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String out of range error
I am trying get this code for my HS class. I don't know much about python, i know the basics. We are trying to create strategy in Prisoners Dilemma. I got most of mine working, i just need this part to work, and it looks like its not. I keep getting an error about this highlighted line. ERROR name 
String index out of range
team_name = 'The name the team gives to itself' # Only 10 chars displayed.
strategy_name = 'The name the team gives to this strategy'
strategy_description = 'How does this strategy decide?'
ctest = 0
btest = 0
def move(my_history, their_history, my_score, their_score):
''' Arguments accepted: my_history, their_history are strings.
my_score, their_score are ints.

Make my move.
Returns 'c' or 'b'. 
ctest = 0
btest = 0
if len(their_history) > 15:
for k in their_history:
if k == 'c':
ctest += 1
if k == 'b':
btest += 1
elif len(my_history)==0:
return 'c'
elif len(their_history) > 4:
if their_history[:4] == 'cbcb':
return 'b'
elif len(their_history) > 1:
if their_history[-1] == 'b' and their_history[-2] == 'b':
return 'b'
elif len(their_history) > 15:
endtest = 0
endtest = ctest/btest
if endtest >= 0.65: <-----------------------------
return 'b'
elif endtest <= 0.45: <-----------------------------
return 'c'
return 'c'
# my_history: a string with one letter (c or b) per round that has been played with this opponent.
# their_history: a string of the same length as history, possibly empty. 
# The first round between these two players is my_history[0] and their_history[0].
# The most recent round is my_history[-1] and their_history[-1].

# Analyze my_history and their_history and/or my_score and their_score.
# Decide whether to return 'c' or 'b'.
1) make sure to use code tags
2) make sure to input all of the traceback. This is required to find the error amongst your code. 
3) make sure after you post code that it is formatted correctly. As is the indentation is missing. MAke sure you are using spaces VS tabs.
4) give an example of the function arguments. Currently the variable "their_history" could be anything...which could make a splicing of it out of range. This code requires your string to be at least 2 characters long which causing out of range
Recommended Tutorials:
(Jan-17-2017, 07:08 PM)metulburr Wrote: 1) make sure to use code tags
2) make sure to input all of the traceback. This is required to find the error amongst your code. 
3) make sure after you post code that it is formatted correctly. As is the indentation is missing. MAke sure you are using spaces VS tabs.
4) give an example of the function arguments. Currently the variable "their_history" could be anything...which could make a splicing of it out of range. This code requires your string to be at least 2 characters long which causing out of range

I can't seem to edit my post, here is the rest of the code of Prisoner's dilemma. 

in move(my_history, their_history, my_score, their_score)      38         endtest = 0      39         endtest = ctest/btest ---> 40         if endtest >= 0.65:      41             return 'b' ---> 42         elif endtest <= 0.45: IndexError: string index out of range
# Each team's file must define four tokens:
# team_name: a string
# strategy_name: a string
# strategy_description: a string
# move: A function that returns 'c' or 'b'

team_name = 'The name the team gives to itself' # Only 10 chars displayed.
strategy_name = 'The name the team gives to this strategy'
strategy_description = 'How does this strategy decide?'
ctest = 0
btest = 0
def move(my_history, their_history, my_score, their_score):
''' Arguments accepted: my_history, their_history are strings.
my_score, their_score are ints.

Make my move.
Returns 'c' or 'b'. 
ctest = 0
btest = 0
if len(their_history) > 15:
for k in their_history:
if k == 'c':
ctest += 1
if k == 'b':
btest += 1
elif len(my_history)==0:
return 'c'
elif len(their_history) > 4:
if their_history[:4] == 'cbcb':
return 'b'
elif len(their_history) > 1:
if their_history[-1] == 'b' and their_history[-2] == 'b':
return 'b'
elif len(their_history) > 15:
endtest = 0
endtest = ctest/btest
if endtest >= 0.65:
return 'b'
elif endtest <= 0.45:
return 'c'
return 'c'
# my_history: a string with one letter (c or b) per round that has been played with this opponent.
# their_history: a string of the same length as history, possibly empty. 
# The first round between these two players is my_history[0] and their_history[0].
# The most recent round is my_history[-1] and their_history[-1].

