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Scientific Computing Examples
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Scientific Computing Examples
Basic exercises of calculations and plotting.
from scipy import *
from pylab import *
from math import *
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

                            #task 6
L9=list(range(101))         #skapar lista L9 med 100 värden mellan 0-100
L10 = [k/100 for k in L9]   #skapar lsita L10 där varje värde från L9 / 100

s = 0                       #task 7
for i in range(0, 500):     #räkne-loop går igenom i 0-500 (slutar vid 500)
    s = s + i               #adderar i's stegrande värde med alla föregående

ss = [0]                    #task 7
for i in range(1, 500):     #gör som ovanstående
    ss.append(ss[i-1] + i)  #men sparar värje iterering i lista

xplot=list(range(100))      #task 8
for i in range(0, 100):     #räknar variabel i mellan 0-100 
    xplot[i] = i/100        #lägger in variabel i/100 i listan xplot

yplot=list(range(100))      #task 9
for i in range(0, 100):     #räknar variabel i mellan 0-100
    yplot[i]=math.atan(i/100)   #skapar arctan-värden mellan 0-1 

plot (xplot, yplot)         #task 10, plottar x, y värden i listorna

p = 0.0
L=list(range(200))          #task 11
for i in range(1, 200):
    L[i] = 1/math.sqrt(i)
    p = p + L[i]

h = 1/1000                  #task 12 extra
a = -0.5
n = 0


for n in range(0, 997):
    u[n+3] = u[n+2] + h*a*((23/12)*u[n+2] - (4/3)*u[n+1] + (5/12)*u[n])

for n in range(0, 1000):
    td[n] = h*n

plot (u, td)

for n in range(0, 1000):
    td2[n] = abs(math.exp(a*td[n])-u[n])

plot (u, td2)
Exercise 2
from scipy import *
from pylab import *
from math import *
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

for i in range(201):      # Task 1
    c=x                   #saves x-value for previous iteration to c
    if abs(c-x) <= 1.e-8: #if the difference between previous and new x-value
        print('The result after {num} iterations is {res}'.format(num=i,res=x))
    if i == 200:
        print('The condition was not met within 200 iteration steps.')

x=0.5                #task 2
xplot=linspace(5, 30, num=26)  #x-värden   
yplot= []

for i in range(0, 26):           
    yplot.append(math.sin(xplot[i])-a*xplot[i]+30)   #y-värden
plot (xplot, yplot)     #plottar x, y värden i listorna
plot (xplot, xplot)      

elements = []
y = 1.0
n = 0                   # Task 3

while abs(y) >= 1.e-9:       # Loopa så länge elementen är större än 1E-9
    n = n + 1           # Stega upp 1 steg för varje iteration
    y = sin(n)**2/n     # N:te elementets värde
    elements.append(y)            # Elementet lagras i array elements
result = 'The loop had to do {} iteration steps .'

negative = False
a = 0.25
c = 0.0
x = 1.0
i = 0    # Task 4
for i in range(1000):
    c = x
    x = 0.2*x-a*(x**2-5)
    if x < 0:
        negative = True
    if abs(c-x) <= 1.e-9:
        print('Sequence converged to x={num} after {res} iterations.'.format(num=x,res=i))
    if i == 999:
        print('No convergence detected.')
if negative == True:
    print('There were negative elements in the sequence.')

a = 0.5
c = 0.0
x = 1.0
i = 0    # Task 5
minuslist = []
pluslist = []

for i in range(1000):
    c = x
    x = 0.2*x-a*(x**2-5)
    if x < 0:
    if x > 0:
    if abs(c-x) <= 1.e-9:
        print('Sequence converged to x={num} after {res} iterations.'.format(num=x,res=i))
    if i == 999:
        print('No convergence detected.')

def my_func(a):
    c = 0.0
    x = 1.0
    i = 0    # Task 6 
    for i in range(31):
        c = x
        x = 0.2*x-a*(x**2-5)
        if abs(c-x) <= 1.e-9:
            return True
        if i == 30:
            return False

