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Tkinter VS PyQt

Install Pmw (pip install Pmw), and try the following code (From graysons book, modified for python 3). It will show what can be done with tkinter.

from tkinter import *
import Pmw

class SLabel(Frame):
    """ SLabel defines a 2-sided label within a Frame. The
        left hand label has blue letters the right has white letters

    def __init__(self, master, leftl, rightl):
        Frame.__init__(self, master, bg='gray40')
        self.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
        Label(self, text=leftl, fg='steelblue1',
              font=("arial", 6, "bold"), width=5, bg='gray40').pack(
            side=LEFT, expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
        Label(self, text=rightl, fg='white',
              font=("arial", 6, "bold"), width=1, bg='gray40').pack(
            side=RIGHT, expand=YES, fill=BOTH)

class Key(Button):
    def __init__(self, master, font=('arial', 8, 'bold'),
                 fg='white', width=5, borderwidth=5, **kw):
        kw['font'] = font
        kw['fg'] = fg
        kw['width'] = width
        kw['borderwidth'] = borderwidth
        # apply(Button.__init__, (self, master), kw)
        Button.__init__(self, master, kw)
        self.pack(side=LEFT, expand=NO, fill=NONE)

class Calculator(Frame):
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        Frame.__init__(self, bg='gray40')
        self.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
        self.master.title('Tkinter Toolkit TT-42')
        self.calc = Evaluator()  # This is our evaluator
        self.build_calculator()  # Build the widgets
        # This is an incomplete dictionary - a good exercise!
        self.actionDict = {'second': self.do_this, 'mode': self.do_this,
                           'delete': self.do_this, 'alpha': self.do_this,
                           'stat': self.do_this, 'math': self.do_this,
                           'matrix': self.do_this, 'program': self.do_this,
                           'vars': self.do_this, 'clear': self.clearall,
                           'sin': self.do_this, 'cos': self.do_this,
                           'tan': self.do_this, 'up': self.do_this,
                           'X1': self.do_this, 'X2': self.do_this,
                           'log': self.do_this, 'ln': self.do_this,
                           'store': self.do_this, 'off': self.turnoff,
                           'neg': self.do_this, 'enter': self.do_enter,
        self.current = ""

    def do_this(action):
        print('"{}" has not been implemented'.format(action))

    def turnoff(self, *args):

    def clearall(self, *args):
        self.current = ""
        self.display.component('text').delete(1.0, END)

    def do_enter(self, *args):
        result = self.calc.runpython(self.current)
        if result:
            self.display.insert(END, '\n')
            self.display.insert(END, '{}\n'.format(result), 'ans')
        self.current = ""

    def do_keypress(self, event):
        key = event.char
        if not key in ['\b']:
            self.current = self.current + event.char
        if key == '\b':
            self.current = self.current[:-1]

    def key_action(self, key):
        self.display.insert(END, key)
        self.current = self.current + key

    def eval_action(self, action):
        except KeyError:

