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Issue with Pygame opening my Sprite png
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Issue with Pygame opening my Sprite png
import pygame, sys
from pygame.locals import *
from random import randrange

#initialize pygame

black = (0,0,0)
white = (255,255,255)
red = (255,0,0)
blue = (0,0,255)
green = (0,250,154)

xspeed = 0
yspeed = 0

class SpriteSheetImage(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
    def __init__(self, target):
        pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) #extend the base Sprite class
        self.master_image = None
        self.frame = 0
        self.old_frame = -1
        self.frame_width = 1
        self.frame_height = 1
        self.first_frame = 0
        self.last_frame = 0
        self.columns = 1
        self.last_time = 0

    #X property
    def _getx(self): return self.rect.x
    def _setx(self,value): self.rect.x = value
    X = property(_getx,_setx)

    #Y property
    def _gety(self): return self.rect.y
    def _sety(self,value): self.rect.y = value
    Y = property(_gety,_sety)

    #position property
    def _getpos(self): return self.rect.topleft
    def _setpos(self,pos): self.rect.topleft = pos
    position = property(_getpos,_setpos)
    def load(self, filename, width, height, columns):
        self.master_image = pygame.image.load(filename).convert_alpha()
        self.frame_width = width
        self.frame_height = height
        self.rect = Rect(0,0,width,height)
        self.columns = columns
        #try to auto-calculate total frames
        rect = self.master_image.get_rect()
        self.last_frame = (rect.width // width) * (rect.height // height) - 1

    def update(self, current_time, rate=30):
        #update animation frame number
        if current_time > self.last_time + rate:
            self.frame += 1
            if self.frame > self.last_frame:
                self.frame = self.first_frame
            self.last_time = current_time

        #build current frame only if it changed
        if self.frame != self.old_frame:
            frame_x = (self.frame % self.columns) * self.frame_width
            frame_y = (self.frame // self.columns) * self.frame_height
            rect = Rect(frame_x, frame_y, self.frame_width, self.frame_height)
            self.image = self.master_image.subsurface(rect)
            self.old_frame = self.frame