#if my_func(1) == True
print('Returned True')

def function(a, x):
    c = 0.0
    neg = []
    pos = []
    i = 0    # Task 8
    for i in range(31):
        c = x
        x = 0.2*x-a*(x**2-5)
    if x < 0:
    if x > 0:
        if abs(c-x) <= 1.e-9:
            return neg and pos and True
        if i == 30:
            return neg and pos and False

#if my_func(1) == True
#print('Returned True')
Exercise 3
from scipy import *
from pylab import *
from math import *
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def f(m):                               #Task 3
    L = [n-m/2 for n in range(m)]       #L[0] = -m/2, L[-1] = m/2 -1
    return 1 + L[0] + L[-1]             #1 + -m/2 + m/2 -1 = 0 Always!!
print(f(100))                           #Calls function with argument 100

L0 = [0, 20, 30, 40]                    #Task 4
L1 = [20, 0, 50, 60]
L2 = [30, 50, 0, 70]
L3 = [40, 60, 70, 0]
distance = [L0, L1, L2, L3]        

reddistance=[]                      #Defines reddistance as a list
for i in range(1, len(L0)):         #Counts from 1 to number of columns 
    temp = distance[i]              #For each cycle each row stored in temp
    reddistance.append(temp[0:i])   #Saves only i elements from each row


for i in range(1, len(L0)):         #Nr of iterations from 1 to nr of coulombs
    temp1 = distance[i]             #Stores first row in temporary list 1
    for n in range(0, i):           #Sorts out wanted elements in temp list 1
        temp2.append(temp1[n])      #Saves the rows wanted elements in temp 2


while l <= len(L0) - 1:                     #While loop
    reddistance3.append(distance[l][0:l])   #Slicing elements of rows in dist
    l = l + 1
A = {'banana','apple','coconut', 'orange'}  #Task 5
B = {'ananas', 'orange', 'apple', 'mango'}
C = {}

def task5(A, B):
    C = A.union(B) - A.intersection(B)      #Symmetric difference of sets
    return C

print(task5(A, B))
print(A.symmetric_difference(B))    #Does same thing but not same order

A.intersection(B)       #Leaves A unchanged but presents intersection
A.intersection_update(B)    #Changes A to only contain intersection

def func(x):                #Task 8 and 9
    y = (3*x**2 - 5)        #Defines function to valuate by bisec
    #y = math.atan(x)        #Defines function to valuate by bisec
    return y

a = -1.5                     #Interval startpoint
b = -0.4                   #Interval endpoint
t = 1e-2                    #Precision of solution interval

def bisec(a, b, t):
    while abs(a-b) > t:                 #If interval is bigger than tolerance
        if func(a)*func((a+b)/2) <= 0:  #If signchange in first interval,
            b = (a+b)/2                 #b gets new position
        elif func((a+b)/2)*func(b) <= 0:  #If signchange in second interval,
            a = (a+b)/2                 #a gets new position
        elif func(a) == 0:                #The root is exactly on position a
            return (a, a, a)
        elif func(b) == 0:                #The root is exactly on position b
            return (b, b, b)
            print('No sign-change in interval endpoints.')
            return (0, 0, 0)
    return (a, b, (a+b)/2)              #Third parameter is presumed root
print(bisec(a, b, t))                   #For checking

Exercise 4
from scipy import *
from pylab import *
from math import *
from numpy import *
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def ff(r,fi):                                                                                  #Task 1
    return r*exp(1j*fi)         #Define complex function

phi=linspace(0,2*pi, 100)            #Creates array-list of values betw 0 and 2pi
rad=linspace(0.0, 1.0, 10)
z=ff(rad,phi)                     #Defines variable z as result of ff

for r in rad:                       #For every radie (r) gör en cirkel
    z=ff(r,phi)                     #Calls complex function ff
    plt.plot(z.real,z.imag, linewidth=2)        #Plottar cirkel

def f(x):                       #Task 2
    y = x**2 + 5*x - 10            #Arbitrary function
    return y

def fp(x):                      #Derivative of function above
    y = 2*x + 5
    return y 

x0 = pi/2.                     #Starting point
tol = 1e-10                      #Tolerance level

def newton(f, fp, x0, tol):
    x = x0
    conv = False
    for n in range(400):
        x0 = x
        x = x - f(x)/fp(x)  
        if abs(x-x0) < tol:     #Criterion for convergence
            conv = True
    return (x, conv, n)

