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Iteration of an array
I have an two-dimm array, with the "internal" array as a named tuple.

EG: I have
obj_list= []
my_Object = namedtuple('my_Object', 'name attribute1 attribute2')
then throughout my program
obj_list.append(my_Object (name,attribute1 ,attribute1 ) )
however, when I try to unpack, I'm getting "lost" in how to do so

when I print
	print (obj_list[2]))
	print (obj_list[6]))
I get :::
['list-name-a', ['ojbect2', 'object5']] ['list-name-f', ['ojbect1', 'object2' 'object4' 'object7']]
-- howeverI can't figure out how to extract "object2" and "object5" as strings...especially wehn there's potential multiple objects

storing the multi-dim array made total sense, unpacking (extracting) it -- has me scratching my head

thanks in advance,
Pappa Bear
p.s. not even sure what to google for this one.
I don't know what you mean by "unpack" or "extract". Can you elaborate? If you have a variable length list, and you need to do something with its contents, a loop is the typical thing.
I don't get it. One can't have different size of namedtuple object, there will be TypeError:

>>> Person = nametuple('Person', 'name gender age')
>>> Bob = Person('Bob', 'male', 22)
>>> Bob
Person(name='Bob', gender='male', age=22)
>>> Sam = Person('Sam', 'male', 20, 'student')
TypeError: __new__() takes 4 positional arguments but 5 were given
To access values in list of namedtuples:

>>> Person = nametuple('Person', 'name gender age')
>>> data = [['Bob', 'male', 22], ['Alice', 'female', 21]]
>>> persons = [Person(*row) for row in data)
>>> persons
[Person(name='Bob', gender='male', age=22),
 Person(name='Alice', gender='female', age=21)]
>>> [ for person in persons if person.gender == 'male']
>>> [ for person in persons if person.gender == 'male'][0]
>>> persons[0].name
I'm not 'in'-sane. Indeed, I am so far 'out' of sane that you appear a tiny blip on the distant coast of sanity. Bucky Katt, Get Fuzzy

Da Bishop: There's a dead bishop on the landing. I don't know who keeps bringing them in here. ....but society is to blame.
Sorry, here's some better formatting, and hopefully a better explanation:::

import time
import os
import collections
from collections import namedtuple


nt_object = namedtuple('nt_object', 'name att1 att2')

# This for loop is just to populate data into object list
for increment in range(1,7):
	if increment % 2 ==0:
		att1 ="div by 2"
	if increment % 3 ==0:
		att2 ="div by 3"
# obj_list now is 6 items --
#	[	nt_object(name='object-1', att1='nope', att2='nope'),
#		nt_object(name='object-2', att1='div by 2', att2='nope'),
#		nt_object(name='object-3', att1='nope', att2='div by 3'),
#		nt_object(name='object-4', att1='div by 2', att2='nope'),
#		nt_object(name='object-5', att1='nope', att2='nope'),
#		nt_object(name='object-6', att1='div by 2', att2='div by 3')	]

## because I can't append multiple items, I put them into a list
for increment in range(1,7):
	if (increment % 2 ==0) and (increment %3 == 0):
		grp_list.append(["group-"+str(increment),obj_list[0],obj_list[1],obj_list[2],obj_list[3], obj_list[4]])
	elif increment % 2 ==0:
# grp_list now is 6 items --
#	[ ['group-1', nt_object(name='object-2', att1='div by 2', att2='nope'), nt_object(name='object-4', att1='div by 2', att2='nope'), nt_object(name='object-6', att1='div by 2', att2='div by 3')],
#	  ['group-2', nt_object(name='object-1', att1='nope', att2='nope'), nt_object(name='object-3', att1='nope', att2='div by 3'), nt_object(name='object-5', att1='nope', att2='nope')],
#	  ['group-3', nt_object(name='object-2', att1='div by 2', att2='nope'), nt_object(name='object-4', att1='div by 2', att2='nope'), nt_object(name='object-6', att1='div by 2', att2='div by 3')],
#	  ['group-4', nt_object(name='object-1', att1='nope', att2='nope'), nt_object(name='object-3', att1='nope', att2='div by 3'), nt_object(name='object-5', att1='nope', att2='nope')],
#	  ['group-5', nt_object(name='object-2', att1='div by 2', att2='nope'), nt_object(name='object-4', att1='div by 2', att2='nope'), nt_object(name='object-6', att1='div by 2', att2='div by 3')],
#	  ['group-6', nt_object(name='object-1', att1='nope', att2='nope'), nt_object(name='object-2', att1='div by 2', att2='nope'), nt_object(name='object-3', att1='nope', att2='div by 3'), nt_object(name='object-4', att1='div by 2', att2='nope'), nt_object(name='object-5', att1='nope', att2='nope')]]

## trying to figure out how to directly reference that
## group-5 has 		"object-2", "object-4" and "object-6"
## group-2 has 		"object-1", "object-3" and "object-5"

for z in range(len(grp_list)):
	for increment in a:
		if counter >0:
			print (
		counter +=1
# This works, but I'm first having to extract it to a temp list
# I was hoping  to be able reference it directly using "grp_list"
(May-23-2019, 05:48 PM)PappaBear Wrote:
## trying to figure out how to directly reference that
## group-5 has 		"object-2", "object-4" and "object-6"
## group-2 has 		"object-1", "object-3" and "object-5"

print(grp_list[4][1].name, grp_list[4][2].name, grp_list[4][3].name)
print(grp_list[1][1].name, grp_list[1][2].name, grp_list[1][3].name)
object-2 object-4 object-6 object-1 object-3 object-5
OMG!!!!! @Yoriz that's exactly what I was looking for!! So elegant!
and I know as a beginner, my code is far from "elegant" but that is so much better than my for loop!

-- it makes sense [array1][array2] but a) didnt' know you could reference it like that; So, what is that called ? (the double brackets ) -- as in what should i have googled?

I do my best not to post here, and RTFM etc...but this one was kicking me in the teeth;

Huge thanks!

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