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ValueError: substring not found
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ValueError: substring not found
Let me first start this off by stating that I am a complete beginner to coding and my attempts to fix this have been limited. I am trying to follow this Arduino controlled piano robot. It takes a textified midi file and uses python to translate it into 8-bit.
output_file = open("translated.txt", "w")
input_file = open("C:\\Users\\nby20\\Downloads\\megalovania.txt")
raw_input_data =
work_data = raw_input_data.splitlines()
result = []

#output_file = open("result.txt", "w")

def main():

    for a in work_data:
        temp_time = time_finder(a)
        if result == []:
            result.append(str(temp_time) + ",")
            if on_off_finder(a):
                result[-1] += set_bit(True, note_finder(a))
            elif not on_off_finder(a):
                result[-1] += set_bit(True, note_finder(a))
        elif time_finder_comm(result[-1]) == temp_time:
            result[-1] = str(temp_time) + "," + set_bit_prev(on_off_finder(a), note_finder(a), -1)

        elif time_finder_comm(result[-1]) != temp_time:
            result.append(str(temp_time) + "," + set_bit_prev(on_off_finder(a), note_finder(a), -1))

    for b in result:

def set_bit(On, note):
    #Takes boolean for if it is on or not, and note number.
    #Generates bit
    if(note >= 21 and note <= 28 and On):
        return str(2**(note - 21)) + ",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0"
    elif(note >= 29 and note <= 36 and On):
        return "0," + str(2**(note - 29)) + ",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0"
    elif(note >= 37 and note <= 44 and On):
        return "0,0," + str(2**(note - 37)) + ",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0"
    elif(note >= 45 and note <= 52 and On):
        return "0,0,0," + str(2**(note - 45)) + ",0,0,0,0,0,0,0"
    elif(note >= 53 and note <= 60 and On):
        return "0,0,0,0," + str(2**(note - 53)) + ",0,0,0,0,0,0"
    elif(note >= 61 and note <= 68 and On):
        return "0,0,0,0,0," + str(2**(note - 61)) + ",0,0,0,0,0"
    elif(note >= 69 and note <= 76 and On):
        return "0,0,0,0,0,0," + str(2**(note - 69)) + ",0,0,0,0"
    elif(note >= 77 and note <= 84 and On):
        return "0,0,0,0,0,0,0," + str(2**(note - 77)) + ",0,0,0"
    elif(note >= 85 and note <= 92 and On):
        return "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0," + str(2**(note - 85)) + ",0,0"
    elif(note >= 93 and note <= 100 and On):
        return "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0," + str(2**(note - 93)) + ",0"
    elif(note >= 101 and note <= 108 and On):
        return "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0," + str(2**(note - 101))
        return "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0"

def set_bit_prev(On, note, index):
    #Same as set_bit but previous aware
    temp = result[index]
    temp = temp[(temp.find(",") + 1):]
    if(note >= 21 and note <= 28):
        local_temp = temp[0:temp.find(",")]
            return str(int(local_temp) + (2**(note - 21))) + temp[temp.find(","):]
        if(not On):
            return str(int(local_temp) - (2**(note - 21))) + temp[temp.find(","):]
    elif(note >= 29 and note <= 36):
        local_temp = temp[(temp.find(",") + 1):indexTh(temp, ",", 2)]
            return temp[0:temp.find(",") + 1] + str(int(local_temp) + (2**(note - 29))) + temp[indexTh(temp, ",", 2):]
        if(not On):
            return temp[0:temp.find(",") + 1] + str(int(local_temp) - (2**(note - 29))) + temp[indexTh(temp, ",", 2):]
    elif(note >= 37 and note <= 44):
        local_temp = temp[(indexTh(temp, ",", 2) + 1):indexTh(temp, ",", 3)]
            return temp[0:indexTh(temp, ",", 2) + 1] + str(int(local_temp) + (2**(note - 37))) + temp[indexTh(temp, ",", 3):]
        if(not On):
            return temp[0:indexTh(temp, ",", 2) + 1] + str(int(local_temp) - (2**(note - 37))) + temp[indexTh(temp, ",", 3):]
    elif(note >= 45 and note <= 52):
        local_temp = temp[(indexTh(temp, ",", 3) + 1):indexTh(temp, ",", 4)]
            return temp[0:indexTh(temp, ",", 3) + 1] + str(int(local_temp) + (2**(note - 45))) + temp[indexTh(temp, ",", 4):]
        if(not On):
            return temp[0:indexTh(temp, ",", 3) + 1] + str(int(local_temp) - (2**(note - 45))) + temp[indexTh(temp, ",", 4):]
    elif(note >= 53 and note <= 60):
        local_temp = temp[(indexTh(temp, ",", 4) + 1):indexTh(temp, ",", 5)]
            return temp[0:indexTh(temp, ",", 4) + 1] + str(int(local_temp) + (2**(note - 53))) + temp[indexTh(temp, ",", 5):]
        if(not On):
            return temp[0:indexTh(temp, ",", 4) + 1] + str(int(local_temp) - (2**(note - 53))) + temp[indexTh(temp, ",", 5):]
    elif(note >= 61 and note <= 68):
        local_temp = temp[(indexTh(temp, ",", 5) + 1):indexTh(temp, ",", 6)]
            return temp[0:indexTh(temp, ",", 5) + 1] + str(int(local_temp) + (2**(note - 61))) + temp[indexTh(temp, ",", 6):]
        if(not On):
            return temp[0:indexTh(temp, ",", 5) + 1] + str(int(local_temp) - (2**(note - 61))) + temp[indexTh(temp, ",", 6):]
    elif(note >= 69 and note <= 76):
        local_temp = temp[(indexTh(temp, ",", 6) + 1):indexTh(temp, ",", 7)]
            return temp[0:indexTh(temp, ",", 6) + 1] + str(int(local_temp) + (2**(note - 69))) + temp[indexTh(temp, ",", 7):]
        if(not On):
            return temp[0:indexTh(temp, ",", 6) + 1] + str(int(local_temp) - (2**(note - 69))) + temp[indexTh(temp, ",", 7):]
    elif(note >= 77 and note <= 84):
        local_temp = temp[(indexTh(temp, ",", 7) + 1):indexTh(temp, ",", 8)]
            return temp[0:indexTh(temp, ",", 7) + 1] + str(int(local_temp) + (2**(note - 77))) + temp[indexTh(temp, ",", 8):]
        if(not On):
            return temp[0:indexTh(temp, ",", 7) + 1] + str(int(local_temp) - (2**(note - 77))) + temp[indexTh(temp, ",", 8):]
    elif(note >= 85 and note <= 92):#error here
        local_temp = temp[(indexTh(temp, ",", 8) + 1):indexTh(temp, ",", 9)]
            return temp[0:indexTh(temp, ",", 8) + 1] + str(int(local_temp) + (2**(note - 85))) + temp[indexTh(temp, ",", 9):]
        if(not On):
            return temp[0:indexTh(temp, ",", 8) + 1] + str(int(local_temp) - (2**(note - 85))) + temp[indexTh(temp, ",", 9):]
    elif(note >= 93 and note <= 100):
        local_temp = temp[(indexTh(temp, ",", 9) + 1):indexTh(temp, ",", 10)]
            return temp[0:indexTh(temp, ",", 9) + 1] + str(int(local_temp) + (2**(note - 93))) + temp[indexTh(temp, ",", 10):]
        if(not On):
            return temp[0:indexTh(temp, ",", 9) + 1] + str(int(local_temp) - (2**(note - 93))) + temp[indexTh(temp, ",", 10):]
    elif(note >= 101 and note <= 108):
        local_temp = temp[(indexTh(temp, ",", 10) + 1):]
            return temp[0:indexTh(temp, ",", 10) + 1] + str(int(local_temp) + (2**(note - 101)))
        if(not On):
            return temp[0:indexTh(temp, ",", 10) + 1] + str(int(local_temp) - (2**(note - 101)))