x,conv,n = newton(f, fp, x0, tol)
print(x0, f(x0), x, f(x), conv)
Exercise 5
from scipy import *
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
from pylab import *
from numpy import *
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import quad

def f(x):
    y = sin(omega*x)
    return y

a = 0
b = pi/2. 
omega = 2*pi
yomega = []
print(quad(f,a,b))          #Task 1, integral from a to b of function f


def inte(w):                #Task 2
    a=0                     #Function we calculate its integral
    b=pi/2                  #Omega (w) depends on input
    def f(x):               #Calls on quad with its own defined f
        return sin(w*x)     #Only returns first value [0]    
    return quad(f,a,b)[0]   
print(inte(2*pi))           #Omega constant 2pi same as Task 1

xomega = linspace(0,2*pi,1000)             #X-values for plot
yomega = [inte(w) for w in xomega]

plt.plot(xomega, yomega)    #Y-values recalling inte-function     

def p(x):                   #Task 3
    y = x**2 + x - 3
    return y

x0= 5
root = fsolve(p, x0)[0]
print('The root of function p(x):', root)

x1=0                            #Task 4, a range from 1 to 5

def q(a):                       #Takes varying a as input
    def r(x):                   #Function with varying a to solve roots foor
        return a*x**2 + x - 3   
    return fsolve(r,x1)         #Return root with wanted a

A = linspace(1,5)               #Array with all our x-values
y_axis = [q(a) for a in A]      #Calculate y-values for the x-values from q(a)
plt.plot(A, y_axis)             #Plots
Exercise 6
from scipy import *
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
from pylab import *
import numpy as np
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import quad
import scipy.linalg as sl

M = array([[1.,2.],[3.,4.]])

def func(M):                #Task1
    if (M==M.T).all():      #If matrixes are symmetric
    elif (M==-M.T).all():   #If matrixes are skew-symmetric
        a = 0 
    return a


"""this function takes two vectors as input and returns true if they 
are ortoghonal, else it returns False"""

def h(u,v):                 #Task2
    if a == 0:              #If vectors are othogonal =0
        return True 
        return False 


def g(w):                   #Task3
    b = w/norm(w)
    return b

def k(w):                    #Task3
    n = len(w)
    for i in range (n):
       m = (w[i])**2 + m
    m = sqrt(m)
    return w/m
l = pi/3                    #Task 4
N = array([[cos(l),sin(l)],[-sin(l),cos(l)]])


K=eye(20)               #Task 5, creates unit 20x20 matrix
K = 4*K                 #Gives 4 on diagonal values
i, j = np.indices(K.shape)
K[i == j-1] = 1         #Superdiagonal with 1
K[i == j+1] = 1         #Subdiagonal with 1
L=sl.eig(K)             #L is eigenvalues of matrix K

M=eye(20)               #Task 6, creates unit 20x20 matrix
M = 4*M                 #Gives 4 on diagonal values
i, j = np.indices(M.shape)
M[i == j-1] = 1         #Superdiagonal with 1
M[i == j+1] = -1        #Subdiagonal with -1
O=sl.eig(M)             #O is eigenvalues of matrix M
                        #More complicated matrix for the eigenvalues?
Exercise 7
from scipy import *
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
from pylab import *
import numpy as np
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import quad
import scipy.linalg as sl

U = array([1,2,3])                  # Task 1 
V = array([4.5,5,6])                # U, V = arbitrary vectors 

def vecdot(U, V):                   # Takes two vectors as input
    s = 0                           # Summarasition begins with 0
    if len(U) != len(V):            # Raises error message, diffrent dimensions
        print("Vectors not of same dimensions.")
    for i in range(len(U)):         # Nr of iterations = nr of dimensions
        s = U[i]*V[i] + s           # Multiplicates each elements
    return s                        # Returns summation

W = array([[4.5,5,6],[4,2,0],[3,4,8]])      # Task 2, arbitrary matrix

def matvec(W, V):                           # Matrix W and vector V as input
    T = zeros((len(V)))
    if len(W) != len(V):  
        print("Matrix and vector not of same dimension.")
    for i in range(len(W)):
        T[i] = vecdot(W[i], V)      # Use each row on matrix as vector
    return T

