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Show the result of every count
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Show the result of every count
(Dec-28-2021, 08:58 PM)deanhystad Wrote: I added in some poker rules to identify different hands. Still having a problem with two pair.
import collections
import copy
import random

class Card():
    """A playing card that has a rank and suit"""
    # These are class variables.  They are associated with the class, not instances of the class
    suit_names = ["Clubs", "Diamonds", "Hearts", "Spades"]
    short_suit_names = ["C", "D", "H", "S"]
    rank_names = ["", "Ace", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "Jack", "Queen", "King", "Ace"]
    short_rank_names = ["", "A", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K", "A"]
    rank_range = range(2, 15)

    def __init__(self, rank, suit=None):
        # These are instance variables.  Each instance has their own rank an suit
        if suit is None:
            # Assume rank is a card repr.  Extract rank and suit
            suit = Card.suit_names[Card.short_suit_names.index(rank[-1])]
            rank = Card.short_rank_names[2:].index(rank[:-1])+2
        self.rank = rank
        self.suit = suit

    def __lt__(self, other):
        """For sorting and comparing by rank"""
        return self.rank < other.rank  # self.rank is my rank.  other.rank is the rank of another card

    def __gt__(self, other):
        """For sorting and comparing by rank"""
        return self.rank > other.rank

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """For sorting and comparing by rank"""
        return self.rank == other.rank

    def name(self):
        """Get long name for card"""
        return f"{self.rank_names[self.rank]} {self.suit}"

    def __repr__(self):
        """Get short name for card"""
        return f"{self.short_rank_names[self.rank]}{self.suit[0]}"

class Hand():
    """A list of cards"""
    def __init__(self, cards=None): = [] if cards is None else cards

    def ranks(self):
        """Group cards into ranks.  Sort ranks by number of cards in a rank"""
        def sort_key(item):
            """Sorting primarily on number of matching cards and secondarily on rank value"""
            return (len(item), item[0].rank)

        ranks = {}
        for card in
            if card.rank in ranks:
                ranks[card.rank] = [card]
        ranks = list(ranks.values())
        ranks.sort(key=sort_key, reverse=True)
        return ranks

    def suits(self):
        """Group cards into suits. Sort suits by number of cards in a suit"""
        suits = {}
        for card in
            if card.suit in suits:
                suits[card.suit] = [card]
        suits = list(suits.values())
        for suit in suits:
        suits.sort(key=len, reverse=True)
        return suits

    def __add__(self, other):
        """Create a new hand by combining two existing hands"""
        return Hand( +

    def __repr__(self):
        """Print cards in hand"""
        return ", ".join([str(card) for card in])

class Deck():
    """Deck of cards"""
    def __init__(self, shuffle=False): = [Card(rank, suit) for rank in Card.rank_range for suit in Card.suit_names]
        if shuffle:

    def __len__(self):
        """Return number of cards in deck"""
        return len(

    def deal(self, count):
        """Deal count cards from top of deck"""
        cards =[:count] =[count:]
        return cards

class Rules():
    FOUR_OF_A_KIND = 7
    FULL_HOUSE = 6
    FLUSH = 5
    STRAIGHT = 4
    TWO_PAIR = 2
    ONE_PAIR = 1
    HIGH_CARD = 0

    HAND_NAMES = [
        "High Card",
        "One Pair",
        "Two Pair",
        "Three of a Kind",
        "Full House",
        "Four of a Kind",
        "Straight Flush",
        "Royal Flush"

    def ofAKind(ranks, count):
        """Return cards if we have four card with the same rank"""
        for rank in ranks:
            if len(rank) == count:
                return rank
        return None

    def flush(suits):
        """Return cards if there are 5 of the same suit"""
        return suits[0] if len(suits[0]) > 4 else None

    def straight(ranks):
        """Return cards if there are 5 cards in a row"""
        def sort_key(item):
            """Sort ranks by rank value"""
            return item[0].rank
        straight = None
        # Sort the ranks by decreasing value
        ranks.sort(key=sort_key, reverse=True)
        if ranks[0][0].rank == 14:
            # If we have aces, treat them as both rank 14 and rank 1
            ranks.append([Card(1, card.suit) for card in ranks[0]])

