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How would I find the url name from a ip address
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How would I find the url name from a ip address
Hi Axel,
I am working on the dark website.
here is my script

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

session = requests.session()
r = session.get('http://darkzzx4avcsuofgfez5zq75cqc4mprjvfqywo45dfcaxrwqg6qrlfid.onion/')
session = requests.session()
session.proxies ={}
session.proxies['http'] = 'socks5h://'
session.proxies['https'] = 'socks5h://'


import socket

r= input("Enter Website name  ")
    print("Ip address of " + r + (" is ") + socket.gethostbyname(r))
except socket.error as e:
    print("Error : {} ".format(e))
here is what happen. it can not find the site address:

Python 3.8.10 (tags/v3.8.10:3d8993a, May  3 2021, 11:48:03) [MSC v.1928 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
= RESTART: C:\Users\Renny\Desktop\dark_web_scraping and hacking\Python_Scripts\python scripts\
{'Date': 'Fri, 08 Oct 2021 16:30:27 GMT', 'Content-Length': '0', 'Connection': 'close'}
Enter Website name  http://darkzzx4avcsuofgfez5zq75cqc4mprjvfqywo45dfcaxrwqg6qrlfid.onion/
Error : [Errno 11001] getaddrinfo failed 
What do I need to do to get the ip address of the dark website? Cry

Messages In This Thread
RE: How would I find the url name from a ip address - by Blue Dog - Oct-08-2021, 04:29 PM

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