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Logging tutorial!
I just finished creating a logger class and thought it might be useful for some people as it's a module that can be re-used to add logging functionality to any project.

It's a simple class/bit of code really:

#!C:\Program Files\Python37\python.exe
import time
import os
from datetime import datetime, timezone

class Logger(object):
    logFile = "logFile.txt"
Note: replace 'logFile.txt' with whatever you named your logfile in the cwd.

Now, the following 2 mothods are required for our logger and will be used in the output of our other logger methods:

    def getErrorString(errLevel):
        return {0: "[SYS]",
                1: "[INFO]",
                2: "[WARN]",
                3: "[ERR]",
                4: "[CRITICAL]",
                }.get(errLevel, "[UNKNOWN]")

    def getTimeStamp():
        return str(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
Note, you can add any custom error levels you might want (ex. '5: "[FATAL]",).

Finally, we create our logger methods. You can make as many of these as you want, and use them to write to however many log files you need. You can either declare additional log files as objects in the class, or declare them in the methods themselves. Here's some example methods, writing to different log files:

    def writeAndPrintLine(text, errorLevel):
        message = Logger.getTimeStamp()+' '+Logger.getErrorString(errorLevel)+':\t'+text
        file = open(Logger.logFile, "a")

    def recLog(text, errorLevel):
        message = Logger.getTimeStamp()+' '+Logger.getErrorString(errorLevel)+':\t'+text
        file = open("_recLog.txt", 'a')
So, here's our finished Logging class:

import time
import os
from datetime import datetime, timezone

class Logger(object):
    logFile = "logFile.txt"
    # writes to logFile.txt and prints to console
    def writeAndPrint(text, errorLevel):
        message = Logger.getTimeStamp()+' '+Logger.getErrorString(errorLevel)+':\t'+text
        file = open(Logger.logFile, "a")
     # writes to different log file, and prints to console  
    def logFile2(text, errorLevel):
        message = Logger.getTimeStamp()+' '+Logger.getErrorString(errorLevel)+':\t'+text
        f=open("_logfile2.txt", 'a')
    # prints to console, does not write to log file. 
    def printLine(text, errorLevel):
        message = Logger.getTimeStamp()+' '+Logger.getErrorString(errorLevel)+':\t'+text

    # method used for error level
    def getErrorString(errLevel):
        return {0: "[SYS]",
                1: "[INFO]",
                2: "[WARN]",
                3: "[ERR]",
                }.get(errLevel, "[UNKNOWN]")

    # method used for time stamp
    def getTimeStamp():
        return str(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
To use our logger in our programs/modules, call the class and method you want, followed by the string to log and the error level. Like this:

Logger.writeAndPrint('this message is logged in logFile.txt, error level 0!', 0)
Logger.logFile2('this message is logged in logFile2.txt, error level 3!', 3)
Logger.printLine('this message is just printed to console, err lvl 2!', 2)
And some example output:
[Image: g4j9end]

Messages In This Thread
Logging tutorial! - by t4keheart - Feb-25-2020, 03:34 PM
RE: Logging tutorial! - by buran - Feb-25-2020, 04:49 PM
RE: Logging tutorial! - by t4keheart - Feb-25-2020, 06:26 PM

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