screen = pygame.display.set_mode((800,800))
pygame.display.set_caption("Sprite Game")
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
ticks = pygame.time.get_ticks()
warlock = SpriteSheetImage(screen)
warlock.load("warlock.png",30,51,4) #width, height, number of columns
warlock.position = 390,400
warlockGroup = pygame.sprite.Group()
warlock.first_frame = 0
warlock.last_frame = 0
for n in range(0,5):
    warlockcorrupt = SpriteSheetImage(screen)
    warlockcorrupt.load("warlockcorrupt2.png",36,72,2) #width, height, number of columns
    warlockcorruptGroup = pygame.sprite.Group()
    warlockcorrupt.first_frame = 0
    warlockcorrupt.last_frame = 1
    warlockcorrupt.dir = 0
    warlockcorruptXspeed = 3
    warlockcorruptYspeed = -3
    warlockcorrupt.position = 95,55
health = SpriteSheetImage(screen)
health.load("health.png",200,200,5) #width, height, number of columns
healthGroup = pygame.sprite.Group()
health.position = 525,660
health.first_frame = 0
health.last_frame = 0
floor = SpriteSheetImage(screen)
floor.load("floor.png", 800,800,4) #width, height, number of columns
floor.first_frame = 0
floor.last_frame = 0
floorGroup = pygame.sprite.Group()
##start = SpriteSheetImage(screen)
##start.load("startscreen.png", 585,512,7) #width, height, number of columns
##start.first_frame = 0
##start.last_frame = 0
##startGroup = pygame.sprite.Group()
myFont = pygame.font.Font(None,30)
label = myFont.render("level complete ",1,white)
win = False
order = 0   
while True:
    if win == False:
##        startGroup.update(ticks,40)
##        startGroup(screen)
        warlock.X = warlock.X + xspeed
        warlock.Y = warlock.Y + yspeed
        if order == 9:
        if (warlock.X >=65 and warlock.X <=105) and (warlock.Y >=40 and warlock.Y <=80) and order == 0:
            floor.frame = 1
            floor.first_frame = 1
            floor.last_frame = 1
            order = 1
        if (warlock.X >=665 and warlock.X <=705) and (warlock.Y >=40 and warlock.Y <=80) and order == 1:
            floor.first_frame = 2
            floor.last_frame = 2
            order = 2
        if (warlock.X >=360 and warlock.X <=410) and (warlock.Y >=250 and warlock.Y <=300) and order == 2:
            floor.first_frame = 3
            floor.last_frame = 3
            order = 3
        if (warlock.X >=340 and warlock.X <=440) and (warlock.Y >=685 and warlock.Y <=730) and order == 3:
            warlock.X = 390
            warlock.Y = 400
            floor.first_frame = 4
            floor.last_frame = 4
            order = 4
        if (warlock.X >=360 and warlock.X <=410) and (warlock.Y >=250 and warlock.Y <=300) and order == 4:
            floor.first_frame = 10
            floor.last_frame = 10
        if (warlock.X >=66 and warlock.X <=108) and (warlock.Y >=106 and warlock.Y <=154)and order == 4:
            floor.first_frame = 5
            floor.last_frame = 5
            order = 5
        if (warlock.X >=666 and warlock.X <=708) and (warlock.Y >=106 and warlock.Y <=157)and order == 5:
            floor.first_frame = 6
            floor.last_frame = 6
            order = 6
        if (warlock.X >=63 and warlock.X <=111) and (warlock.Y >=181 and warlock.Y <=229)and order == 6:
            floor.first_frame = 7
            floor.last_frame = 7
            order = 7
        if (warlock.X >=657 and warlock.X <=712) and (warlock.Y >=181 and warlock.Y <=229)and order == 7:
            floor.first_frame = 8
            floor.last_frame = 8
            order = 8
        if (warlock.X >=135 and warlock.X <=189) and (warlock.Y >=250 and warlock.Y <=304)and order == 8:
            floor.first_frame = 9
            floor.last_frame = 9
            order = 9
        if (warlock.X >=582 and warlock.X <=639) and (warlock.Y >=31 and warlock.Y <=79)and order == 9:
            floor.first_frame = 10
            floor.last_frame = 10
##for c in warlockcorruptGroup:
##    if c.dir == 0: #top row in the sprite sheet
##        c.frame = 0
##        c.first_frame = 0
##        c.last_frame = 1
##        c.Y = c.Y + 3
##        c.X = c.X + 0
##    if c.dir == 1:#second row in the sprite sheet
##        c.frame = 0
##        c.first_frame = 0
##        c.last_frame = 1
##        c.Y = c.Y + 0
##        c.X = c.X -3
##    if c.dir == 2: #third row in the sprite sheet
##        c.frame = 0
##        c.first_frame = 0
##        c.last_frame = 1
##        c.Y = c.Y + 0
##        c.X = c.X + 3
##    if c.dir == 3: #fourth rows in the sprite sheet
##        c.frame = 0
##        c.first_frame = 0
##        c.last_frame = 1
##        c.Y = c.Y -3
##        c.X = c.X + 0
##    #bounce off of the wall
##    if c.X >= 775:
##            c.dir = 0
##    if c.X <= 25:
##            c.dir = 0
##    if c.Y >= 575:
##            c.dir = 0
##    if c.Y <= 25:
##            c.dir = 0
##    #collision
##    if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(warlock,corruptwarlockGroup,True):
##        print("corrupt destroyed")
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == QUIT:

        if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
            if event.key == pygame.K_UP:
                warlock.frame = 3
                warlock.first_frame = 3
                warlock.last_frame = 3
                yspeed = -3
            if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
                warlock.frame = 0
                warlock.first_frame = 0
                warlock.last_frame = 0
                yspeed = 3
            if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
                warlock.frame = 2
                warlock.first_frame = 2
                warlock.last_frame = 2
                xspeed = -3
            if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
                warlock.frame = 1
                warlock.first_frame = 1
                warlock.last_frame = 1
                xspeed = 3

        if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
            if event.key == pygame.K_UP:
                yspeed = 0
                warlock.first_frame = 3
                warlock.last_frame = 3
            if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
                yspeed = 0
                warlock.first_frame = 0
                warlock.last_frame = 0
            if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
                xspeed = 0
                warlock.first_frame = 2
                warlock.last_frame = 2
            if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
                xspeed = 0
                warlock.first_frame = 1
                warlock.last_frame = 1
    ticks = pygame.time.get_ticks()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/*******/Desktop/Sprite Game/Sprite Game (latest).py", line 85, in <module>
    warlock.load("warlock.png",30,51,4) #width, height, number of columns
  File "/Users/*******/Desktop/Sprite Game/Sprite Game (latest).py", line 51, in load
    self.master_image = pygame.image.load(filename).convert_alpha()
pygame.error: Couldn't open warlock.png
Also, all of my sprites and code are contained together in the same folder.

Messages In This Thread
Issue with Pygame opening my Sprite png - by briskkee000 - Feb-20-2019, 06:38 PM

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