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Python stops without errors

I have a program which collects data from MQTT broker and stores into SQL Database. When Connection to SQL DB is lost then it stores into local SQLite DB.
This program has to run 24x7 but it stops suddenly after 1-2 Hours without any Errors.

import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
import time
import pyodbc
import datetime
import sqlite3

# ------------- Global Variable Declaration ----------------
LastTime1 = 0
LastTime2 = 0
LastTime3 = 0
LastTime4 = 0
LastTime5 = 0
DeltaT1 = 5
DeltaT2 = 10
DeltaT3 = 20
DeltaT4 = 5
DeltaT5 = 300
Days = 180
w = 3
Clients = 9
Data = [[0 for x in range(w)] for y in range(Clients+1)]
for y in range (1,Clients+1):

    Data[y][0] = "Client"+str(y)
    Data[y][1] = False
    Data[y][2] = 0

# -----------------------------  MQTT callbacks -------------------------------

def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):
    print('Connected with result code {0}'.format(rc))
    for y in range (1,Clients+1):

def on_message(client, userdata, msg):
    global Data
    myTopic = str(msg.topic)
    cursor1 = connection.cursor()

    for y in range (1,Clients+1):
        if msg.topic == Data[y][0]+"/TimeData":
            Data[y][1]=True           # Connection
            Data[y][2]=time.time()    # Last Message

    if myTopic == 'TimeData':
        print("------------------------------------------------ Time Data ---------------------------------------------------------------------\n")
        try:  #  Database
            cursor1.execute("INSERT INTO Production_DE.dbo.TimeData (CTime, Unit, CycleCount,Ur, CycleTime, ClientId, PTopic, IpAdress, Perc, DeltaTUpl, DeltaPh, Reason) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
                (myText1[0], myText1[1], myText1[2], myText1[3], myText1[4], myText1[5], myText1[6], myText1[7], myText1[8], myText1[9], myText1[10], myText1[11]))

            print("Database - XDB01 OK")

            print('------------ >>>>  Error Database - XDB01')
                cursor2.execute("INSERT INTO TimeData (CTime, Unit, CycleCount,Ur, CycleTime, ClientId, PTopic, IpAdress, Perc, DeltaTUpl, DeltaPh, Reason) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
                    (myText1[0], myText1[1], myText1[2], myText1[3], myText1[4], myText1[5], myText1[6], myText1[7], myText1[8], myText1[9], myText1[10], myText1[11]))        
                print("Database Buffer ok")
                print("Error Buffer Database")

    if myTopic == 'MachineData':
        print("------------------------------------------------------ Machine Data -------------------------------------------------------------------\n")

        try:  #  Database                                             1         2   3   4  5      6      7    8     9     10    11      
            cursor1.execute("INSERT INTO Production_DE.dbo.MDaten (CTime,MText,Ip,Ml,Temp1,Temp2,Temp3,Temp4,Temp5,Temp6,Temp7,Text1,Value1, DeltaTUpl, DeltaPulse) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
                (myText1[0], myText1[1], myText1[2], myText1[3], myText1[4], myText1[5], myText1[6], myText1[7], myText1[8], myText1[9], myText1[10], myText1[11],myText1[12],myText1[13],myText1[14]))        

            print("Database - XDB01 OK")

            print('------------ >>>>  Error Database XDB01')
                cursor2.execute("INSERT INTO MachineData (CTime,Unit,Ip,Ur,Temp1,Temp2,Temp3,Temp4,Temp5,Temp6,Temp7,Text1,Value1, DeltaTUpl, DeltaPulse) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
                    (myText1[0], myText1[1], myText1[2], myText1[3], myText1[4], myText1[5], myText1[6], myText1[7], myText1[8], myText1[9], myText1[10], myText1[11],myText1[12],myText1[13],myText1[14]))        
                print("Database Buffer ok")
                print("Error Buffer Database")

    if myTopic == 'PlcData':
        print("-------------------------------------------- Plc Data --------------------------------------------------------------\n")
        try:  #  Database 
            cursor1.execute("INSERT INTO Production_DE.dbo.PlcDaten (PTime,MText,Ip,Ml,Prod,Status1,Status2) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
                (myText1[0], myText1[1], myText1[2], myText1[3], myText1[4], myText1[5], myText1[6]))        

            print("Database - XDB01 OK")
            print('------------ >>>>  Error Database XDB01')
                cursor2.execute("INSERT INTO PlcData (CTime,Unit,IpAdress,Ur,Prod,Status1,Status2) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
                    (myText1[0], myText1[1], myText1[2], myText1[3], myText1[4], myText1[5], myText1[6]))            
                print("Database Buffer OK")
                print("Error Buffer Database")