        # look for 5 consecutive ranks
        for rank in ranks:
            if straight is None or straight[-1][0].rank - rank[0].rank > 1:
                straight = [rank]
                if len(straight) >= 5:
                    return straight
        return None

    def straightFlush(suits):
        """Return cards if there are 5 cards in a row with the same rank"""
        if (cards := Rules.flush(suits)) is not None:
            return Rules.straight(Hand(cards).ranks())
        return None

    def royalFlush(suits):
        """Return cards if there is an ace high straight flush"""
        if (cards := Rules.straightFlush(suits)) is not None and cards[0][0].rank == 14:
            return cards
        return None

    def fullHouse(ranks):
        """Return cards if there is a full house"""
        if len(ranks) > 1 and len(ranks[0]) >= 3 and len(ranks[1]) >= 2:
            return ranks[0] + ranks[1]
        return None

    def twoPair(ranks):
        """Return cards if there are two pairs"""
        if len(ranks) > 1 and len(ranks[0]) >= 2 and len(ranks[1]) >= 2:
            return ranks[0] + ranks[1]
        return None

    def highCard(ranks):
        """Return the high card"""

        def sort_key(item):
            """Sort ranks by rank value"""
            return item[0].rank

        ranks.sort(key=sort_key, reverse=True)
        return ranks[0][0].rank
    def evaluate(cls, hand):
        ranks = hand.ranks()
        suits = hand.suits()
        high_card = cls.highCard(ranks)

        if (cards := cls.royalFlush(suits)):
            return cls.ROYAL_FLUSH, cards, high_card
        elif (cards := cls.straightFlush(suits)):
            return cls.STRAIGHT_FLUSH, cards, high_card
        elif (cards := cls.ofAKind(ranks, 4)):
            return cls.FOUR_OF_A_KIND, cards, high_card
        elif (cards := cls.fullHouse(ranks)):
            return cls.FULL_HOUSE, cards, high_card
        elif (cards := cls.flush(suits)):
            return cls.FLUSH, cards, high_card
        elif (cards := cls.straight(ranks)):
            return cls.STRAIGHT, cards, high_card
        elif (cards := cls.ofAKind(ranks, 3)):
            return cls.THREE_OF_A_KIND, cards, high_card
        elif (cards := cls.twoPair(ranks)):
            return cls.TWO_PAIR, cards, high_card
        elif (cards := cls.ofAKind(ranks, 2)):
            return cls.ONE_PAIR, cards, high_card
            return cls.HIGH_CARD, high_card, high_card

# Test different hands
flop = Hand([Card(card) for card in ["KS", "QS", "JS"]])
print("Royal Flush",    Rules.evaluate(Hand([Card(card) for card in ["AC", "AD", "AH", "AS", "10S"]]) + flop))
print("Straight Flush",  Rules.evaluate(Hand([Card(card) for card in ["KC", "KD", "JH", "10S", "9S"]]) + flop))
print("Four of a Kind",  Rules.evaluate(Hand([Card(card) for card in ["AC", "AD", "AH", "AS", "10H"]]) + flop))
print("Full House",      Rules.evaluate(Hand([Card(card) for card in ["KC", "KD", "QH", "5S", "4H"]]) + flop))
print("Flush",           Rules.evaluate(Hand([Card(card) for card in ["2S", "4S", "2C", "4C", "5S"]]) + flop))
print("Straight",        Rules.evaluate(Hand([Card(card) for card in ["AD", "2D", "3H", "4C", "5C"]]) + flop))
print("Three of a kind", Rules.evaluate(Hand([Card(card) for card in ["AC", "AD", "AH", "5H", "3D"]]) + flop))
print("Two Pair",        Rules.evaluate(Hand([Card(card) for card in ["AC", "AD", "2S", "2D", "3D"]]) + flop))
print("One Pair",        Rules.evaluate(Hand([Card(card) for card in ["AS", "AD", "3H", "4C", "5C"]]) + flop))

Is this the right thread?
I welcome all feedback.
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Messages In This Thread
Show the result of every count - by George87 - Dec-28-2021, 11:42 AM
RE: Show the result of every count - by menator01 - Dec-28-2021, 01:48 PM
RE: Show the result of every count - by George87 - Dec-28-2021, 02:17 PM
RE: Show the result of every count - by menator01 - Dec-28-2021, 03:36 PM
RE: Show the result of every count - by menator01 - Dec-28-2021, 04:00 PM
RE: Show the result of every count - by George87 - Dec-28-2021, 05:16 PM
RE: Show the result of every count - by deanhystad - Dec-28-2021, 05:33 PM
RE: Show the result of every count - by menator01 - Dec-28-2021, 06:04 PM
RE: Show the result of every count - by deanhystad - Dec-28-2021, 08:58 PM
RE: Show the result of every count - by menator01 - Dec-28-2021, 09:04 PM
RE: Show the result of every count - by deanhystad - Dec-28-2021, 10:03 PM

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