X = array([[7,0,2.2],[9,5,7],[5,4,1]])  # Task 3, another arbitrary matrix

def matmat(W, X):           # Matrix W and X as input
    l,m = W.shape           # l = rows, m = elements in each row
    R = zeros((l,m))        # Creates empty matrix of size l x m
    temp = zeros(l)         # temporary storage of separate columns as vector
    if shape(W) != shape(X):
        print("The matrices is not of the same dimensions.")
    for n in range(m):          # Takes column as a vector times matrix
        for i in range(l):      # Conversion column to vector
            temp[i] = X[i,n]    # Storing each column as temporary vector
        R[n] = matvec(W, temp)  # Calling function matvec to multiply
        i = 0                   # Resets counter for inner loop
    R = transpose(R)
    return R

L = array([[4.5,0,0],[4,2,0],[3,4,8]])  # Lower triangular matrix

def triang(L, V):               # Task 4
    M = zeros((len(V)))         # Creates empty vector
    for i in range(len(V)):
        k = 0
        j = 0
        for j in range(i+1):    # Remember the hotel nights
            k = L[i,j]*V[j] + k   # skips the zero positions in triang-matrix
        M[i] = k
    return M
Exercise 8
from scipy import *
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
from pylab import *
import numpy as np
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import quad
import scipy.linalg as sl

A = diag(10*[10.]) + diag(9*[1.],-1) + diag(9*[1.],+1) + diag(6*[2.],-4) + diag(6*[2.],4)

def task1(matrix):                              # Task 1
    L = np.zeros(shape(matrix))
    for i in range ((shape(matrix))[0]):
        for j in range (i):
            L[i,j] = matrix[i,j]
    R = np.zeros(shape(matrix))
    for i in reversed(range(shape(matrix)[0])):
        for j in reversed(range (i)):
            R[j,i] = matrix[j,i]
    D = np.zeros(shape(matrix))
    for i in range ((shape(matrix))[0]):
        D[i,i] = matrix[i,i]

L,R,D = task1(A)
b = dot(A,range(10))

def gaussjacobi(A,b):                       # Task 2
    L,R,D = task1(A)
    for i in range(100):                    # Solves eq system A@x = b
        x = np.linalg.solve(D,-(L+R)@x+b)
    defect = sqrt(norm(A@x-b)**2/len(A))    # Task 5
    return x, defect


def task3(D):                           #Task 3
    diagvec = np.zeros(len(D))
    for i in range(len(D)):
        diagvec[i] = D[i,i]
    return diagvec

d = task3(D)

def diagdom(matrix):                    #Task 4
    L,R,D = task1(matrix)
    d = task3(D)
    for row in range(len(matrix)):
        rowsum = 0
        for i in range(len(matrix)):
            rowsum += L[i,row] + R[i,row]
        if d[i] < rowsum:
            raise Exception("Not strictly diagonally row dominant matrix.")
            return False
    return True

def systemmatrix(d, k=-1000):                 # Task 6
    zero = np.zeros((2,2))
    I = np.diag((1,1))
    K = array([[k, 0.5],[0.5, k]])
    D = array([[-d, 1.0],[1.0, -d]])
    matrix = np.bmat([[zero, I], [K, D]])
    return matrix

dval = np.arange(0, 100, 0.2)                   # Task 7

for d in dval:
    z = sl.eig(systemmatrix(d))[0]      #[0] since we only want eigenvalues return
    plt.scatter(z.real, z.imag)         # alternativ plt.plot(z.real,z.imag, ',')
plt.title('Eigenvalues of parameter depending system matrix')
plt.xlabel('eigenvalue real part')
plt.ylabel('eigenvalue imaginary part')
plt.grid(which="both", axis="both", ls="-")

