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Byte string catenation inefficient in 3.7?
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Byte string catenation inefficient in 3.7?
I managed to get a similar performance in python 3 by using a temporary list to store a row of pixels. It seems that the problem indeed comes from the repeated concatenation of a single pixel to a bytes string. Here is my faster code.
# Testing struct.pack and string catenation in Python2 and 3
# This is a demo cut down from real app (which draws charts from survey data)
# creates a 'square rainbow' bmp file
## edit for Py 2 (char strings) or 3 (byte strings) versions
# edit these for your set up and test
Size = 1024    # test image size, pixels
# path = 'D:/Python37/MyScripts/Test/'  # for the bmp file
import csv
import os
import struct
from math import trunc, ceil, floor
import time

path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test', '')
def BuildImage(name, XY):
    # name : filename
    # XY : (width, height) pixels
    # for stats and timing
    n0 = 0
    t00 = time.clock()
    t01 = t00
    chtName = path+'cht_'+name+'3.bmp'
    print("drawing "+chtName)
    hdr = bmpHdr(XY)
    ##pixels =''  ##  Py2
    pixels = bytes('', 'utf-8')  ## Py3
    for Y in range(0, XY[1]): # (BMPs are L to R from the bottom L row)
        temp = []
        for X in range(0, XY[0]):
            # square rainbow for time tests -  as oposed to real data
            x = floor((255 * X)/XY[0])
            y = floor((255 * Y)/XY[1])
            (r,g,b) = [x, y, 128]   #Colour(data[x ,y])
        pixels += b''.join(temp)
        row_mod = (hdr['width']*hdr['colordepth']/8) % 4
        if row_mod == 0:
            padding = 0 
            padding = (4 - row_mod)
        ##padbytes = ''  #  P2
        padbytes = bytes('', 'utf-8')  # P3
        for i in range(padding):
            padbytes += struct.pack('<B',0)
        pixels = pixels + padbytes
        # stats log
        if(0 == Y % 100 or Y == 0):
            n = len(pixels)
            t02 = time.clock()
            log = "{0:5d} L={1:8,d}, delta={2:7,d}, pad={3:4d}".format(XY[0]-Y, n, n-n0, padding)
            log += ", time = {0:6.3f}, cum = {1:7.3f}".format(t02-t01, t02-t00)
            t01 = t02
            n0 = n
    print("pixels generated, len = "+str(len(pixels)))
    bmp_write(chtName, hdr, pixels)
def bmpHdr(XY):
    print("bmphdr xy "+str(XY))
    hdr = {
        'width':XY[0],   #256
        'height':XY[1],  #256
    return hdr
#Function to write a bmp file.  It takes a dictionary (hdr) of
#header values and the pixel data (pixels) and writes them
#to a file.  This function is called at the bottom of the code.
def bmp_write(name, hdr, pixels):
    print('making bmp with '+str(len(pixels))+" pixels")
    mn1 = struct.pack('<B',hdr['mn1'])
    mn2 = struct.pack('<B',hdr['mn2'])
    filesize = struct.pack('<L',hdr['filesize'])
    undef1 = struct.pack('<H',hdr['undef1'])
    undef2 = struct.pack('<H',hdr['undef2'])
    offset = struct.pack('<L',hdr['offset'])
    headerlength = struct.pack('<L',hdr['headerlength'])
    width = struct.pack('<L',hdr['width'])
    height = struct.pack('<L',hdr['height'])
    colorplanes = struct.pack('<H',hdr['colorplanes'])
    colordepth = struct.pack('<H',hdr['colordepth'])
    compression = struct.pack('<L',hdr['compression'])
    imagesize = struct.pack('<L',hdr['imagesize'])
    res_hor = struct.pack('<L',hdr['res_hor'])
    res_vert = struct.pack('<L',hdr['res_vert'])
    palette = struct.pack('<L',hdr['palette'])
    importantcolors = struct.pack('<L',hdr['importantcolors'])
    #create the outfile
    outfile = open(name,'wb')   # 'bitmap_image.bmp'
    #write the header + the_bytes
    hdr = mn1+mn2
    hdr += filesize+undef1+undef2
    hdr += offset+headerlength+width+height
    hdr += colorplanes+colordepth+compression+imagesize+res_hor+res_vert
    hdr += palette+importantcolors
    print("headers = "+str(hdr))
    bmp = hdr + pixels
    print('writing bmp, len = '+str(len(bmp)))
def main():
    time0 = time.clock()
    print("start {0}x{0} bmp file @ {1:.3f}".format(Size, time0))
    # set the size of the bmp image here
    BuildImage("test", (Size,Size))
    time1 = time.clock()
    print("Chart complete, run time {0:.3f} secs".format(time1-time0))
if __name__ == '__main__':

Messages In This Thread
RE: Byte string catenation inefficient in 3.7? - by Gribouillis - Aug-16-2019, 08:52 PM

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