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Something strange happening here !?
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Something strange happening here !?
The code below that I created seems simple enough. Create a list that holds current line info, add that current line list to a master list, then draw the lines from the master list. This is supposed to recreate the dancing line type screen saver seen over the years.

However, every line in the master list (mline) has the same current line (cline) listed in it at every index, which should be impossible with the way I have written the code?

I've stared at this for a few hours now, not knowing what I have missed. Would any kind soul care to take a look and show me where I am missing something?

Thank you in advance :)

# Dancing Lines 2.0
# Terry Ritchie
# 04/08/17

# Import libraries

import pygame       # pygame graphics engine library
import random       # random number library

# Define variables

SWIDTH = 800        # width of surface (window)
SHEIGHT = 600       # height of surface (window)
FPS = 60            # frames per second
MAXLINES = 256      # total number of lines on screen at once
STARTX = 0          # index of start x coordinate or vector in each line list
STARTY = 1          # index of start y coordinate or vector in each line list
ENDX = 2            # index of end x coordinate or vector in each line list
ENDY = 3            # index of end y coordinate or vector in each line list
RED = 4             # index of red color component or increment in each line list
GREEN = 5           # index of green color component or increment in each line list
BLUE = 6            # index of blue color component or increment in each line list
SDURATION = 7       # index of line starting point movement duration in vector list
EDURATION = 8       # index of line ending point movement duration in vector list
mline = []          # the master line list
lcount = -1         # current line count

# the structure of the master line list is as follows:
# mline[[sx, sy, ex, ey, r, g, b], ... ]
#   sx  = start x coordinate of line
#   sy  = start y coordinate of line
#   ex  = endx coordinate of line
#   ey  = end y coordinate of line
#   r   = red color component of line
#   g   = green color component of line
#   b   = blue color component of line
# the structure of the current line list is as follows:
# cline[sx, sy, ex, ey, r, g, b]
#   sx  = start x coordinate of line
#   sy  = start y coordinate of line
#   ex  = endx coordinate of line
#   ey  = end y coordinate of line
#   r   = red color component of line
#   g   = green color component of line
#   b   = blue color component of line
# the structure of the vector list is as follows:
# vector[sxv, syv, exv, eyv, ri, gi, bi, sd, ed]
#   sxv = start x coordinate vector direction
#   syv = start y coordinate vector direction
#   exv = end x coordinate vector direction
#   eyv = end y coordinate vector direction
#   ri  = red color component increment
#   gi  = green color componment increment
#   bi  = blue color component increment
#   sd  = start line point movement duration
#   ed  = end line point movement duration

# create lists

for i in range(MAXLINES):                               # cycle through number of lines to create
    mline.append([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])                 # intitialize line values and add to master list
vector = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]                    # initialize the vector list
cline =  [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]                          # initialize the current line list

# populate initial line and vector values

cline[STARTX] = random.randrange(20, SWIDTH - 20)       # start x coordinate value
cline[STARTY] = random.randrange(20, SWIDTH - 20)       # start y coordinate value
cline[ENDX]   = random.randrange(20, SWIDTH - 20)       # end x coordinate value
cline[ENDY]   = random.randrange(20, SWIDTH - 20)       # end y coordinate value
cline[RED]    = random.randrange(1, 255)                # red component color
cline[GREEN]  = random.randrange(1, 255)                # green component color
cline[BLUE]   = random.randrange(1, 255)                # blue component color
zero = True                                             # stay in while loop until flag is False
while zero:                                             # flag set to True?
    vector[STARTX] = random.randrange(-10, 11)          # yes, start x coordinate direction
    vector[STARTY] = random.randrange(-10, 11)          # start y coordinate direction
    vector[ENDX]   = random.randrange(-10, 11)          # end x coordinate direction
    vector[ENDY]   = random.randrange(-10, 11)          # end y coordinate direction
    vector[RED]    = random.randrange(-1, 2)            # red color component increment
    vector[GREEN]  = random.randrange(-1, 2)            # green color component increment
    vector[BLUE]   = random.randrange(-1, 2)            # blue color component increment
    zero = False                                        # assume no random values equal zero
    for i in range(STARTX, BLUE + 1):                   # cycle through vector index values
        if vector[i] == 0:                              # is this index set to zero?
            zero = True                                 # yes, set flag to run loop again
vector[SDURATION] = random.randrange(100, 501)          # duration of line start point to move
vector[EDURATION] = random.randrange(100, 501)          # duration of line end point to move
# Initialize the pygame engine

pygame.init()                                           # start the pygame library engine

# Create the working surface (window)

screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SWIDTH, SHEIGHT))     # open a window to work in

# set the surface (window) caption

pygame.display.set_caption("Dancing Lines 2.0")         # set the caption with a description of the program

# Manage how fast the screen updates

clock = pygame.time.Clock()                             # create an object to control timers

# initialize main program loop variables

done = False                                            # when set to True main loop will end

# ---------- MAIN PROGRAM LOOP ------------

while not(done):                                        # stay in loop?