Exercise 9
Reads datacolumns YYYY-MM-DD XXXXXX from a textfile kwh.dat
from scipy import *
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
from pylab import *
import numpy as np
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import quad
import scipy.linalg as sl

newfile=open('newfile.dat','w')     # Task 1
newfile.write('1 st line \n')
newfile.write('2 st line \n')

def testfile():
    return file

text1=list(testfile())              # Task 2

def kwhdat():                       # Task 3
    file=open('kwh.dat','r')        # öppnar för läsning av fil YYYY-MM-DD  XXXXXX
    return file                     # returnerar rad för rad

fildata = list(kwhdat())            # Läser in filen som en lista "fildata"
filarray = np.asarray(fildata)      # Konverterar listan till en array
yearmonthday = []
kwh = []

for line in filarray:               # Går igenom raderna i filen kwh.dat
    temp1, temp2 = line.split("  ") # Sorterar ut datumet och kwh-värdet
    temp2 = int(temp2)              # kwh-stäng görst om till int
    kwh.extend([temp2])             # kwh-integer läggs till i kwh-array
    yearmonthday.append(temp1)      # datumet läggs till i listan yearmonthday

yearmonthday.reverse()              # Task 4
kwh = np.asarray(kwh)               # gör om kwh-lista till array

monthly = np.diff(kwh)              # Task 5
del yearmonthday[0]                 # tar bort startdatumet


plt.title('Elförbrukning per månad')
plt.xlabel('Datum')                 # Task 6
xval = np.arange(1, 155, 1)
plt.plot(xval, monthly, '-')

ma = max(monthly)                   # Task 7, högsta värdet ur monthly
for i in range(len(monthly)):       # letar efter positionen för det värdet
    if monthly[i] == ma:            # om värdet är det högsta 
        maxi = i                    # spara positionen
mi = min(monthly)                   # Lägsta värdet ur monthly
for i in range(len(monthly)):
    if monthly[i] == mi:
        mini = i

difference = np.zeros(len(monthly)-1)       # Task 8

for i in range(len(difference)):            # letar efter positionen för det värdet
    difference[i] = monthly[i+1] - monthly[i]

diffmax = max(difference)                   # Task 7, högsta värdet ur monthly
for i in range(len(difference)):            # letar efter positionen för det värdet
    if difference[i] == diffmax:            # om värdet är det högsta 
        maxpos = i                          # spara positionen
diffmin = min(difference)                   # Lägsta värdet ur monthly
for i in range(len(difference)):
    if difference[i] == diffmin:
        minpos = i

average = np.mean(monthly)      #Task 9


print("Lägsta förbrukning:", yearmonthday[mini], monthly[mini], "kWh.")  # Task 10
print("Högsta förbrukning:", yearmonthday[maxi], monthly[maxi], "kWh.")
print("Högsta förbrukningsökning mellan", yearmonthday[maxpos],"och", yearmonthday[maxpos+1], difference[maxpos], "kWh.")
print("Högsta förbrukningsminskning mellan", yearmonthday[minpos],"och", yearmonthday[minpos+1], difference[minpos], "kWh.")
print("Genomsnittlig månadsförbrukning:", average, "kWh.")
Exercise 10
from scipy import *
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
from pylab import *
import numpy as np
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import quad
import scipy.linalg as sl

class RationalNumber:
    This is a docstring for the class RationalNumber.       
            int: returns greatest common divisor
            list: returns shortened numerator and denominator
            int: returns factor used for highest shortening
            bool: returns True if fraction can be shortened, else False
            float: returns calculated real number of the fraction
            exception: numerator and denominator cant deletes seperately
    def __init__(self, numerator, denominator):
        if not isinstance(numerator, int):
            raise TypeError('Numerator should be of type int.')
        if not isinstance(denominator ,int):
            raise TypeError('Denominator should be of type int.')
        self._numerator = numerator
        self._denominator = denominator         