def indexTh(in_string, find_this, th):
    #Takes String, string to find, and order to find string to find at that order
    #returns index
    order = 1
    last_index = 0
        temp = in_string.find(find_this, last_index)
        if(temp == -1):
            return -1
        if(order == th):
            return temp
        order += 1
        last_index = temp + 1

def time_finder(in_string):
    #Takes a string and finds time, returns it as an int
    time_end = in_string.index(" ")
    return int(in_string[0:time_end])

def time_finder_comm(in_string):
    #Takes a string and finds time, returns it as an int comma
    time_end = in_string.index(",")
    return int(in_string[0:time_end])
def note_finder(in_string):
    #Takes a string, looks for n=, returns n value as an int
    num_start = in_string.index("n=") + 2
    num_end = in_string.index("v=") - 1
    return int(in_string[num_start:num_end])

def on_off_finder(in_string):
    #takes a string, looks for On or Off, return true if On
    start = in_string.index(" ") + 1
    end = in_string.index("ch=") - 1
    if in_string[start:end] == "On":
        return True
    elif in_string[start:end] == "Off":
        return False

This link to the textified midi file was used. before running the code I changed the input_file = open to text file path like so,

input_file = open("C:\\Users\\nby20\\Downloads\\megalovania.txt")
I am not sure if this is correct but I think it works.
After running the code I get a text output file as expected however it is blank and I get a few errors:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\nby20\Downloads\", line 184, in <module>
File "C:\Users\nby20\Downloads\", line 23, in main
   result[-1] = str(temp_time) + "," + set_bit_prev(on_off_finder(a), note_finder(a), -1)
File "C:\Users\nby20\Downloads\", line 178, in on_off_finder
   end = in_string.index("ch=") - 1 
ValueError: substring not found
I found that anything except for the lines containing actual data for the notes was not readable by the code and I deleted those portions and ended up with this updated file.
After running that updated file through the code I got a similar erorr
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\nby20\Downloads\python_code_for_translation (1).py", line 184, in <module>
  File "C:\Users\nby20\Downloads\python_code_for_translation (1).py", line 12, in main
    temp_time = time_finder(a)
  File "C:\Users\nby20\Downloads\python_code_for_translation (1).py", line 161, in time_finder
    time_end = in_string.index(" ")
ValueError: substring not found
Any suggestions on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated.

Messages In This Thread
ValueError: substring not found - by nby2001 - Mar-08-2020, 06:10 PM
RE: ValueError: substring not found - by deanhystad - Mar-08-2020, 09:00 PM
RE: ValueError: substring not found - by malcomjarr - Aug-08-2022, 05:04 AM
RE: ValueError: substring not found - by DeaD_EyE - Aug-08-2022, 10:05 AM
RE: ValueError: substring not found - by rob101 - Aug-08-2022, 11:16 AM

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