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IndexError: index 8 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 8
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IndexError: index 8 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 8
Dear anyone who can help,

I have had a problem for many weeks with my code, it is suppose to play connect 4 against the computer. I have tried many things to fix it, the G_ stands for global. row count is the number of rows per column, column count is the number of columns on the board. The problem I have I keep getting is below

The error message I get is:

return board[G_row_count-1][col] == 0
IndexError: index 8 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 8

if anyone can reply with the solution to this it would be much appreciated
#relevent moduals are being imported into the python IDLE
import numpy as np
import pygame
import system as sys
import math
import time
import random
from random import randrange
#pygame initialisation
#defining global variables
# colours being defined for future use
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
RED = (255, 0, 0)
GOLD = (255, 215, 0)
PINK = (255, 20, 147)
PURPLE = (128, 0, 128)
LIME = (0, 255, 0)
LIGHT_BLUE = (135, 206, 250)
YELLOW = (255, 255, 0)
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
BLUE = (0, 0, 168)
ORANGE = (255, 165, 0)
# NO. of rows per column - G_row_count is a global variable
G_row_count = 7
# NO. of columns in board - COLUMN_COUNT is a global variable
G_column_count = 8
# sets the size of a counter by the number of pixels
unit = 80
# sets with of pygame window
width = (G_column_count * unit)
# +1 to accomidate for placement bar
height = (G_row_count + 1) * unit
# create a size of the window
screen_size = (width, height)
#finds radius of counters
RADIUS = int(unit/2 - 5)
def full_check(L_slots_left, BACKGROUND, board, LabelFont, screen):
    #see if board has 0 spaces left
    if L_slots_left == 0:
    #informs player of draw
        #displays the a rectangle to cover up the counter at the top by putting a circle above it
        pygame.draw.rect(screen, BACKGROUND, (0, 0, width, unit))
        #set the variable to label and displays 'Draw!' in a green colour -  LabelFont is a pre-set varible name that holds the size of text and its font)
        label = LabelFont.render("Draw!", 1, GREEN)
        #updates the pygame window of changes made by the label and the rectangle
        screen.blit(label, (40,10))
        #waits for 2 seconds for user to see message
        #uses function board_reset() to reset the varibles and the board ready for another round
        return board, LabelFont