# Analyze my_history and their_history and/or my_score and their_score.
# Decide whether to return 'c' or 'b'.

def test_move(my_history, their_history, my_score, their_score, result):
'''calls move(my_history, their_history, my_score, their_score)
from this module. Prints error if return value != result.
Returns True or False, dpending on whether result was as expected.

if __name__ == '__main__':

# Test 1: Betray on first move.
if test_move(my_history='',
print 'Test passed'
# Test 2: Continue betraying if they collude despite being betrayed.
# Note the scores are for testing move().
# The history and scores don't need to match unless
# that is relevant to the test of move(). Here,
# the simulation (if working correctly) would have awarded 
# 300 to me and -750 to them. This test will pass if and only if
# move('bbb', 'ccc', 0, 0) returns 'b'.
from __future__ import print_function

# Computer Science and Software Engineering
# PLTW AP CS Principles
# (c)2014 Project Lead The Way, Inc.
# Activity 1.3.9 Tools for Collaboration
# Project 1.3.10 Collaborating on a Project
# To run a tournament, execute this file. 
# Place each team's strategy in a file in the same directory as this file.
# Tournament results saved to tournament.txt in this directory.
# automates competition among different strategies
# for the Iterative Prisoners Dilemma, the canonical game of game-theory.
# Each strategy is pitted against each other strategy for 100 to 200 rounds.
# The results of all previous rounds within a 100-200 round stretch are known
# to both players. 
# play_tournament([team0, team1, team2]) executes a tournament and writes to tournament.txt
# Each team's strategy should be coded in their assigned Python file, called a module.
# Each player should have their own .py file containing 
# three strings team_name, strategy_name, and strategy_description
# and a function move(my_history, their_history, my_score, their_score)
# By default, when executing this file, [example0, example1, example2, example3] 
# play a tournament. To run the tournament of [team, team1, team1, example1]:
# scores, moves, reports = main_play([team1]*3+[example1])
# section0, section1, section2, section3 = reports
import random
import os.path 

import example0, example1, example2, example3
import example4, example5, example6, example7
import team0, team1, team2, team3, team4
import team5, team6, team7, team8, team9
import team10, team11, team12, team13, team14
betray = example1
collude = example0

modules = [example0, example1, example2, example3, example4, example5, example6, example7,
team0, team1, team2, team3, team4, team5, team6, team7, team8, team9, team10, 
team11, team12, team13, team14]
for module in modules:
print ('reloaded',module)
for required_variable in ['team_name', 'strategy_name', 'strategy_description']:
if not hasattr(module, required_variable):
setattr(module, required_variable, 'missing assignment')

def main_play(modules):
'''main_play plays a tournament and outputs results to screen and file.
This function is called once when this file is executed.
modules: a list of modules such as [team1, team2] 

sections: a list of [str, str, str, list of str] 
scores, moves = play_tournament(modules)
section0, section1, section2, section3 = make_reports(modules, scores, moves)
code = make_code_string(modules)
# On screen, include the first three out of four sections of the report.
# To file output, store all teams' code and all teams' section 3 reports.
post_to_file(section0+section1+section2 + code + ''.join(section3))
return scores, moves, [section0, section1, section2, section3]

def play_tournament(modules):
'''Each argument is a module name
Each module must contain 
team_name: a string
strategy_name: a string
strategy_description: a string
move: A function that returns 'c' or 'b'
zeros_list = [0]*len(modules) # to initialize each player's head-to-head scores
scores = [zeros_list[:] for module in modules] # Copy it or it's only 1 list
moves = [zeros_list[:] for module in modules] # Copy it or it's only 1 list
for first_team_index in range(len(modules)):
for second_team_index in range(first_team_index):
player1 = modules[first_team_index]
player2 = modules[second_team_index]
score1, score2, moves1, moves2 = play_iterative_rounds(player1, player2)
capitalize(moves1, moves2)
scores[first_team_index][second_team_index] = score1/len(moves1) # int division not an issue
moves[first_team_index][second_team_index] = moves1
# Redundant, but record this for the other player, from their perspective
scores[second_team_index][first_team_index] = score2/len(moves2) 
moves[second_team_index][first_team_index] = moves2
# Playing yourself doesn't do anything
scores[first_team_index][first_team_index] = 0
moves[first_team_index][first_team_index] = ''
return scores, moves

