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html_table_parser_python3 KeyError odd behavior
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html_table_parser_python3 KeyError odd behavior

I am new to Python, but I have been hobby coding off and on for many years. I am working on a project to scrape sports data (NFL) and I am running into an issue while using the package html_table_parser_python3. The table on the page I am scraping has 33 rows (according to the shape[0] of my pandas DataFrame object). I am trying to access information on the 30th row (index 29), but I am getting a KeyError thrown saying 29 is not in range. I have provided the relevant code snippet below along with the error message. I am not sure if the issue is with html_parser, pandas, or something else. I appreciate any help. Thanks.

def get_rb_data(home_rbs, away_rbs, home, away):
    rb_html = get_table_from_url('').decode('utf-8')
    parsed_rb_html = HTMLTableParser()
    rb_data_frame = pd.DataFrame(parsed_rb_html.tables[0])

    home_rushes = 0

    away_rushes = 0

    print(rb_data_frame.shape[0]) #This is for troubleshooting to see how many rows are in the table. Prints 33.

    for x in range(rb_data_frame.shape[0]):
        if rb_data_frame.loc[x][1] == home:
            home_rushes = float(rb_data_frame[x][2]) * 17

    for x in range(rb_data_frame.shape[0]):
        if rb_data_frame.loc[x][1] == away:
            away_rushes = float(rb_data_frame[x][2]) * 17

if __name__ == '__main__':
    texans_rbs = ['Dameon Pierce', 'Rex Burkhead']
    broncos_rbs = ['Latavius Murray', 'Chase Edmonds']

    #Error is thrown on this line. See below for full traceback.
    texans_rb_attributes, broncos_rb_attributes = get_rb_data(texans_rbs, broncos_rbs, 'Houston', 'Denver')
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/aaronlott/PycharmProjects/Scraping/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 345, in get_loc return self._range.index(new_key) ValueError: 29 is not in range The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/aaronlott/PycharmProjects/Scraping/", line 326, in <module> texans_rb_butes, broncos_rb_butes = get_rb_data(texans_rbs, broncos_rbs, 'Houston', 'Denver') File "/Users/aaronlott/PycharmProjects/Scraping/", line 94, in get_rb_data home_rushes = float(rb_data_frame[x][2]) * 17 File "/Users/aaronlott/PycharmProjects/Scraping/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3760, in __getitem__ indexer = self.columns.get_loc(key) File "/Users/aaronlott/PycharmProjects/Scraping/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 347, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 29
buran write Apr-13-2023, 05:38 AM:
error tags fixed

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html_table_parser_python3 KeyError odd behavior - by idratherbecoding - Apr-13-2023, 04:20 AM

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