    def gcd(self, a, b):          
        if b==0:            # Task 2, computes the greatest common divisor
            return a        # performs an inplace modification of the object
            return self.gcd(b, a%b)
    def shorten(self):
        shnumerat = self._numerator         # shortened numerator
        shdenomi = self._denominator        # shortened denominator
        factor = self.gcd(shnumerat , shdenomi)
        shnumerat = shnumerat // factor
        shdenomi = shdenomi // factor
        return shnumerat, shdenomi       
    def factor_for_shortening(self):        # Task 3
        shnumerat = self._numerator          # shortened numerator
        shdenomi = self._denominator         # shortened denominator
        factor = self.gcd(shnumerat , shdenomi)
        return factor    
    def can_be_shortened(self):             # Task 3               
        numshort, denshort = self.shorten()
        if numshort != self._numerator and denshort != self._denominator:
            return True
            return False       
    def convert2float(self):
        return float(self._numerator)/float(self._denominator)   
    def __add__(self, other):                           # __add__ is + sign
        p1, q1 = self._numerator, self._denominator
        if isinstance(other, RationalNumber):
            p2, q2 = other.numerator, other.denominator
        elif isinstance(other, int):
            p2, q2 = other, 1
            raise TypeError('Should be rational or of type int.')
        return RationalNumber(p1*q2 + p2*q1, q1*q2)
    def __repr__(self):
        return '{}/{}'.format(self._numerator, self._denominator)
    def __radd__(self, other):
        return self + other     # reverses the role of self and other
    def fget_n(self):
        return self._numerator
    def fset_n(self, numerator):
        self._numerator = numerator
    def fget_d(self):
        return self._denominator
    def fset_d(self, denominator):
        self._denominator = denominator
    def del_value(self):           # Task 5
        raise Exception('Numerator and denominator belongs together.')
    numerator = property(fget = fget_n, fset = fset_n , fdel = del_value) 
    denominator = property(fget = fget_d, fset = fset_d , fdel = del_value)

q=RationalNumber(10,20)         # command q.__init__(10,20) is executed
q.numerator                     # returns 10
q.denominator                   # returns 20
q.convert2float()               # returns 0.5
RationalNumber.convert2float(q) # same as RationalNumber.convert2float(q)
q.shorten()                     # returns (1, 2)
q.can_be_shortened()            # returns True
q.factor_for_shortening()       # returns 10, (10/20)/10 = 1/2
q.numerator = 5                 # sets q.numerator to value 5
q.numerator                     # returns 5
q.factor_for_shortening()       # returns 5, (5/20)/5 = 1/4
q.shorten()                     # returns (1, 4)

Exercise 11
from scipy import *
from pylab import *
import numpy as np
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.linalg as sl
import scipy.sparse as sp

class PolyGon:
    Takes corner point coordinates as input and computes the edges.
    Input is a list of arrays with shape (2,0) for a points x,y-coordinate.
    Parent of subclasses Rectangle and SpecialRectangle.
    def __init__(self, corners): 
        self.corners = corners
        n = len(corners)
        x = np.zeros(n+1)
        y = np.zeros(n+1)
        x[-1] = (self.corners[0])[0]
        y[-1] = (self.corners[0])[1]
        for i in range(n):
            x[i] = (self.corners[i])[0]
            y[i] = (self.corners[i])[1]
        edges = np.zeros((n,2))
        for i in range(n):
            edges[i] = (x[i+1] - x[i]), (y[i+1] - y[i])

        self._x, self._y = x, y
        self.edges = edges
    def plot(self):
        plt.plot(self._x, self._y)

class Rectangle(PolyGon):
    Inherits plot and edges from parent PolyGon.
    def area(self):
        width = (max(self._x)-min(self._x))
        length = (max(self._y)-min(self._y))
        return width*length

class SpecialRectangle(Rectangle):
    Inherits area from parent Rectangle. Plot and edges is inherited from 
    grandparent PolyGon.
    def __contains__(self, other):
        if max(other._x) <= max(self._x) and min(other._x) >= min(self._x):
            if max(other._y) <= max(self._y) and min(other._y) >= min(self._y):
                return True
            return False

kvadrat = [np.array([0,0]), np.array([1,0]), np.array([1,1]), np.array([0,1])]
kvadrat2 = [np.array([0.1,0.1]), np.array([0.9,0.1]), np.array([0.9,0.9]), np.array([0.1,0.9])]
A = SpecialRectangle(kvadrat)
B = SpecialRectangle(kvadrat2)

plt.gca().set_aspect('equal')   # Samma skala för x,y-axel
B in A                  # True
A in B                  # False
Exercise 12
Class for testing
from scipy import *
from pylab import *
import numpy as np
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.linalg as sl
import scipy.sparse as sp

def crazzy_plus(a, b):
    if not isinstance(a, int) or not isinstance(b, int):
        raise ValueError('Endast heltal får användas.')
    first = str(a-b)
    last = str(a+b)
    svar = int(first+last)
    print(a, '+', b, '=', svar)
    return svar
Use this code to test the class crazzy_plus from
Must be in the same directory
from exercise12 import crazzy_plus
import unittest

class TestIdentity(unittest.TestCase):
    def test(self):
        result = crazzy_plus(5,1)
        expected = 46
        self.assertEqual(result, expected)
    def Test2(self):
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, crazzy_plus(2.2,8))
if __name__=='__main__':

