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Can’t get program to run properly
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Can’t get program to run properly
#Program is written in python

from datetime import date
def calculateAge(birthDate):
today =
age = today.year - birthDate.year - ((today.month, < (birthDate.month,
return age

def getDiscount(age):
discount = 0
if(18 <= age <= 25):
discount = 20
elif(26 <= age <= 35):
discount = 15
elif(36 <= age <= 45):
discount = 10
elif(46 <= age <= 60):
discount = 5
elif(60 <= age):
discount = 25
return discount

file = open("cusoumers.txt", "r")
for x in file:
data = x.split(",")
name = data[0]
street = data[1]
city = data[2]
state = data[3]
dob = list(map(int, data[4].split("/")))
pet= data[5].rstrip("\n")
age = calculateAge(date(dob[2],dob[1],dob[0]))
discount = getDiscount(age)

Animals = ["Cat","Dog","Horse","Fish"]
vendors = ["Bertha's Kitty Boutique","K9 Supplies","Saddle & Tack Shoppe","Aquariums 'N' Stuff","Pet-R-Us"]
if(pet in Animals):
vendorIndex = Animals.index(pet)
vendorIndex = 4

reqVendor = vendors[vendorIndex]
f= open(name+"_formLetter.txt","w+") #saving the file name with the <name>_formLetter.txt format
f.write("Dear Valued Customer:\n\n")
f.write("Happy Birthday! You are eligible for a "+str(discount)+"% discount at")
f.write(reqVendor+".\n\nHappy shopping,\n")
What's wrong with it?

It's preferred that you put tags around code so that the tabs and stuff stay. Put a "[ python ]" on the line above your code, and a "[ /python ]" on the line after. Don't put the spaces inside the brackets. There is no way for us to know your indentations and that may be the problem.

I did just notice that you are trying to open a file called "cusoumers.txt". Any chance that's not the right name?
Some observations of this unformatted code:

- it's useful to follow PEP8 Naming conventions: Function and Variable Names:

Quote:Function names should be lowercase, with words separated by underscores as necessary to improve readability.

Variable names follow the same convention as function names.

mixedCase is allowed only in contexts where that's already the prevailing style (e.g., to retain backwards compatibility.

- it is useful to open files this way with open('filename.txt', 'r') as f:

- it is useful to unpack list which you get from .split() and use row or line instead of x:

name, street, city, state = row.split(',')    # NB! you have more values per line
- it's unclear what discount should be applied to age 60 (first condition takes precedence but is it intended this way?)

- in calculating discount one could use battaries-included tools (bisect module) and avoid long chain of comparisons:

from bisect import bisect

def get_discount(age): 
    ages = [18, 26, 36, 46, 60] 
    discount = [0, 20, 15, 10, 5, 25] 
    i = bisect(ages, age) 
    return discount[i]
This assumes that under 18 the discount is zero:

>>> get_discount(5)                                                                       
>>> get_discount(18)                                                                      
>>> get_discount(25)                                                                      
>>> get_discount(26)                                                                      
>>> get_discount(100)                                                                     
- and yes, it would be helpful if (a) code is in tags (b) have better description than 'can't get program to run properly'
I'm not 'in'-sane. Indeed, I am so far 'out' of sane that you appear a tiny blip on the distant coast of sanity. Bucky Katt, Get Fuzzy

Da Bishop: There's a dead bishop on the landing. I don't know who keeps bringing them in here. ....but society is to blame.
So okay spelled the customers.txt file correctly but my goal here is I’m trying to take information for about 4 or 5 lines of data in the customers file and take that data and apply a discount with the ranges above. Also I’m trying to match each customer based of the pet they have which is the last item in each line in the customers.txt file match the appropriate vendor i tried making a list of it and then implementing it into another text file that would write the data out in a letter format as you can see at the bottom there. Does that make sense? I’m doing this for a major programming project and I’m not too great in programming so I’m sorry if some things don’t make a whole lot of sense here I’m just looking for some help.