def play_iterative_rounds(player1, player2):
Plays a random number of rounds (between 100 and 200 rounds) 
of the iterative prisoners' dilemma between two strategies.
player1 and player2 are modules.
Returns 4-tuple, for example ('cc', 'bb', -200, 600) 
but with much longer strings 
number_of_rounds = random.randint(100, 200)
moves1 = ''
moves2 = ''
score1 = 0
score2 = 0
for round in range(number_of_rounds):
score1, score2, moves1, moves2 = play_round(player1, player2, score1, score2, moves1, moves2)
return (score1, score2, moves1, moves2)

def play_round(player1, player2, score1, score2, moves1, moves2):
Calls the move() function from each module which return
'c' or 'b' for collude or betray for each player.
The history is provided in a string, e.g. 'ccb' indicates the player
colluded in the first two rounds and betrayed in the most recent round.
Returns a 2-tuple with score1 and score2 incremented by this round

RELEASE = 0 # (R, "reward" in literature) when both players collude
TREAT = 100 # (T, "temptation" in literature) when you betray your partner
SEVERE_PUNISHMENT = -500 # (S, "sucker" in literature) when your partner betrays you
PUNISHMENT = -250 # (P) when both players betray each other

# Keep T > R > P > S to be a Prisoner's Dilemma
# Keep 2R > T + S to be an Iterative Prisoner's Dilemma

ERROR = -250

# Get the two players' actions and remember them.
action1 = player1.move(moves1, moves2, score1, score2)
action2 = player2.move(moves2, moves1, score2, score1)
if (type(action1) != str) or (len(action1) != 1):
action1=' '
if (type(action2) != str) or (len(action2) != 1):
action2=' '

# Change scores based upon player actions.
actions = action1 + action2
if actions == 'cc':
# Both players collude; get reward.
score1 += RELEASE
score2 += RELEASE
elif actions == 'cb':
# Player 1 colludes, player 2 betrays; get severe, treat.
score2 += TREAT
elif actions == 'bc':
# Player 1 betrays, player 2 colludes; get treat, severe.
score1 += TREAT
elif actions == 'bb':
# Both players betray; get punishment. 
score1 += PUNISHMENT
score2 += PUNISHMENT 
# Both players get the "error score" if someone's code returns an improper action.
score1 += ERROR
score2 += ERROR

# Append the actions to the previous histories.
if action1 in 'bc':
moves1 += action1
moves1 += ' '
if action2 in 'bc':
moves2 += action2
moves2 += ' '

# Return scores incremented by this round's results.
return (score1, score2, moves1, moves2) 

def make_reports(modules, scores, moves):
section0 = make_section0(modules, scores)
section1 = make_section1(modules, scores)
section2 = make_section2(modules, scores)

section3 = []
for index in range(len(modules)):
section3.append(make_section3(modules, moves, scores, index))
return section0, section1, section2, section3

def make_section0(modules, scores):
Produce the following string:
Section 0 - Line up
Player 0 (P0): Team name 0, Strategy name 0,
Strategy 0 description
Player 1 (P1): Team name 1, Strategy name 1, 
Strategy 1 description
section0 = '-'*80+'\n'
section0 += 'Section 0 - Line up\n'
section0 += '-'*80+'\n'
for index in range(len(modules)):
section0 += 'Player ' + str(index) + ' (P' + str(index) + '): '
section0 += str(modules[index].team_name) + ', ' + str(modules[index].strategy_name) + '\n'
strategy_description = str(modules[index].strategy_description)
# Format with 8 space indent 80 char wide
while len(strategy_description) > 1:
newline = strategy_description[:72].find('\n')
if newline> -1:
section0 += ' '*8 + strategy_description[:newline+1]
strategy_description = strategy_description[newline+1:]
section0 += ' '*8 + strategy_description[:72] + '\n'
strategy_description = strategy_description[72:]
return section0

def make_section1(modules, scores):
Section 1 - Player vs. Player
A column shows pts/round earned against each other player: 
P0 P1 
vs. P0 : 0 100 
vs. P1 : -500 0 
TOTAL : -500 100
# First line
section1 = '-'*80+'\nSection 1 - Player vs. Player\n'+'-'*80+'\n'
section1 += 'Each column shows pts/round earned against each other player:\n'
# Second line
section1 += ' '
for i in range(len(modules)):
section1 += '{:>7}'.format('P'+str(i))
section1 += '\n'
# Add one line per team
for index in range(len(modules)):
section1 += 'vs. P' + str(index) + ' :'
for i in range(len(modules)):
section1 += '{:>7}'.format(scores[i][index])
section1 += '\n'