Calculates the integrals using trapezoidals
from scipy import *
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
from pylab import *
import numpy as np
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import quad
import scipy.linalg as sl

""" Task 1. Arbitrary mathematical function."""

def f(x):                           
    y = sin(x)+x             
    return y

""" Primitive function of the mathematical function above."""

def F(x):                   
    y = -cos(x)+(x**2)/2 
    return y

""" Function ctrapezoidal calculates the integral I of f(x) defined above using 
trapezoids which has the width h (delta-x). a is lower limit and b upper limit
of the integral. n is the amount of trapezoids created within the interval.
It also returns h, the delta-x which is needed for task 3."""

a = 0  
b = 10   
n = 20   

def ctrapezoidal(f, a, b, n):   
    h = (b-a)/n             
    I = (f(a)+f(b))/2     
    for i in range(n):
        I = f((a+i*h)) + I      
    I = I*h

""" Task 2. Required accuracy of the integral as input tolerance.
Begins with making two trapezoidals then doubles the amount of every
iteration. The value for previous iteration is compared with the actual if
the absolute value of the difference which is the error estimation.
The loop has a maxi amount of iteration so it never does more than 20 even 
if the required tolerance not is reached."""

def call(tolerance= 1.e-3):        
    n = 2                   
    maxi = 20               
    current = ctrapezoidal(f, a, b, n)[0]  
    for i in range(maxi+1):               
             previous = current    
             n = n*2                
             current = ctrapezoidal(f, a, b, n)[0]   
             if abs(previous-current) <= tolerance: 
    print("Required accuracy: ",tolerance)
    print("Reached accuracy: ",abs(previous-current))
    print("Nr of trapezoidals used:",n-1)
    return current

""" Exact mathematical solution of the integral of the function f(x) with
primitive function F(x) using the fundamental theorem of calculus."""

def integral(F, a, b):          
    F = F(b) - F(a)            
    return F

""" Task 3. Makes a graph for comparison between the relationship between
increased accuracy with increasing number of trapezoidals used for calculating
the integral of f(x). Taking input of number of points wanted in the graph
for every point a new calculation of the integral has to be done. To know
the true error the primitive function F(x) of the function has to be known
for calculating how much each calculated intregral deviates from the exact."""

def errorplot(points=20):       
    xplot = zeros(points)       
    yplot = zeros(points)     
    n = 2                      
    for i in range(points):              
             yplot[i], xplot[i] = ctrapezoidal(f, a, b, n)
             yplot[i] = abs(yplot[i]-integral(F, a, b))
             n = n*2                
    plt.loglog(xplot, yplot)       
    plt.grid(which="both", axis="both", ls="-")
    plt.title('Trapezoidal approximation accuracy')
    plt.xlabel('Width of trapezoidals')

""" Task 4. Takes two input vectors which one is for x-coordinates and the
other is for the y-coordinates of discrete points of an unknown function.
The vandermonde(v) returns the Vandermonde matrix which later is used
for creating an interpolation polynomial to fit this discrete points."""

xarray = array([0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5])            
yarray = array([-2.0, 0.5, -2.0, 1.0, -0.5, 1.0])
def vandermonde(v):
    m = (len(v))               
    A = zeros((m,m))         
    for i in range(m):       
        A[:,m-i-1] = v**i       
    return A                    

""" Task 5. Takes the vandermonde matrix and y-values array and solves the 
values for the coefficient vector c. A*c = y. Outside after the function 
the Alexandre-Théophile Vandermonde matrix is stored as X and the coefficient 
vector as c."""

def interpoly(A,y):             
    c = solve(A,y)

X = vandermonde(xarray)       
c = (interpoly(X,yarray))         

