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Improvements for first script?
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Improvements for first script?
If I see PLC Content, I can't resist...

Just as additional information:

You can have different measurement ranges.
The most used ranges I know:

  • 0 - 20 mA [no cable break detection]
  • 4 - 20 mA

  • 0 - 10 V
  • -10 V - +10V # also negative Voltages are possible

The namedtuple is very useful.
from collections import namedtuple

def select_range():
    Range = namedtuple("range", "text low high unit")
    # just to have dot access
    ranges = [
        Range("0 - 10 V", 0, 10, "V"),
        Range("-10 - +10 V", -10, 10, "V"),
        Range("0 - 20 mA", 0, 20, "mA"),
        Range("4 - 20 mA", 4, 20, "mA"),
    while True:
        for idx, key in enumerate(ranges, 1):
            print(f"{idx}) {key.text}")
        selector = input("Please select a range: ")
            # two possible Exceptions
            # ValueError if the conversion to an int is not possible
            # IndexError if you selected a not existing index
            return ranges[int(selector) - 1]
        except (ValueError, IndexError):
            # catching this two exceptions to continue the while True loop
            # and ask again
            print("Invalid input")
I named the namedtuple Range, which is not a good name. It has nothing to do with range().

If the input was valid, the return value is a namedtuple.
You can access the values with dot.:
my_range = select_range()
low, high = my_range.low, my_range.high
unit = my_range.unit
And to normalize and scale, I use these functions:
def scale(value, low, high):
    Scale the value from low .. high

    >>> scale(0, -10, 10)

    >>> scale(1, -10, 10)
    return value * (high - low) + low

def normalize(value, low, high):
    Normalize value to 0 .. 1

    >>> normalize(0, 0, 10)

    >>> normalize(10, 0, 10)

    >>> normalize(5, 0, 10)
    return (value - low) / (high - low)
Example with selected range:
# normalize 0 .. 27648 to 0 .. 1
# scale 0 .. 1 to 0 .. 100
percent = scale(normalize(15000, 0, 27648), 0, 100)
The thing is, if you know the minimum range and maximum range of the detected physical quantity, the step to convert it to a current or voltage, is not required. Only on PLC-Side the right range must be selected and the right connections must be used.

The operating range is: 350 mm ... 3400 mm

The scaling with a Siemens PLC will look like this:
input_value = 1337
normalized_value = normalize(input_value, 0, 27648) # 0 - 10 V range
# the 27648 is the highest value of Rated Range
scaled = scale(normalized_value, 350, 3400)
In real world applications you can get also values, which are out of normal range.
For example, the sensor could output a higher current/voltage than 10V/20mA to signalling the PLC that something is not in operation range. If the range is 4 - 20 mA, then you can also detect a broken cable. In this case, the current is 0 mA.

SIEMENS has defined these areas for example:
  • Underflow, at zero voltage and current
  • Undershoot range
  • Rated range
  • Overshoot range
  • Overflow, off power

I've also made for this a function (but without the units):
def scale_siemens(value, min_scale, max_scale, bipolar=False):
    Scale Analog Values with siemens components:
    Look at Table: Representation of analog values in the ±10 V output range
    if bipolar:
        normalized = normalize(value, -27648, 27648)
        normalized = normalize(value, 0, 27648)
    ranges = (-32513, -27649, 27648, 32511, 32767)
    areas = [
        "Underflow, at zero voltage and current",
        "Undershoot range",
        "Rated range",
        "Overshoot range",
        "Overflow, off power",
    idx = bisect.bisect_left(ranges, value)
        kind = areas[idx]
    except IndexError:
        kind = areas[-1]
    if idx == 0 or idx + 1 >= len(ranges):
        return 0.0, kind
    return scale(normalized, min_scale, max_scale), kind
The interesting part here is the use of the bisect module.
Otherwise, you've a pattern like:
value = 32760 # overshoot range

# From High to low...

if 32512 <= value <= 32767:
    kind = "Overflow, off power"
elif 27649 <= value <= 32511:
    kind = "Overshoot range"
elif -27648 <= value <= 27648:
    kind = "Rated range"
elif -32512 <= value <= -27649:
    kind = "Undershoot range"
elif -32768 <= value <= -32513:
    kind = "Underflow, at zero voltage and current" 

alloydog likes this post
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Messages In This Thread
Improvements for first script? - by alloydog - Dec-27-2020, 03:57 PM
RE: Improvements for first script? - by perfringo - Dec-28-2020, 05:25 AM
RE: Improvements for first script? - by Mark17 - Dec-30-2020, 05:41 PM
RE: Improvements for first script? - by alloydog - Dec-28-2020, 07:55 AM
RE: Improvements for first script? - by perfringo - Dec-30-2020, 08:01 AM
RE: Improvements for first script? - by alloydog - Dec-30-2020, 09:25 AM
RE: Improvements for first script? - by DeaD_EyE - Dec-30-2020, 12:28 PM
RE: Improvements for first script? - by alloydog - Dec-30-2020, 05:28 PM
RE: Improvements for first script? - by alloydog - Jan-01-2021, 01:45 PM
RE: Improvements for first script? - by perfringo - Jan-01-2021, 02:50 PM

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