# Last line
section1 += 'TOTAL :'
for index in range(len(modules)):
section1 += '{:>7}'.format(sum(scores[index])) 
return section1+'\n'

def make_section2(modules, scores):
Section 2 - Leaderboard
Average points per round:
Team name (P#): Score with strategy name
Champ10nz (P0): 100 points with Loyal
Rockettes (P1): -500 points with Backstabber
section2 = '-'*80+'\nSection 2 - Leaderboard\n'+'-'*80+'\n'
section2 += 'Average points per round:\n'
section2 += 'Team name (P#): Score with strategy name\n'

# Make a list of teams' 4-tuples
section2_list = []
for index in range(len(modules)):
section2_list.sort(key=lambda x: int(x[2]), reverse=True)

# Generate one string per team
# Rockettes (P1): -500 points with Backstabber
for team in section2_list:
team_name, Pn, n_points, strategy_name = team
section2 += '{:<10}({}): {:>10} points with {:<40}\n'.format(team_name[:10], Pn, n_points, strategy_name[:40]) 
return section2 

def make_section3(modules, moves, scores, index):
'''Return a string with information for the player at index, like:
Section 3 - Game Data for Team Colloid c=-500 b=-250 C=0 B=+100
-133 pt/round: Colloid (P6) "Collude every 3rd round"
-233 pt/round: 2PwnU (P8) "Betray, then alternate"
section3 = '-'*80+'\nSection 3 - Game Data for Team '
section3 += modules[index].team_name + '\n'
section3 += '-'*80+'\n'
# Make 4 lines per opponent
for opponent_index in range(len(modules)):
if opponent_index != index:
# Line 1
section3 += str(scores[index][opponent_index])
section3 += ' pt/round: ' + modules[index].team_name +'(P'
section3 += str(index)+') "'+modules[index].strategy_name + '"\n'
# Line 2
section3 += str(scores[opponent_index][index])
section3 += ' pt/round: ' + modules[opponent_index].team_name +'(P'
section3 += str(opponent_index)+') "'+modules[opponent_index].strategy_name + '"\n'
# Lines 3-4
hist1, hist2 = capitalize(moves[index][opponent_index], moves[opponent_index][index])
while len(hist1) > 1:
section3 += hist1[:80] + '\n'
section3 += hist2[:80] + '\n\n'
hist1 = hist1[80:]
hist2 = hist2[80:]
section3 += '-'*80 + '\n'
return section3

def capitalize(history1, history2):
'''Accept two strings of equal length.
Return the same two strings but capitalizing the opponent of 'c' each round.
caphistory1, caphistory2 = '', ''
for i in range(len(history1)):
p1 = history1[i]
p2 = history2[i]
if p1 == 'c':
p2 = p2.upper()
if p2 in 'cC':
p1 = p1.upper()
caphistory1 += p1 
caphistory2 += p2 
return caphistory1, caphistory2

def make_code_string(modules):
'''Returns a string of the code from each file.
code = '-'*80 + '\n'
code += 'Code of each player\'s algorithm\n'
code = '-'*80 + '\n'
for index in range(len(modules)):
players_code_filename = str(modules[index]).split(' ')[1].replace('\'','')
directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) 
filename = os.path.join(directory, players_code_filename)
players_code_file = open(filename+'.py', 'r')
code += '-'*80 + '\n'
code += players_code_filename
code +='-'*80 + '\n'
code += ''.join(players_code_file.readlines())
return code

def copy_template():
'''Transfer code in to though
directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) 
with open(os.path.join(directory, ''), 'r') as sourcefile:
source = sourcefile.readlines()
for i in range(1, 15):
target = 'team'+str(i)+'.py'
filename = os.path.join(directory, target)
with open(filename, 'w') as target_file:

def post_to_api():

def post_to_local_html():

def post_to_file(string, filename='tournament.txt', directory=''):
'''Write output in a txt file.
# Use the same directory as the python script
if directory=='':
directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) 
# Name the file tournament.txt
filename = os.path.join(directory, filename)
# Create the file for the round-by-round results
filehandle = open(filename,'w')