    def build_calculator(self):
        FUN = 1  # Designates a Function
        KEY = 0  # Designates a Key
        KC1 = 'gray30'  # Dark Keys
        KC2 = 'gray50'  # Light Keys
        KC3 = 'steelblue1'  # Light Blue Key
        KC4 = 'steelblue'  # Dark Blue Key
        keys = [
            [('2nd', '', '', KC3, FUN, 'second'),  # Row 1
             ('Mode', 'Quit', '', KC1, FUN, 'mode'),
             ('Del', 'Ins', '', KC1, FUN, 'delete'),
             ('Alpha', 'Lock', '', KC2, FUN, 'alpha'),
             ('Stat', 'List', '', KC1, FUN, 'stat')],
            [('Math', 'Test', 'A', KC1, FUN, 'math'),  # Row 2
             ('Mtrx', 'Angle', 'B', KC1, FUN, 'matrix'),
             ('Prgm', 'Draw', 'C', KC1, FUN, 'program'),
             ('Vars', 'YVars', '', KC1, FUN, 'vars'),
             ('Clr', '', '', KC1, FUN, 'clear')],
            [('X-1', 'Abs', 'D', KC1, FUN, 'X1'),  # Row 3
             ('Sin', 'Sin-1', 'E', KC1, FUN, 'sin'),
             ('Cos', 'Cos-1', 'F', KC1, FUN, 'cos'),
             ('Tan', 'Tan-1', 'G', KC1, FUN, 'tan'),
             ('^', 'PI', 'H', KC1, FUN, 'up')],
            [('X2', 'Root', 'I', KC1, FUN, 'X2'),  # Row 4
             (',', 'EE', 'J', KC1, KEY, ','),
             ('(', '{', 'K', KC1, KEY, '('),
             (')', '}', 'L', KC1, KEY, ')'),
             ('/', '', 'M', KC4, KEY, '/')],
            [('Log', '10x', 'N', KC1, FUN, 'log'),  # Row 5
             ('7', 'Un-1', 'O', KC2, KEY, '7'),
             ('8', 'Vn-1', 'P', KC2, KEY, '8'),
             ('9', 'n', 'Q', KC2, KEY, '9'),
             ('X', '[', 'R', KC4, KEY, '*')],
            [('Ln', 'ex', 'S', KC1, FUN, 'ln'),  # Row 6
             ('4', 'L4', 'T', KC2, KEY, '4'),
             ('5', 'L5', 'U', KC2, KEY, '5'),
             ('6', 'L6', 'V', KC2, KEY, '6'),
             ('-', ']', 'W', KC4, KEY, '-')],
            [('STO', 'RCL', 'X', KC1, FUN, 'store'),  # Row 7
             ('1', 'L1', 'Y', KC2, KEY, '1'),
             ('2', 'L2', 'Z', KC2, KEY, '2'),
             ('3', 'L3', '', KC2, KEY, '3'),
             ('+', 'MEM', '"', KC4, KEY, '+')],
            [('Off', '', '', KC1, FUN, 'off'),  # Row 8
             ('0', '', '', KC2, KEY, '0'),
             ('.', ':', '', KC2, KEY, '.'),
             ('(-)', 'ANS', '?', KC2, FUN, 'neg'),
             ('Enter', 'Entry', '', KC4, FUN, 'enter')]]

        self.display = Pmw.ScrolledText(self, hscrollmode='dynamic',
                                        vscrollmode='dynamic', hull_relief='sunken',
                                        hull_background='gray40', hull_borderwidth=10,
                                        text_background='honeydew4', text_width=16,
                                        text_foreground='black', text_height=6,
                                        text_padx=10, text_pady=10, text_relief='groove',
                                        text_font=('arial', 12, 'bold'))
        self.display.pack(side=TOP, expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
        self.display.tag_config('ans', foreground='white')
        self.display.component('text').bind('<Key>', self.do_keypress)
        self.display.component('text').bind('<Return>', self.do_enter)

        for row in keys:
            rowa = Frame(self, bg='gray40')
            rowb = Frame(self, bg='gray40')
            for p1, p2, p3, color, ktype, func in row:
                if ktype == FUN:
                    a = lambda s=self, a=func: s.eval_action(a)
                    a = lambda s=self, k=func: s.key_action(k)
                SLabel(rowa, p2, p3)
                Key(rowb, text=p1, bg=color, command=a)
            rowa.pack(side=TOP, expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
            rowb.pack(side=TOP, expand=YES, fill=BOTH)

class Evaluator:
    def __init__(self):
        self.myNameSpace = {}
        self.runpython("from math import *")

    def runpython(self, code):
            return eval(code, self.myNameSpace, self.myNameSpace)
        except SyntaxError:
                exec(code in self.myNameSpace, self.myNameSpace)
                print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0])
                return 'Error'

if __name__ == '__main__':

Messages In This Thread
Tkinter VS PyQt - by siansoft - Sep-26-2016, 05:42 PM
RE: Tkinter VS PyQt - by metulburr - Sep-26-2016, 06:08 PM
RE: Tkinter VS PyQt - by nilamo - Sep-26-2016, 06:12 PM
RE: Tkinter VS PyQt - by metulburr - Sep-26-2016, 06:14 PM
RE: Tkinter VS PyQt - by nilamo - Sep-26-2016, 07:38 PM
RE: Tkinter VS PyQt - by buran - Sep-26-2016, 06:41 PM
RE: Tkinter VS PyQt - by Larz60+ - Sep-26-2016, 09:19 PM
RE: Tkinter VS PyQt - by metulburr - Sep-26-2016, 10:40 PM
RE: Tkinter VS PyQt - by llanitedave - Sep-27-2016, 05:45 AM
RE: Tkinter VS PyQt - by Larz60+ - Sep-27-2016, 09:22 AM

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