo0CP value,-
				trash = Servo0CP.get()				# 	it's no longer relevent
		if _Servo0CP > _Servo0DP:					# if Servo0CP greater than Servo0DP
			_Servo0CP -= 1						# incriment Servo0CP down by one
			Servo0CP.put(_Servo0CP)					# move the servo that little bit
			ServoBlaster.write('0=' + str(_Servo0CP) + '\n')	#
			ServoBlaster.flush()					#
			if not Servo0CP.empty():				# throw away the old Servo0CP value,-
				trash = Servo0CP.get()				# 	it's no longer relevent
		if _Servo0CP == _Servo0DP:	        # if all is good,-
			_Servo0S = 1		        # slow the speed; no need to eat CPU just waiting

def P1():	# Process 1 controlles servo 1 using same logic as above
	speed = .1
	_Servo1CP = 99
	_Servo1DP = 100
	while True:
		if Servo1CP.empty():
		if not Servo1DP.empty():
			_Servo1DP = Servo1DP.get()
		if not Servo1S.empty():
			_Servo1S = Servo1S.get()
			speed = .1 / _Servo1S
		if _Servo1CP < _Servo1DP:
			_Servo1CP += 1
			ServoBlaster.write('1=' + str(_Servo1CP) + '\n')
			if not Servo1CP.empty():
				trash = Servo1CP.get()
		if _Servo1CP > _Servo1DP:
			_Servo1CP -= 1
			ServoBlaster.write('1=' + str(_Servo1CP) + '\n')
			if not Servo1CP.empty():
				trash = Servo1CP.get()
		if _Servo1CP == _Servo1DP:
			_Servo1S = 1

Process(target=P0, args=()).start()	# Start the subprocesses
Process(target=P1, args=()).start()	#
time.sleep(1)				# Wait for them to start


def CamRight( distance, speed ):		# To move right, we are provided a distance to move and a speed to move.
	global _Servo0CP			# We Global it so  everyone is on the same page about where the servo is...
	if not Servo0CP.empty():		# Read it's current position given by the subprocess(if it's avalible)-
		_Servo0CP = Servo0CP.get()	# 	and set the main process global variable.
	_Servo0DP = _Servo0CP + distance	# The desired position is the current position + the distance to move.
	if _Servo0DP > _Servo0UL:		# But if you are told to move further than the servo is built go...
		_Servo0DP = _Servo0UL		# Only move AS far as the servo is built to go.
	Servo0DP.put(_Servo0DP)			# Send the new desired position to the subprocess
	Servo0S.put(speed)			# Send the new speed to the subprocess

def CamLeft(distance, speed):			# Same logic as above
	global _Servo0CP
	if not Servo0CP.empty():
		_Servo0CP = Servo0CP.get()
	_Servo0DP = _Servo0CP - distance
	if _Servo0DP < _Servo0LL:
		_Servo0DP = _Servo0LL

def CamDown(distance, speed):			# Same logic as above
	global _Servo1CP
	if not Servo1CP.empty():
		_Servo1CP = Servo1CP.get()
	_Servo1DP = _Servo1CP + distance
	if _Servo1DP > _Servo1UL:
		_Servo1DP = _Servo1UL

def CamUp(distance, speed):			# Same logic as above
	global _Servo1CP
	if not Servo1CP.empty():
		_Servo1CP = Servo1CP.get()
	_Servo1DP = _Servo1CP - distance
	if _Servo1DP < _Servo1LL:
		_Servo1DP = _Servo1LL


while True:
	retVal, image =;

	faceFound = False	# This variable is set to true if, on THIS loop a face has already been found
				# We search for a face three diffrent ways, and if we have found one already-
				# there is no reason to keep looking.

