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Backtesting a folder with csv files, problem
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Backtesting a folder with csv files, problem

I am doing a school assignment and my goal is to test 60 stocks listed on sp500. I've downloaded 60cvs files from yahoo and stored them in the folder "stocks". The code is not written by me but by our teacher, and since I am a beginner in programming it very hard to start editing in this code.

I want to test them all and then get an aggregated p&l.
Can I do it in this way or do I have to merge all the cvs files into one and then test it?

At the moment the the problem is that I got the error code: "FileNotFoundError: File b'/Users/fiddelush/Desktop/Python/stocks/AAL.csv' does not exist" even though it does exist in that folder.

Thanks for your support!!

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

datadir = '/Users/fiddelush/Desktop/Python/stocks/'    # global constant

def read_data(ticker):
   #datadir = 'stocks/'
   fn = datadir + ticker + '.csv'
   data = pd.read_csv(fn)
   data.index = pd.to_datetime(data.Date, format = '%Y-%m-%d')
   return data

def moving_average(x, n, type='simple'):
   # compute an n period moving average.
   # type is 'simple' | 'exponential'

   x = np.asarray(x)
   if type == 'simple':
      weights = np.ones(n)
      weights = np.exp(np.linspace(-1., 0., n))
   weights /= weights.sum()

   a = np.convolve(x, weights, mode='full')[:len(x)]
   a[:n] = a[n]
   return a

def stochastic_oscillator(s, n):

   ns = len(s)
   a = np.zeros(ns, dtype=float)
   for i in range(n-1, ns):
      hh = s['High'][i-n+1:i+1].max()
      ll = s['Low'][i-n+1:i+1].min()
      a[i] = 100*(s['Close'][i]-ll)/(hh-ll)
   return a, ns

# Filter the signals to conform to long-first, and no-open-position before year end 

def filter_signals(Stock_signals):

   nss = len(Stock_signals)

   # Assign a value to trade_direction
   flag =  0
   trade_direction = np.zeros(nss, dtype=int)
   for i in range(nss):
      if  Stock_signals.Signal[i] == 'Buy':
         trade_direction[i] = 1
         trade_direction[i] = -1

   # Find the first 'Buy' in Stock_signals
   for i in range(nss):
      if trade_direction[i] == 1:
         flag = 1
         j = i+1
         while j < nss:
            if trade_direction[j] == 1:
               trade_direction[j] = 0
               flag = 0
            j += 1

   # Set the first sell signal to 0
   for i in range(nss):
      if trade_direction[i] == -1:
         trade_direction[i] = 0
   # Filter out consecutive sell 
   for i in range(nss):
      if trade_direction[i] == -1:
         j = i+1
         while j < nss:
            if trade_direction[j] == 1:
               trade_direction[j] = 0
            j += 1

   # Carry out the filtering decisions.
   for i in range(nss):
      if trade_direction[i] == 0:
         Stock_signals.loc[Stock_signals.index[i] ,'Signal'] = Stock_signals.Signal[i][0]

   return Stock_signals 

# Compute the P&L 

def cal_PandL (Stock_signals):

   Long_First = pd.concat([
      pd.DataFrame({"Price": Stock_signals.loc[Stock_signals["Signal"] == 'Buy', "Price"],
                   "Signal": "Buy"}),
      pd.DataFrame({"Price": Stock_signals.loc[Stock_signals["Signal"] == 'Sell', "Price"],
                     "Signal": "Sell"}),

   Long_First.sort_index(inplace = True)

   # Compute the profitability of long trades
   Stock_long_profits = pd.DataFrame({
        "Price": Long_First.loc[(Long_First["Signal"] == "Buy"), "Price"],
        "Profit": pd.Series(Long_First["Price"] - Long_First["Price"].shift(1)).loc[
            Long_First.loc[(Long_First["Signal"].shift(1) == "Buy") 
        "End Date": Long_First["Price"].loc[
            Long_First.loc[(Long_First["Signal"].shift(1) == "Buy") 

   return Stock_long_profits


def trading_signals(ticker, n, m, sdate, edate):

   Stock = read_data(ticker)
   Stock = Stock.loc[sdate:edate, :]

   Stock['%K'], ns = stochastic_oscillator(Stock, n)
   Stock['%D'] = moving_average(Stock['%K'], m, type='simple')

   lastdate = str(Stock.tail(1).Date[0])
   Stock['Signal'] = np.zeros(len(Stock), dtype = float)

   c = n + m -1
   while Stock.Date[c] < Stock.Date.loc[lastdate]:
      Though the signal is for day c, for the purpose of calculating the P&L later, 
      the signal is ascribed to day c+1
      if Stock['%K'][c] < 10 and Stock['%K'][c] < Stock['%D'][c] and c+1 < ns:
         Stock.loc[Stock.Date[c+1] ,'Signal'] = 1

      if Stock['%K'][c] > 95 and Stock['%D'][c] > 95 \
         and Stock['%K'][c] > Stock['%D'][c] and c+1 < ns:
         Stock.loc[Stock.Date[c+1] ,'Signal'] = -1
      c += 1      

   # Create a DataFrame with trades, including the price at the trade 
   Stock_signals = pd.concat([
        pd.DataFrame({"Price": Stock.loc[Stock["Signal"] == 1, "Close"],
                     "Signal": "Buy"}),
        pd.DataFrame({"Price": Stock.loc[Stock["Signal"] == -1, "Close"],
                     "Signal": "Sell"}),

   Stock_signals.sort_index(inplace = True)

   # Implement the risk management strategy 
   # to close out an open position by the end of period.
   last_day = Stock.index[-1]
   last_price = Stock.Close[-1]
   if Stock_signals.index[-1] < last_day:
      df = pd.DataFrame(data = {'Price': [last_price], 'Signal':['Sell']}, \
                                index = [last_day])
      Stock_signals = Stock_signals.append(df)

   # It could be the signal of the last sample day is a buy
   if Stock_signals.Signal[-1] == 'Buy':
      Stock_signals.loc[Stock_signals.index[-1] ,'Signal'] = 'Sell'

   Stock_signals = filter_signals(Stock_signals)

   return Stock_signals


sdate, edate = '2011-01-01', '2011-12-31'
n, m = 14, 2

ticker = "AAL"
Stock_signals = trading_signals(ticker, n, m, sdate, edate)

result =  cal_PandL (Stock_signals)


total = result.Profit.sum()
print('Total Profit from %s through %s = %0.2f' % (sdate, edate, total))

Messages In This Thread
Backtesting a folder with csv files, problem - by fiddelush - Mar-13-2018, 09:38 AM

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