from datetime import date

def calculateAge(birthDate): #function calculates the customers age.
today =
age = today.year - birthDate.year - (today.month, < (birthDate.month,
return age

def getDiscount(age): #this function deteremines the customer's discount based off their age
discount = 0
if(18 <= age <= 25):
discount = 20
elif(26 <= age <= 35):
discount = 15
elif(36 <= age <= 45):
discount = 10
elif(46 <= age <= 60):
discount = 5
elif(60 <= age):
discount = 25
return discount

def getCustomerInfo(customer_file):
#open file
customer_file = open("customers.txt", "r")
lines = customer_file.readline()
for lines in customer_file:
data = lines.split(",")
name = data[0]
street = data[1]
city = data[2]
state = data[3]
zipCode = data[4]
dob = data[5]
pet = data[6].rstrip("\n")
age = calculateAge(birthDate)
discount = getDiscount(age)


#get the vendor based off of the pet the user has
animals = ["Cat","Dog","Horse","Fish"]
vendors = ["Bertha's Kitty Boutique","K9 Supplies","Saddle & Tack Shoppe","Aquariums 'N' Stuff","Pet-R-Us"]

if(pet in animals):
vendorIndex = animals.index(pet)
vendorIndex = 4

vendor = vendors[vendorIndex]

def letter(getCustomerInfo):
#format letter
letterFormat = open("Letter.txt","w") #saving the file name with the name Letter.txt format the letter into another text file.
letterFormat.write("Dear Valued Customer:\n\n")
letterFormat.write(str(vendor), "Happy Birthday! You are eligible for a ", str(discount), "% discount at")
letterFormat.write(".\n\nHappy shopping,\n")


(Dec-04-2019, 05:25 AM)ITnet20 Wrote: So okay spelled the customers.txt file correctly but my goal here is I’m trying to take information for about 4 or 5 lines of data in the customers file and take that data and apply a discount with the ranges above. Also I’m trying to match each customer based of the pet they have which is the last item in each line in the customers.txt file match the appropriate vendor i tried making a list of it and then implementing it into another text file that would write the data out in a letter format as you can see at the bottom there. Does that make sense? I’m doing this for a major programming project and I’m not too great in programming so I’m sorry if some things don’t make a whole lot of sense here I’m just looking for some help.
[python] from datetime import date def calculateAge(birthDate): #function calculates the customers age. today = age = today.year - birthDate.year - (today.month, < (birthDate.month, return age def getDiscount(age): #this function deteremines the customer's discount based off their age discount = 0 if(18 <= age <= 25): discount = 20 elif(26 <= age <= 35): discount = 15 elif(36 <= age <= 45): discount = 10 elif(46 <= age <= 60): discount = 5 elif(60 <= age): discount = 25 return discount def getCustomerInfo(customer_file): #open file customer_file = open("customers.txt", "r") lines = customer_file.readline() for lines in customer_file: data = lines.split(",") name = data[0] street = data[1] city = data[2] state = data[3] zipCode = data[4] dob = data[5] pet = data[6].rstrip("\n") age = calculateAge(birthDate) discount = getDiscount(age) customer_file.close() #get the vendor based off of the pet the user has animals = ["Cat","Dog","Horse","Fish"] vendors = ["Bertha's Kitty Boutique","K9 Supplies","Saddle & Tack Shoppe","Aquariums 'N' Stuff","Pet-R-Us"] if(pet in animals): vendorIndex = animals.index(pet) else: vendorIndex = 4 vendor = vendors[vendorIndex] def letter(getCustomerInfo): #format letter letterFormat = open("Letter.txt","w") #saving the file name with the name Letter.txt format the letter into another text file. letterFormat.write(str(name),"\n") letterFormat.write(str(street),"\n") letterFormat.write(str(city),",") letterFormat.write(str(state),"\n\n") letterFormat.write(str(zipCode),"\n\n") letterFormat.write("Dear Valued Customer:\n\n") letterFormat.write(str(vendor), "Happy Birthday! You are eligible for a ", str(discount), "% discount at") letterFormat.write(".\n\nHappy shopping,\n") letterFormat.close() print(letterFormat) [python]
#Purpose: create a program that reads the customer files and determines the person’s age.
# Then display info in letter format.

