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Convert arduino code to python
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Convert arduino code to python

At the moment i'm bussy with a little project which include 4 RFID readers. The readers are connected to a arduino uno.
I've connected the arduino as a slave on the RPi 3B+ using this tutorial:
It is using the Napy module. However in the tutorial they give a example of a arduino code converted to python.

Right now i'm converting the code of my MFRC522 module to python, unfortunally it is not working.
I'm kinda new to python so it is very hard to, i must say the arduino code is not the most basic module.

I've installed the MFRC522 librarie and included it to the Nanpy module.

Can someone tell me what i'm doing wrong?
Thank you a lot in advance.

Arduino code:

// Provides debugging information over serial connection if defined
#define DEBUG

// Standard SPI library comes bundled with the Arduino IDE
#include <SPI.h>
// Download and install from
#include <MFRC522.h>

// The number of RFID readers
const byte numReaders = 4;
// Each reader has a unique Slave Select pin
const byte ssPins[] = {5, 6, 7, 8};
// They'll share the same reset pin
const byte resetPin = 9;
// This pin will be driven LOW to release a lock when puzzle is solved
const byte lockPin = A0;
// The sequence of NFC tag IDs required to solve the puzzle
const String correctIDs[] = {"1c3560d3", "1bc95fd3", "7e7b5cd3", "f1325d59"};

// Initialise an array of MFRC522 instances representing each reader
MFRC522 mfrc522[numReaders];
// The tag IDs currently detected by each reader
String currentIDs[numReaders];

 * Initialisation
void setup() {

  #ifdef DEBUG
  // Initialise serial communications channel with the PC
  Serial.println(F("Serial communication started"));
  // Set the lock pin as output and secure the lock
  pinMode(lockPin, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(lockPin, LOW);
  // Initialise the SPI bus

  for (uint8_t i=0; i<numReaders; i++) {
    // Initialise the reader
    // Note that SPI pins on the reader must always be connected to certain
    // Arduino pins (on an Uno, MOSI=> pin11, MISO=> pin12, SCK=>pin13)
    // The Slave Select (SS) pin and reset pin can be assigned to any pin
    mfrc522[i].PCD_Init(ssPins[i], resetPin);
    // Set the gain to max - not sure this makes any difference...
    // mfrc522[i].PCD_SetAntennaGain(MFRC522::PCD_RxGain::RxGain_max);
	#ifdef DEBUG
    // Dump some debug information to the serial monitor
    Serial.print(F("Reader #"));
    Serial.print(F(" initialised on pin "));
    Serial.print(F(". Antenna strength: "));
    Serial.print(F(". Version : "));
    // Slight delay before activating next reader
  #ifdef DEBUG
  Serial.println(F("--- END SETUP ---"));

 * Main loop
void loop() {

  // Assume that the puzzle has been solved
  boolean puzzleSolved = true;

  // Assume that the tags have not changed since last reading
  boolean changedValue = false;

  // Loop through each reader
  for (uint8_t i=0; i<numReaders; i++) {

    // Initialise the sensor
    // String to hold the ID detected by each sensor
    String readRFID = "";
    // If the sensor detects a tag and is able to read it
    if(mfrc522[i].PICC_IsNewCardPresent() && mfrc522[i].PICC_ReadCardSerial()) {
      // Extract the ID from the tag
      readRFID = dump_byte_array(mfrc522[i].uid.uidByte, mfrc522[i].uid.size);
    // If the current reading is different from the last known reading
    if(readRFID != currentIDs[i]){
      // Set the flag to show that the puzzle state has changed
      changedValue = true;
      // Update the stored value for this sensor
      currentIDs[i] = readRFID;
    // If the reading fails to match the correct ID for this sensor 
    if(currentIDs[i] != correctIDs[i]) {
      // The puzzle has not been solved
      puzzleSolved = false;

    // Halt PICC
    // Stop encryption on PCD

  #ifdef DEBUG
  // If the changedValue flag has been set, at least one sensor has changed
    // Dump to serial the current state of all sensors
    for (uint8_t i=0; i<numReaders; i++) {
      Serial.print(F("Reader #"));
      Serial.print(F(" on Pin #"));
      Serial.print(F(" detected tag: "));

  // If the puzzleSolved flag is set, all sensors detected the correct ID
  // Add a short delay before next polling sensors

 * Called when correct puzzle solution has been entered
void onSolve(){

  #ifdef DEBUG
  // Print debugging message
  Serial.println(F("Puzzle Solved!"));
  // Release the lock
  digitalWrite(lockPin, HIGH);

  while(true) {

 * Helper function to return a string ID from byte array
String dump_byte_array(byte *buffer, byte bufferSize) {
  String read_rfid = "";
  for (byte i=0; i<bufferSize; i++) {
    read_rfid = read_rfid + String(buffer[i], HEX);
  return read_rfid;
Python code:

from nanpy import (ArduinoApi, SerialManager)
from time import sleep
import os

numReaders = 4
ssPins = 5, 6, 7, 8
resetPin = 9
lockPin = A0
correctIDs = "1c3560d3", "1bc95fd3", "7e7b5cd3", "f1325d59"

    connection = SerialManager()
    a = ArduinoApi (connection = connection)
    print("Faled to connect to Arduino")

a.MFRC522 mfrc522(numReaders)
str currentIDs(numReaders)

        a.uint8_t 1=0, i<numReaders, i++
        mfrc622(1).PCD_Init(ssPins(i), resetPin)

    while True:
        print(F("Reader {}",format(i)))
        print(F(" initalised on pin ",format(str(ssPins(i)))))
        print(F(". Antenna strength: ",format(mfrc522(i).PCD_GetAntennaGain())))
        print(F(". Version: ",format(mfrc522(1).PCD_DumpVersionToSerial())))

    while True:
        a.boolean puzzleSolved = True
        a.boolean changedValue = False
        if unit8_t i=0, i<numReaders, i++:
            str(readRFID) = ""
            if mfrc522(i).PICC_IsNewCardPresent(), mfrc522(i).PICC_ReadCardSerial():
                readRFID = dump_byte_array(mfrc522(i).uid.uiByte, mfrc522(i).uid.size)

            if readRFID ! = cuurentIDs(i):
               changedValue = True
               currentIDs(i) = readRFID

            if currentIDs(i) ! = correctIDs(i):
                puzzleSolved = False


        if changedValue:
            for: utint8_t i=0, i<numReaders, i++:
                print("Reader {}",format(str(i)))
                print(F(" on Pin {}",format(str((ssPins(i))))))
                print(F(" detected tag: {}",format(currentIDs(i))))

    try onSolve():
        while True:

        a.digitalWrite(lockPin, a.HIGH)

        while True:

str dump_byte_array(a.byte *a.buffer, a.byte bufferSize):
    str read_rfid = ""
    for a.byte i=0, i<bufferSize, i++:
        read_rfid = read_rfid + str(a.buffer(i), a.HEX)
        return read_rfid
Quote:unfortunally it is not working.
How so?
please include any error messages complete and without modification
Quote:How so?
please include any error messages complete and without modification

This is the error i'm getting right now.
But i suspect that there will ben more errors like this

File "", line 17
a.MFRC522 mfrc522(numReaders)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
a.MFRC522 mfrc522(numReaders)
str currentIDs(numReaders)
It's rather blatant, that's not python. Did you think it was?

and please I asked above, do not send partial error message, send verbatim!
There's a lot of detail in the traceback that can be used to help determine a problem, although it's not necessary here.

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