def column_gen():
    col = 999
    while col != 0 or col != 1 or col != 2 or col != 3 or col != 4 or col != 5 or col != 6 or col != 7:
        col = int(math.floor(posx / unit))
    return col
def Colour_Scheme_A():
    #temporery variable until this becomes interactive
    colour_scheme = 'Pale'
    # select is a variable used so unless a colour_scheme has been chosen the game wont start
    select = False
    while select == False:
        if colour_scheme == 'Classic':
        #sets relavent objects of the program to a colour so the same code can be used later for diffrent colour schemes
            #sets the board colour to blue
            BOARD_COLOUR = BLUE
            # informs the while loop a colour scheme has been selected
            select = True
        elif colour_scheme == 'Funky':
            #sets the board colour to orange
            # informs the while loop a colour scheme has been selected
            select = True
        elif colour_scheme == 'Pale':
            #sets the board colour to pink
            BOARD_COLOUR = PINK
            # informs the while loop a colour scheme has been selected
            select = True
    return BOARD_COLOUR
def Colour_Scheme_B():
    #temporery variable until this becomes interactive
    colour_scheme = 'Pale'
    # select is a variable used so unless a colour_scheme has been chosen the game wont start
    select = False
    while select == False:
        if colour_scheme == 'Classic':
        #sets relavent objects of the program to a colour so the same code can be used later for diffrent colour schemes
            #sets player 1 counter to red
            COUNTER_COLOUR_1 = RED
            # informs the while loop a colour scheme has been selected
            select = True
        elif colour_scheme == 'Funky':
            #sets player 1 counter to purple
            # informs the while loop a colour scheme has been selected
            select = True
        elif colour_scheme == 'Pale':
            #sets player 1 counter to lime
            COUNTER_COLOUR_1 = LIME
            # informs the while loop a colour scheme has been selected
            select = True
    return COUNTER_COLOUR_1
def Colour_Scheme_C():
    #temporery variable until this becomes interactive
    colour_scheme = 'Pale'
    # select is a variable used so unless a colour_scheme has been chosen the game wont start
    select = False
    while select == False:
        if colour_scheme == 'Classic':
        #sets relavent objects of the program to a colour so the same code can be used later for diffrent colour schemes
            #sets player 1 counter to red
            COUNTER_COLOUR_2 = RED
            # informs the while loop a colour scheme has been selected
            select = True
        elif colour_scheme == 'Funky':
            #sets player 1 counter to purple
            # informs the while loop a colour scheme has been selected
            select = True
        elif colour_scheme == 'Pale':
            #sets player 1 counter to lime
            COUNTER_COLOUR_2 = LIME
            # informs the while loop a colour scheme has been selected
            select = True
    return COUNTER_COLOUR_2
def Colour_Scheme_D():
    #temporery variable until this becomes interactive
    colour_scheme = 'Pale'
    # select is a variable used so unless a colour_scheme has been chosen the game wont start
    select = False
    while select == False:
        if colour_scheme == 'Classic':
        #sets relavent objects of the program to a colour so the same code can be used later for diffrent colour schemes
            #sets player 1 counter to red
            BACKGROUND = BLACK
            # informs the while loop a colour scheme has been selected
            select = True
        elif colour_scheme == 'Funky':
            #sets player 1 counter to purple
            BACKGROUND = BLACK
            # informs the while loop a colour scheme has been selected
            select = True
        elif colour_scheme == 'Pale':
            #sets player 1 counter to lime
            BACKGROUND = BLACK
            # informs the while loop a colour scheme has been selected
            select = True
    return BACKGROUND
def board_reset():
    #resets the 2D array to all 0's 
    board = Zero_the_board()
    #resets to player 1's turn
    turn = 1
    return turn, board
def font():
    #set font for later on use for declaring a window
    Select_Font = pygame.font.SysFont('arial', 75)
    return Select_Font
def cover(BACKGROUND, screen):
    # This is a library function built in which displays the selected shape - this case a rectangle
    pygame.draw.rect(screen, BACKGROUND, (0, 0, width, unit))
    # updates the pygame window
def Zero_the_board():
    row_number = G_row_count + 1
    column_number = G_column_count
    # board 2D array is set zeroing by using np as a abreviation of numpy
    board = np.zeros((row_number,column_number))
    return board
def drop_piece(board, row, col, piece):
    #the value of the piece is setting the value of  that row and column in the 2D array board
    board[row][col] = piece
def location_validation(board, col):
    #removes a row and makes this the next avaliable location in that column
    return board[G_row_count-1][col] == 0
def get_next_open_row(board, col):
    #searches every row in the column
    for r in range(G_row_count):
        #if a row is free then r will be true
        if board[r][col] == 0:
            return r
def player_altinator(turn):
    #if player 1's turn change turn to 2 so it is player 2's turn next time round
    if turn == 1:
        turn = 2
    #if player 2's turn change turn to 1 so it is player 1's turn next time round
    elif turn == 2:
        turn = 1
    #returns the player who plays next
    return turn
def update():
def winning_move_check(board, piece):
    #check all locations
    for c in range(G_column_count-3):
        for r in range(G_row_count-3):
            if board[r][c] == piece and board[r][c+1] == piece and board[r][c+2] == piece and board[r][c+3] == piece:
                return True
    #check verticle locations
    for c in range(G_column_count -3):
            for r in range(G_row_count):
                if board[r][c] == piece and board[r+1][c] == piece and board[r+2][c] == piece and board[r+3][c] == piece:
                    return True
    #check for positivly sloped diagonal locations
    for c in range(G_column_count -3):
            for r in range(G_row_count -3):
                if board[r][c] == piece and board[r+1][c+1] == piece and board[r+2][c+2] == piece and board[r+3][c+3] == piece:
                    return True
    #check for negativly sloped diagonal locations