from datetime import date

def calculate_age(birthDate):        #function calculates the customers age.
    today =
    age = today.year - birthDate.year - (today.month, < (birthDate.month,
    return age

def get_discount(age):       #this function deteremines the customer's discount based off their age
    discount = 0
    if(18 <= age <= 25):
        discount = 20
    elif(26 <= age <= 35):
        discount = 15
    elif(36 <= age <= 45):
        discount = 10
    elif(46 <= age <= 60):
        discount = 5
    elif(60 <= age):
        discount = 25
    return discount

def get_customer_info(customer_file):
    #open file
    customer_file = open("customers.txt", "r")
    lines = customer_file.readline()
    for lines in customer_file:
        data = lines.split(",")
        name = data[0]
        street = data[1]
        city =  data[2]
        state = data[3]
        zipCode = data[4]
        dob = data[5]
        pet = data[6].rstrip("\n")
        age = calculate_age(birthDate)
        discount = get_discount(age)


        #get the vendor based off of the pet the user has 
        animals = ["Cat","Dog","Horse","Fish"]
        vendors = ["Bertha's Kitty Boutique","K9 Supplies","Saddle & Tack Shoppe","Aquariums 'N' Stuff","Pet-R-Us"]

        if(pet in animals):
            vendorIndex = animals.index(pet)
            vendorIndex = 4
        vendor = vendors[vendorIndex]

def letter(get_customer_info):
    #format letter
    letterFormat = open("Letter.txt","w") #saving the file name with the name Letter.txt format the letter into another text file.
    letterFormat.write("Dear Valued Customer:\n\n")
    letterFormat.write(str(vendor), "Happy Birthday! You are eligible for a ", str(discount), "% discount at")
    letterFormat.write(".\n\nHappy shopping,\n")
This is my objective here:

ACME will provide you with a file that contains customer names and other personal
information (customers.txt).
Full Name, Street Address, City, State, Zip, Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy), Pet
ACME wants your program to read the customer files and determine the person’s age. Then based on
the customer’s age determine the personal discount they are eligible for. The discount ranges are:
18-25 yrs = 20%
26-35 yrs = 15%
36-45 yrs = 10%
46-60 yrs = 5%
> 60 yrs = 25%

The program then matches the customer’s pet preference with a suitable vendor:
Cat = Bertha’s Kitty Boutique
Dog = K9 Supplies
Horse = Saddle & Tack Shoppe
Fish = Aquariums ‘N’ Stuff
any other = Pet-R-Us

The program then generates a form letter text file for each customer.

Sample Letter
(Customer Name)
(Street Address)
(City, State Zip)
Dear Valued Customer:
Happy Birthday! You are eligible for a (percent)% discount at (vendor).
Happy shopping,
(your name)
(today’s date (dynamic, the day I run your program for evaluation)

You should close code block with [/python].

You could provide some rows from file to understand the initial data.
I'm not 'in'-sane. Indeed, I am so far 'out' of sane that you appear a tiny blip on the distant coast of sanity. Bucky Katt, Get Fuzzy

Da Bishop: There's a dead bishop on the landing. I don't know who keeps bringing them in here. ....but society is to blame.
it's not clear how you run your code and call functions you define in the snippet
then you have defined get_customer_info() function but it does not return anything, so even if you call it at some point it will have no effect
also you have get_customer_info argument in the signature of letter function. Note that it's something different from the function of the same name defined before that. You never use it in the body of the said letter function. all the variable like name, street, city, etc. would not be defined when you try to use them
If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself, Albert Einstein
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Lots of work to do, agree with buran. Biggest issue is how you move data around, but there are others. When reading customers.txt you never close the file. Suggest using "with" for both your reading and writing blocks as it nicely handles that for you. With paired info such as the animals and vendors lists, a dictionary is an ideal way to handle the data and get the right vendor with the right animal.

