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comparison in lists
Hi, i'm a beginner in python and programmation, and i have a doubt about comparison in lists, I have this error

TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'int' and 'list'
but i can try three times after this, so that means it goes into my IF block, right ?
the error is in this line, according to pycharm.
        if lista1[1] > maior:
            maior = lista[1]
the code is written in Portuguese, i hope you can understand.

lista = []
lista1 = []
cont = 's'
maior = menor = pessoas = contador = 0

while cont in 'Ss':
    lista1.append(str(input(' NOME : ')))
    lista1.append(int(input(' PESO : ')))
    pessoas += 1
    contador += 1
    print(lista1[1])  # 38 88 11
    if contador == 1:
        maior = lista1[1]
        menor = lista1[1]
        if lista1[1] > maior:
            maior = lista[1]
        if lista1[1] < menor:
            menor = lista1[1]

    cont = str(input('Quer continuar ? [S/N]'))

print(f'Foram cadastradas {pessoas} pessoas ')
print(f'o mais pesado pesa {maior} e o mais leve pesa {menor}')

Messages In This Thread
comparison in lists - by Renatoluz - May-10-2019, 06:06 PM
RE: comparison in lists - by Yoriz - May-10-2019, 06:56 PM
RE: comparison in lists - by woooee - May-10-2019, 10:07 PM
RE: comparison in lists - by Renatoluz - May-11-2019, 12:50 AM

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