	if not faceFound:
		if lastface == 0 or lastface == 1:
			aframe =[1]	# there seems to be an issue in OpenCV or V4L or my webcam-
			aframe =[1]	# 	driver, I'm not sure which, but if you wait too long,
			aframe =[1]	#	the webcam consistantly gets exactly five frames behind-
			aframe =[1]	#	realtime. So we just grab a frame five times to ensure-
			aframe =[1]	#	we have the most up-to-date image.
			fface = frontalface.detectMultiScale(aframe,1.3,4,(cv2.CASCADE_DO_CANNY_PRUNING+ cv2.CASCADE_FIND_BIGGEST_OBJECT + cv2.CASCADE_DO_ROUGH_SEARCH),(60,60))
			if fface != ():			# if we found a frontal face...
				lastface = 1		# set lastface 1 (so next loop we will only look for a frontface)
				for f in fface:		# f in fface is an array with a rectangle representing a face
					faceFound = True
					face = f

	if not faceFound:				# if we didnt find a face yet...
		if lastface == 0 or lastface == 2:	# only attempt it if we didn't find a face last loop or if-
			aframe =[1]	# 	THIS method was the one who found it last loop
			aframe =[1]
			aframe =[1]	# again we grab some frames, things may have gotten stale-
			aframe =[1]	# since the frontalface search above
			aframe =[1]
			pfacer = profileface.detectMultiScale(aframe,1.3,4,( + +,(80,80))
			if pfacer != ():		# if we found a profile face...
				lastface = 2
				for f in pfacer:
					faceFound = True
					face = f

	if not faceFound:				# a final attempt
		if lastface == 0 or lastface == 3:	# this is another profile face search, because OpenCV can only-
			aframe =[1]	#	detect right profile faces, if the cam is looking at-
			aframe =[1]	#	someone from the left, it won't see them. So we just...
			aframe =[1]
			aframe =[1]
			aframe =[1]
			cv2.flip(aframe,1,aframe)	#	flip the image
			pfacel = profileface.detectMultiScale(aframe,1.3,4,( + +,(80,80))
			if pfacel != ():
				lastface = 3
				for f in pfacel:
					faceFound = True
					face = f

	if not faceFound:		# if no face was found...-
		lastface = 0		# 	the next loop needs to know
		face = [0,0,0,0]	# so that it doesn't think the face is still where it was last loop

	x,y,w,h = face
	Cface = [(w/2+x),(h/2+y)]	# we are given an x,y corner point and a width and height, we need the center
	print str(Cface[0]) + "," + str(Cface[1])

	if Cface[0] != 0:		# if the Center of the face is not zero (meaning no face was found)

		if Cface[0] > 180:	# The camera is moved diffrent distances and speeds depending on how far away-
			CamLeft(5,1)	#	from the center of that axis it detects a face
		if Cface[0] > 190:	#
			CamLeft(7,2)	#
		if Cface[0] > 200:	#
			CamLeft(9,3)	#

		if Cface[0] < 140:	# and diffrent dirrections depending on what side of center if finds a face.
		if Cface[0] < 130:
		if Cface[0] < 120:

		if Cface[1] > 140:	# and moves diffrent servos depending on what axis we are talking about.
		if Cface[1] > 150:
		if Cface[1] > 160:

		if Cface[1] < 100:
		if Cface[1] < 90:
		if Cface[1] < 80:
But unfortunately, The same error again pops out.
Any solution to this?
You have to search for error eg link.
The code is written for a earlier OpenCV version,if you look there are more lines 188,203...ect.
Try run it with a earlier version and code is written for Python 2,eg in virtual environment.
Virtual environment is now build into Python in newer versions,for Python 2.7 Virtualenv.
(Oct-27-2018, 04:02 PM)snippsat Wrote: You have to search for error eg link.
The code is written for a earlier OpenCV version,if you look there are more lines 188,203...ect.
Try run it with a earlier version and code is written for Python 2,eg in virtual environment.
Virtual environment is now build into Python in newer versions,for Python 2.7 Virtualenv.

How do I try to run with the earlier version?

And what do I do if there is a change in virtual environment?
(Oct-27-2018, 04:43 PM)Huzefa95s Wrote: How do I try to run with the earlier version?
I guess you use Raspbian OS?
Look at Doc it should come with both Python 2 and 3.
python and pip run/install Python 2,python3 and pip3 run/install python 3.
Thank You

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  code issue sandy 1 1,848 Mar-14-2019, 07:16 PM
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  Visual Studio Code - PEP8 Lambda Issue Qui_Ten 1 2,831 Jan-28-2019, 08:17 AM
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  Issue in my multiprocessing Python code? PrateekG 7 4,467 Jul-19-2018, 06:47 PM
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  Setting up python with visual studio code. Having one issue. xringo 2 3,877 May-21-2018, 12:09 AM
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  Code issue with time remaining loop. Python3 deboerdn2000 11 9,147 May-04-2017, 04:53 PM
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