In get_customer_info() you take the parameter customer_file but then promptly ignore that by using that variable to open customers.txt.

name, address, etc are already strings so you should not need to use str(name). Python won't give an error but the code is redundantly saying the same thing repeatedly.
from datetime import date

def calculateAge(birthDate): #function calculates the customers age.
today =
age = today.year - birthDate.year - (today.month, < (birthDate.month,
return age

def getDiscount(age): #this function deteremines the customer's discount based off their age
discount = 0
if(18 <= age <= 25):
discount = 20
elif(26 <= age <= 35):
discount = 15
elif(36 <= age <= 45):
discount = 10
elif(46 <= age <= 60):
discount = 5
elif(60 <= age):
discount = 25
return discount

def getCustomerInfo(customer_file):
#open file
customer_file = open("customers.txt", "r")
lines = customer_file.readline()
for lines in customer_file:
data = lines.split(",")
name = data[0]
street = data[1]
city = data[2]
state = data[3]
zipCode = data[4]
dob = data[5]
pet = data[6].rstrip("\n")
age = calculateAge(birthDate)
discount = getDiscount(age)


#get the vendor based off of the pet the user has
animals = ["Cat","Dog","Horse","Fish"]
vendors = ["Bertha's Kitty Boutique","K9 Supplies","Saddle & Tack Shoppe","Aquariums 'N' Stuff","Pet-R-Us"]

if(pet in animals):
vendorIndex = animals.index(pet)
vendorIndex = 4

vendor = vendors[vendorIndex]

def letter(getCustomerInfo):
#format letter
letterFormat = open("Letter.txt","w") #saving the file name with the name Letter.txt format the letter into another text file.
letterFormat.write("Dear Valued Customer:\n\n")
letterFormat.write(str(vendor), "Happy Birthday! You are eligible for a ", str(discount), "% discount at")
letterFormat.write(".\n\nHappy shopping,\n")
#Purpose: create a program that reads the customer files and determines the person’s age.
# Then display info in letter format.

from datetime import date

def get_customer_info():
    #open file
    customer_file = open("customers.txt", "r")
    lines = customer_file.readline()
    for lines in customer_file:
        name = lines[0]
        street = lines[1]
        city =  lines[2]
        state_zip = lines[3]
        dob = lines[4].split("/")
        pet = lines[4].rstrip("\n")
        age = calculate_age(age)
        discount = get_discount(age)

    #get the vendor based off of the pet the user has 
    animals = ["Cat","Dog","Horse","Fish"]
    vendors = ["Bertha's Kitty Boutique","K9 Supplies","Saddle & Tack Shoppe","Aquariums 'N' Stuff","Pet-R-Us"]

    if(pet in animals):
        vendorIndex = animals.index(pet)
        vendorIndex = 4
        vendor = vendors[vendorIndex]
def calculate_age(birthDate):
    #function calculates the customers age.
    today =
    age = today.year - birthDate.year - (today.month, < (birthDate.month,
    return age

def get_discount(age):       #this function deteremines the customer's discount based off their age
    discount = 0
    if(18 <= age <= 25):
        discount = 20
    elif(26 <= age <= 35):
        discount = 15
    elif(36 <= age <= 45):
        discount = 10
    elif(46 <= age <= 60):
        discount = 5
    elif(60 <= age):
        discount = 25
    return discount

#format letter
def letter(name, street, city, state_zip, dob, pet, discount):
     #format letter
    letterFormat = open("Letter.txt","w") #saving the file name with the name Letter.txt format the letter into another text file.
    letterFormat.write("Dear Valued Customer:\n\n")
    letterFormat.write(vendor, "Happy Birthday! You are eligible for a ", str(discount), "% discount at")
    letterFormat.write(".\n\nHappy shopping,\n")
I've changed it up a bit and now I am getting this error: age = calculate_age(birthDate)
NameError: name 'birthDate' is not defined
and I'm sure it will do the same with the other varuable in the get_customer_info() for discount how could I use these functions to work with variables?

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