    for c in range(G_column_count -3):
            for r in range(3, G_row_count):
                if board[r][c] == piece and board[r-1][c+1] == piece and board[r-2][c+2] == piece and board[r-3][c+3] == piece:
                    return True 
def display_the_board(board, BOARD_COLOUR, COUNTER_COLOUR_1, COUNTER_COLOUR_2, BACKGROUND, screen):
    #background - displays solid squares then adds circles on top of them which are the slots for the counters
    for c in range(G_column_count):
        for r in range (G_row_count):
            # Draws game board
            pygame.draw.rect(screen, BOARD_COLOUR, (c*unit, r*unit+unit, unit, unit))
            # Draws circles in the board same colour as the background to looks like holes
  , BACKGROUND, (int(c*unit+unit/2), int(r*unit+unit+unit/2)), RADIUS)
    #counters being displayed at the top of the screen
    for c in range(G_column_count):
        for r in range(G_row_count):
            if board[r][c] == 1:
                # Draws counter of player 1 in top bar
      , COUNTER_COLOUR_1, (int(c*unit+unit/2), height-int(r*unit+unit/2)), RADIUS)
            elif board[r][c] == 2:
                # Draws counter of player 2 in top bar
      , COUNTER_COLOUR_2, (int(c*unit+unit/2), height-int(r*unit+unit/2)), RADIUS)
def main_code():
    # Code starts
    # pygame window opens
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode(screen_size)
    # start off on player 1's turn
    turn = 1
    # sets font to desired font type
    LabelFont = font()
    # set board colour scheme
    BOARD_COLOUR = Colour_Scheme_A()
    COUNTER_COLOUR_1 =  Colour_Scheme_B()
    COUNTER_COLOUR_2 = Colour_Scheme_C()
    BACKGROUND = Colour_Scheme_D()
    # Creates the board
    board = Zero_the_board()
    # outputs board on pygame window
    display_the_board(board, BOARD_COLOUR, COUNTER_COLOUR_1, COUNTER_COLOUR_2, BACKGROUND, screen)
    # resets the number of empty slots to maximum
    L_slots_left = (G_row_count * G_column_count)
    # sets the variable to end game to false before game starts
    game_over = False
    # while to end game if game_over is true
    while not game_over:
        # activates the x close button on pygame window
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            # Have a circle appear over the mouse pointer
            if event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:
                # new rectangle is displayed to no previous circles appear when currant circle is drawn
                pygame.draw.rect(screen, BACKGROUND, (0, 0, width, unit))
                posx = event.pos[0]
                if turn == 1:
                    # draw circle at the top to follow the mouse pointer for when player 1 using it - using varible SIZE (predesignated width and height of a block used by a counter)
          , COUNTER_COLOUR_1, (posx, int(unit / 2)), RADIUS)
                elif turn == 2:
                    # draw circle at the top to follow the mouse pointer for when player 2 using it - using varible SIZE (predesignated width and height of a block used by a counter)
          , COUNTER_COLOUR_2, (posx, int(unit / 2)), RADIUS)
                # updates screen of changes
            # if player 1's turn
            if turn == 1:
                # if mouse clicks the the following if statement will be true
                if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                    # gets postion of mouse at time of click
                    posx = event.pos[0]
                    # rounds the exact place where the click occured to the nearest column
                    # check if the location selected is a valid/empty place on the board
                    if location_validation(board, col):
                        # uses function get_next_open_row to find the next empty space in that column
                        row = get_next_open_row(board, col)
                        # puts the piece in the 2D array to take that as a location
                        drop_piece(board, row, col, 1)
                        # check if 4 in row is completed
                        if winning_move_check(board, 1):
                            # displays a rectangle over the top bar so the counter does not show when the text appears
                            cover(BACKGROUND, screen)
                            # outputs the label of player 1 wins
                            label = LabelFont.render("Player 1 Wins!", 1, COUNTER_COLOUR_1)
                            # updates changes on the screen
                            screen.blit(label, (40,10))
                            # informs the game loop to end as the game has finished
                            game_over = True
            elif turn == 2:
                # CPU takes a turn
                # randomly selects a column to place its counter in
                col = random.randint(0, G_column_count)
                # check if the location selected is a valid/empty place on the board
                if location_validation(board, col):
                    # uses function get_next_open_row to find the next empty space in that column
                    row = get_next_open_row(board, col)
                    # puts the piece in the 2D array to take that as a location
                    drop_piece(board, row, col, 2)
                    # check if 4 in row is completed
                    if winning_move_check(board, 2):
                        # displays a rectangle over the top bar so the counter does not show when the text appears
                        cover(BACKGROUND, screen)
                        # outputs the label of player 2 wins
                        label = LabelFont.render("Player 2 Wins!", 1, COUNTER_COLOUR_2)
                        # updates changes on the screen
                        screen.blit(label, (40,10))
                        # informs the game loop to end as the game has finished
                        game_over = True
            # player altinator function is called
            turn = player_altinator(turn)
            # counter to remove 1 after every time a counter is placed to determin the a draw?
            L_slots_left = (L_slots_left - 1)
            display_the_board(board, BOARD_COLOUR, COUNTER_COLOUR_1, COUNTER_COLOUR_2, BACKGROUND, screen) # Do i need this ?
            # Check if board is full
            full_check(L_slots_left, BACKGROUND, board, LabelFont, screen)
            if game_over:
#start game

Messages In This Thread
IndexError: index 8 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 8 - by Help_me_Please - Jan-02-2020, 04:23 PM

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