""" Task 6. The polyval-function takes only the coefficient vector c as input
and calculates the interpolation polynomial value for the input value z.
In the for-loop the last coeff-element is first for lowest order so it goes
backwards why there is a minus sign in front of i."""

def polyval(c, z):           
    m = (len(c))
    p = 0.
    for i in range(m):
        p += c[m-i-1]*z**i      
    return p                   


""" Task 7. Makes a plot of the interpolated polynomial and compares it with 
the given point-values. x-values is in range from -0.02 to 2.57 in steps of
0.01. The discrete points is directly taken from xarray and yarray and for
plotting the interpolated polynomial polyval(c, z) is called to get the
polynomial values in the wanted range and steps."""

def vanderplot(xarray, yarray):                
    plt.title('Interpolated polynomial of discrete stars')
    plt.plot(xarray, yarray, '*')            
    xval = np.arange(-0.02, 2.57, 0.01)        
    yval = polyval(c, xval)                    
    plt.plot(xval, yval)                       
    plt.grid(which="both", axis="both", ls="-")
Interval analysis using classes
from scipy import *
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
from pylab import *
import numpy as np
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import quad
import scipy.linalg as sl

class Interval:
    The class Interval represents the left and right endpoints of types 
    integer or float in an closed interval.
    def __init__(self, left, right):
        self.left, self.right = left, right
    def __repr__(self):
        return '[{}, {}]'.format(self.left, self.right)
    def __add__(self, other):
        a, b = self.left, self.right
        if isinstance(other, Interval):
            c, d = other.left, other.right
        elif isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float):
            c, d = other, other
        return Interval(a + c, b + d)
    def __radd__(self, other):
        return self + other
    def __sub__(self, other):
        a, b = self.left, self.right
        if isinstance(other, Interval):
            c, d = other.left, other.right
        elif isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float):
            c, d = other, other
        return Interval(a - d, b - c)
    def __rsub__(self, other):
        self.left, self.right = -self.right, -self.left
        return self + other

    def __mul__(self, other):
        a, b = self.left, self.right
        if isinstance(other, Interval):
            c, d = other.left, other.right
        elif isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float):
            c, d = other, other   
        return Interval(min(a*c, a*d, b*c, b*d), max(a*c, a*d, b*c, b*d))
    def __rmul__(self, other):
        return self * other
    def __truediv__(self, other):
        a, b = self.left, self.right
        if isinstance(other, Interval):
            c, d = other.left, other.right
        elif isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float):
            c, d = other, other
        if (c or d) == 0:
            raise ZeroDivisionError
            return Interval(min(a/c, a/d, b/c, b/d), max(a/c, a/d, b/c, b/d))
    def __contains__(self, point):
        if point >= self.left and point <= self.right:
            return True
            return False

    def __pow__(self, n):
        a, b = self.left, self.right
        if not isinstance(n, int):
            raise TypeError('Power should be of type int.')
        if n%2 == 0:                                    # n is even
            if a >= 0:
                return Interval(a**n, b**n)
            elif b < 0:
                return Interval(b**n, a**n)
                return Interval(0, max(a**n, b**n))
        else:                                           # n is odd
            return Interval(a**n, b**n)
xl = linspace(0., 1, 1000)                 # 1000 intervals between
xu = linspace(0., 1, 1000)+0.5             # [0, 0.5] --> [1, 1.5]
lower = np.zeros(1000)
upper = np.zeros(1000)
for i in range(1000):
    I = Interval(xl[i], xu[i])
    P = 3*I**3 - 2*I**2 - 5*I - 1
    lower[i] = P.left
    upper[i] = P.right

plt.title('Interval analysis of a 3:rd degree polynomial')
plt.xlabel('I(x) = [x, x + ½]')
plt.ylabel('P(I) = 3I³ -2I² -5I -1')
plt.grid(which="both", axis="both", ls="-")       
"""plt.plot(xl, lower, color='red')
plt.plot(xl, upper, color='red')"""

plt.fill_between(xl, xl, xu, color='grey', alpha=0.5)
plt.fill_between(xl, lower, upper, color='red', alpha=0.7)
"""plt.plot(xl, xl, color='grey')
plt.plot(xl, xu, color='grey')"""

I1 = Interval(1,4)
I2 = Interval(-2,-1)
I3 = Interval(0,3)

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