    for event in pygame.event.get():                    # yes, did the user do something?
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:                   # yes, did the user click the close button (X)?
            done = True                                 # yes, set flag to leave main program loop


    lcount += 1                                         # increment current line counter

    if lcount == MAXLINES:                              # has current line counter reached maximum value?
        lcount = 0                                      # yes, reset the current line counter

    vector[SDURATION] -= 1                              # decrement the start point duration counter

    if vector[SDURATION] == 0:                          # has the start duration counter reached zero?
        vector[SDURATION] = random.randrange(100, 501)  # yes, reset the start duration counter
        zero = True                                     # set loop flag
        while zero:                                     # is loop flag True?
            vector[STARTX] = random.randrange(-10, 11)  # yes, reset start x coordinate vecotr
            vector[STARTY] = random.randrange(-10, 11)  # reset start y coordinate vector
            zero = False                                # assume neither value is zero
            for i in range(STARTX, STARTY + 1):         # cycle through vector indexes
                if vector[i] == 0:                      # does this vector index equal zero?
                    zero = True                         # yes, set flag to run loop again

    vector[EDURATION] -= 1                              # decrement the end point duration counter

    if vector[EDURATION] == 0:                          # has the end duration counter reached zero?
        vector[EDURATION] = random.randrange(100, 501)  # yes, reset the end duration counter
        zero = True                                     # set loop flag
        while zero:                                     # is the loop flag True?
            vector[ENDX] = random.randrange(-10, 11)    # yes, reset end x coordinate vector
            vector[ENDY] = random.randrange(-10, 11)    # reset end y coordinate vector
            zero = False                                # assume neither value is zero
            for i in range(ENDX, ENDY + 1):             # cycle through vector indexes
                if vector[i] == 0:                      # does this vector index equal zero?
                    zero = True                         # yes, set flag to run loop again
    # add vector values to start/end x,y coordinates
    cline[STARTX] += vector[STARTX]                     # add start x vector to start x coordinate
    cline[STARTY] += vector[STARTY]                     # add start y vector to start y coordinate
    cline[ENDX]   += vector[ENDX]                       # add end x vector to end x coordinate
    cline[ENDY]   += vector[ENDY]                       # add end y vector to end y coordinate

    # check start/end x,y coordinates leaving screen
    # if they do, reverse the associated vector value

    if cline[STARTX] >= SWIDTH - 1:                     # has start x coordinate hit right side of screen?
        cline[STARTX] = SWIDTH - 1                      # yes, set start x coordinate to screen width
        vector[STARTX] = -vector[STARTX]                # reverse the start x vector value
    elif cline[STARTX] <= 0:                            # no, has start x coordinate hit left side of screen?
        cline[STARTX] = 0                               # yes, set start x coordinate to minimum width
        vector[STARTX] = -vector[STARTX]                # reverse the start x vector value
    if cline[STARTY] >= SHEIGHT - 1:                    # has start y coordinate hit bottom of screen?
        cline[STARTY] = SHEIGHT - 1                     # yes, set start y coordinate to screen height
        vector[STARTY] = -vector[STARTY]                # reverse the start y vector value
    elif cline[STARTY] <= 0:                            # no, has stary y coordinate hit top of screen?
        cline[STARTY] = 0                               # yes, set start y coordinate to minimum height
        vector[STARTY] = -vector[STARTY]                # reverse the start y vector value
    if cline[ENDX] >= SWIDTH - 1:                       # has end x coordinate hit right side of screen?
        cline[ENDX] = SWIDTH - 1                        # yes, set end x coordinate to screen width
        vector[ENDX] = -vector[ENDX]                    # reverse the end x vector value
    elif cline[ENDX] <= 0:                              # no, has end x coordinate hit left side of screen?
        cline[ENDX] = 0                                 # yes, set end x coordinate to minimum width
        vector[ENDX] = -vector[ENDX]                    # reverse the end x vector value
    if cline[ENDY] >= SHEIGHT - 1:                      # has end y coordinate hit bottom of screen?
        cline[ENDY] = SHEIGHT - 1                       # yes, set end y coordinate to screen height
        vector[ENDY] = -vector[ENDY]                    # reverse the end y vector value
    elif cline[ENDY] <= 0:                              # no, has end y coordinate hit top of screen?
        cline[ENDY] = 0                                 # yes, set end y coordinate to minimum height
        vector[ENDY] = -vector[ENDY]                    # reverse the end y vector value

    # add color increment values to color components
    cline[RED]   += vector[RED]                         # add red increment to red color component
    cline[GREEN] += vector[GREEN]                       # add green increment to green color component
    cline[BLUE]  += vector[BLUE]                        # add blue increment to blue color component

    # if any color component has reached the maximum
    # or minimum value reverse the associated
    # increment value

    if cline[RED] == 0 or cline[RED] == 255:            # has red color component exceeded limit?
        vector[RED] = -vector[RED]                      # yes, reverse red increment value

    if cline[GREEN] == 0 or cline[GREEN] == 255:        # has green color component exceeded limit?
        vector[GREEN] = -vector[GREEN]                  # yes, reverse green increment value

    if cline[BLUE] == 0 or cline[BLUE] == 255:          # has blue color component exceeded limit?
        vector[BLUE] = -vector[BLUE]                    # yes, reverse blue increment value

    mline[lcount] = cline                               # place current line in master line list


    screen.fill((0, 0, 0))                              # clear the window with a black background

    c = lcount
    for i in range(MAXLINES):

        c += 1
        if c == MAXLINES:
            c = 0
        #if mline[c][RED] > 0:
        #    mline[c][RED] -= 1

        #if mline[c][GREEN] > 0:
        #    mline[c][GREEN] -= 1

        #if mline[c][BLUE] > 0:
        #    mline[c][BLUE] -= 1

        pygame.draw.line(screen, (mline[c][RED], mline[c][GREEN], mline[c][BLUE]), (mline[c][STARTX], mline[c][STARTY]), (mline[c][ENDX], mline[c][ENDY]), 1)

    pygame.display.flip()                               # updates the window with the newly drawn image

    # limit main program loop to a number of frames per second

    clock.tick(FPS)                                     # limit frames per second


Messages In This Thread
Something strange happening here !? - by TerryRitchie - Apr-09-2017, 04:25 PM
RE: Something strange happening here !? - by nilamo - Apr-20-2017, 07:14 PM

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