    if myTopic == 'QualityData':
        print("----------------------------------------------- Quality Data -----------------------------------------------------------------\n")
        try:  #  Database
##        if True:
            cursor1.execute("""INSERT INTO Production_DE.dbo.QualityData
               ,[M08_Gesamtbreite_2],[M08_Tiefe_Kalotte_1],[M08_Tiefe_Kalotte_2],[M08_Tiefe_Kalotte_3],[M08_Tiefe_Kalotte_4], [M08_Abstand_Bohrung_1], [M08_Abstand_Bohrung_2]
               ,[Produkt_Nummer], [Fehler_Code])
               VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)""",
                (myText1[0], myText1[1], myText1[2], myText1[3], myText1[4], myText1[5], myText1[6], myText1[7], myText1[8], myText1[9], myText1[10], myText1[11], myText1[12]
                 , myText1[13], myText1[14], myText1[15], myText1[16], myText1[17], myText1[18], myText1[19], myText1[20], myText1[21], myText1[22], myText1[23], myText1[24], myText1[25]
                 , myText1[26], myText1[27], myText1[28], myText1[29], myText1[30], myText1[31], myText1[32], myText1[33], myText1[34], myText1[35], myText1[36], myText1[37], myText1[38]
                 , myText1[39], myText1[40], myText1[41], myText1[42], myText1[43], myText1[44], myText1[45], myText1[46], myText1[47], myText1[48], myText1[49], myText1[50], myText1[51]
                 , myText1[52], myText1[53], myText1[54], myText1[55], myText1[56], myText1[57], myText1[58], myText1[59], myText1[60], myText1[61], myText1[62], myText1[63], myText1[64]
                 , myText1[65], myText1[66], myText1[67], myText1[68], myText1[69], myText1[70], myText1[71]))        

            print("Database - XDB01 OK")
            print('------------ >>>>  Error Database XDB01')
                cursor2.execute("""INSERT INTO QualityData
                   ,[M08_Gesamtbreite_2],[M08_Tiefe_Kalotte_1],[M08_Tiefe_Kalotte_2],[M08_Tiefe_Kalotte_3],[M08_Tiefe_Kalotte_4], [M08_Abstand_Bohrung_1], [M08_Abstand_Bohrung_2]
                   ,[Produkt_Nummer], [Fehler_Code])
                   VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)""",
                    (myText1[0], myText1[1], myText1[2], myText1[3], myText1[4], myText1[5], myText1[6], myText1[7], myText1[8], myText1[9], myText1[10], myText1[11], myText1[12]
                     , myText1[13], myText1[14], myText1[15], myText1[16], myText1[17], myText1[18], myText1[19], myText1[20], myText1[21], myText1[22], myText1[23], myText1[24], myText1[25]
                     , myText1[26], myText1[27], myText1[28], myText1[29], myText1[30], myText1[31], myText1[32], myText1[33], myText1[34], myText1[35], myText1[36], myText1[37], myText1[38]
                     , myText1[39], myText1[40], myText1[41], myText1[42], myText1[43], myText1[44], myText1[45], myText1[46], myText1[47], myText1[48], myText1[49], myText1[50], myText1[51]
                     , myText1[52], myText1[53], myText1[54], myText1[55], myText1[56], myText1[57], myText1[58], myText1[59], myText1[60], myText1[61], myText1[62], myText1[63], myText1[64]
                     , myText1[65], myText1[66], myText1[67], myText1[68], myText1[69], myText1[70], myText1[71]))

                print("Database Buffer OK")
                print("Error Buffer Database")

# ------------------------ MQTT connection ------------------------
client = mqtt.Client(Client_id = 'Server')
client.on_connect = on_connect  # Specify on_connect callback
client.on_message = on_message  # Specify on_message callback

    print("Connecting to MQTT")
    client.connect('localhost', 1883, 60)
    print("Error connecting to MQTT")
connection = pyodbc.connect('Driver={SQL Server};'
cursor1 = connection.cursor()
connection2 = sqlite3.connect("C:/Users/xabreoli/Documents/PythonFiles/PythonProg/Production_DE.db")
cursor2 = connection2.cursor()

# --------------------------------------------- Hauptschleife -----------------------------------
while True:

    # -------------------- Send Server Online and Time to Clients --------------------
    if (time.time()-LastTime1)>=DeltaT1:
        client.publish('Server/Connection', 'Online')

    # -------------------- Check connection to Clients --------------------
    if (time.time()-LastTime2)>=DeltaT2:
        for y in range (1,Clients+1):
            if time.time() - Data[y][2] > 65:
                Data[y][1] = False           # Connection

            print(Data[y][0]+" Connection : "+str(Data[y][1]))


Messages In This Thread
Python stops without errors - by shahgourav - Feb-04-2020, 06:47 AM
RE: Python stops without errors - by shahgourav - Feb-04-2020, 09:43 AM
RE: Python stops without errors - by ndc85430 - Feb-04-2020, 12:51 PM
RE: Python stops without errors - by ndc85430 - Feb-04-2020, 05:20 PM
RE: Python stops without errors - by micseydel - Feb-04-2020, 11:44 PM

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