### Call main_play() if this file is executed
if __name__ == '__main__':
scores, moves, reports = main_play(modules[0:4]) 
section0, section1, section2, section3 = reports

their_history and my_history stores string like 'bcbcccbccb' B for betray collude
You need to re post with working indentation.
Do a test before you post all code,
as you see in code under 4-space for indentation(PEP-8)
def foo():

if __name__ == '__main__':
(Jan-17-2017, 09:19 PM)snippsat Wrote: You need to re post with working indentation.
Do a test before you post all code,
as you see in code under 4-space for indentation(PEP-8)
def foo():

if __name__ == '__main__':

Ok, ty
I am trying get this code for my HS class. I don't know much about python, i know the basics. We are trying to create strategy in Prisoners Dilemma. I got most of mine working, i just need this part to work, and it looks like its not. I get the error when i try to tell Prisoners Dilemma to use the strategy on against example2

scores, moves, reports = main_play([example2, team14])

[color=#000000][size=small][font=monospace]in move(my_history, their_history, my_score, their_score)      38         endtest = 0      39         endtest = ctest/btest ---> 40         if endtest >= 0.65:      41             return 'b' ---> 42         elif endtest <= 0.45: IndexError: string index out of range [/font][/size][/color]
and here is the code for the (me)

[quote pid='8416' dateline='1484713273']
I am trying get this code for my HS class. I don't know much about python, i know the basics. We are trying to create strategy in Prisoners Dilemma. I got most of mine working, i just need this part to work, and it looks like its not. I get the error when i try to tell Prisoners Dilemma to use the strategy on against example2

scores, moves, reports = main_play([example2, team14])

[color=#000000][size=small][font=monospace]in move(my_history, their_history, my_score, their_score)      38         endtest = 0      39         endtest = ctest/btest ---> 40         if endtest >= 0.65:      41             return 'b' ---> 42         elif endtest <= 0.45: IndexError: string index out of range [/font][/size][/color]
and here is the code for the (me)

You're posting way more code than is necessary and no traceback. The error you show doesn't even have indexing in the code snippet.

Here's a Python session that has code that could reproduce the kind of error you're seeing
>>> "Hello, world!"[100]

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#9>", line 1, in <module>
    "Hello, world!"[100]
IndexError: string index out of range
Note that there's a string, and an index operator (using square brackets).

To post less code, you should find the exactly line which is having the problem, print the string and the index before that line crashes, and post back here with as little code as possible that reproduces your problem that you need help solving. It could be as simple as what I just showed above, but if you're really reducing it, it should be fewer than 10 lines and probably fewer than 5.
(Jan-18-2017, 06:58 PM)micseydel Wrote: You're posting way more code than is necessary and no traceback. The error you show doesn't even have indexing in the code snippet.

Here's a Python session that has code that could reproduce the kind of error you're seeing
>>> "Hello, world!"[100]

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#9>", line 1, in <module>
    "Hello, world!"[100]
IndexError: string index out of range
Note that there's a string, and an index operator (using square brackets).

To post less code, you should find the exactly line which is having the problem, print the string and the index before that line crashes, and post back here with as little code as possible that reproduces your problem that you need help solving. It could be as simple as what I just showed above, but if you're really reducing it, it should be fewer than 10 lines and probably fewer than 5.
I really don't understand what i need to do. Like i said i  only know basics. In the IPS, i ran the line to produce a simulation with the strategy i coded, and its working due to a error. That is all i know.
(Jan-18-2017, 07:38 PM)Salah71 Wrote: I really don't understand what i need to do.
Do you have any specific questions about what I said?

I don't know what you mean by IPS; is it an automated grading system?

I'm doubtful that Python is generating that error report. If the error report is from your instructor, or software they're using, you should probably check with them. It's probably a bug on their side and they should be able to help you with a workaround for that.

We can't run your code without making a bunch of changes since it relies on the other teams. It hasn't been narrowed down to any specific part of the code. The problem needs to be specified more. I'm not saying you can't be helped, but you're more likely to get help if you simplify the question so that people can help faster. For example, I'm at work right now, and answer questions in between running tests and such. This is too big for me to dig into, as-is.

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