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IRC bot written in Python - join channel function
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IRC bot written in Python - join channel function
I'm trying to add to my python IRC bot a function that when I type "join #channel-name" on IRC, the bot will join the channel.

Here's my code:

import socket
server = "" # IRC server
channel = "#syrius-test" # Channel
botnick = "syrius-bot" # Nickname of the bot
master = "syrius_" # Nickname of the bot's master
exitcode = "bye " + botnick #Text that we will use to make the bot quit
def ircwrite(message):
  global ircsock
  ircsock.send(str(message).encode('latin-1', 'ignore'))
def ping():
  ircwrite("PONG :pingis\n")
def sendmsg(chan , msg):
  ircwrite("PRIVMSG "+ chan +" :"+ msg +"\n")
def joinchan(channel):
  ircsock.send(bytes("JOIN "+ channel + "\n"))
def join():
  ircsock.send(bytes("JOIN %s"))
def hello():
  ircwrite("PRIVMSG "+ channel +" :Hello!\n")
def quitting():
  ircwrite("PRIVMSG "+ channel +" :Okay boss, leaving now.\n")
ircsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
ircsock.connect((server, 6667))
ircwrite("USER "+ botnick +" "+ botnick +" "+ botnick +" :IRC bot coded by syrius.\n")
ircwrite("NICK "+ botnick +"\n")
while 1:
  ircmsg = ircsock.recv(2048).decode() # receive data from the server
  ircmsg = ircmsg.strip('\n\r') # removing any unnecessary linebreaks.
  print(ircmsg) # Here we print what's coming from the server
  name = ircmsg.split('!',1)[0][1:] # We split out the name
  if ircmsg.find(":Hello "+ botnick) != -1: # If we can find "Hello Mybot" it will call the function hello()
  if ircmsg.find("PING :") != -1: # if the server pings us then we've got to respond!
  if name.lower() == master.lower() and ircmsg.find(":quit " + botnick) != -1:
    ircsock.send(bytes("QUIT \n", "UTF-8"))
  if name.lower() == master.lower() and ircmsg.find(":join %s") != -1:
Of course the following code is incorrect :


Quote:def join():
ircsock.send(bytes("JOIN %s"))


Quote:if name.lower() == master.lower() and ircmsg.find(":join %s") != -1:

I would like to know what should I put there so the bot can join the channel.

Any help would be very appreciated.

Messages In This Thread
IRC bot written in Python - join channel function - by syrius - Sep-12-2017, 08:12 PM

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