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Email Security with SendGrid - what are the risks?
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Email Security with SendGrid - what are the risks?

I download a bunch of documents on a monthly basis and then mail them out to specific individuals. I wrote a code to automate the process using import os and import sendgrid. To use sendgrid, I have typed in the API Key into the program. My IT team is saying that "it's not a great practice for API credentials to be stored without proper procedure/process for encryption / security". What kind of security do I need and why?

I am an accountant and I don't have the technical background to understand the risks associated with sending emails using sendgrid. Can someone give a risk assessment of my code? I am trying to understand what could go wrong IF THE CODE WORKS. Please see below for the code (modified of course to omit sensitive details).

#First we imoprt modules. the base64 is imported to encode the attachments
#datetime is imported so we can calculate the due date
#os module can redirect file path of where the documents (before renaming) are kept. 
#SendGrid module is for the emailing
import base64
import datetime
import os
import sendgrid
from sendgrid.helpers.mail import *
#once the modules are imported, create the dictionaries for looking up how to rename files
#   to whom the documents will be sent, how to decipher how the statement should be named, etc
#the nd {} converts the last 4 digits of the document number to receipient's initials, their First name, and their email address
#the mDict{} converts the long date string in "YYYYMMDD" format by breaking down the month in "Mmm" and year in "YYYY" format

nd = {
            '1111':['BB','Bruce','[email protected]'],
            '2222':['CK','Clarke','[email protected]'],
            '3333':['BA','Berry','[email protected]'],
            '4444':['HJ','Hal','[email protected]'],
#the change directory focuses the code at a specific folder. the whole program is designed to run on ALL FILES 
# within the specified direcotry. this means that if the directory is not changed and left to Downloads or Documents for instance
# the program will try to rename every single file within download folder or documents folder. So, it is crucial to change this directory to
# somewhere that only contains the documents
#notice that the directory path is denoted with double \. this is because a single \ denotes line continuation in python. so 
# D O   N O T   F O R G E T   T O change the \ to \\

mDict = {
    '01':'Jan', '02':'Feb', '03':'Mar',
    '04':'Apr', '05':'May', '06':'Jun',
    '07':'Jul', '08':'Aug', '09':'Sep',
    '10':'Oct', '11':'Nov', '12':'Dec'

# simple datetime calculation to add +14 days to today. 14 days is 10 business days + 4 weekend days. 
tday =
TenBusnDays = datetime.timedelta(days=14)
dueDate = tday + TenBusnDays

# Loop starts. 

for f in os.listdir():
        fileName, fileExt = (os.path.splitext(f))
        Stmt, cardEnd, date = (fileName.split('_'))
        rEmail = nd[cardEnd][2]
        rName = nd[cardEnd][1]
        cardEnd = nd[cardEnd][0]
        year = date[0:4]
        date = mDict[date[4:6]]
        newName = '{} - {} {}{}'.format(cardEnd, date, year, fileExt)

# below is a print statement for testing if the files will be renamed correctly. # out the next line (the os.rename line) when testing. 
        #print(newName, '--->', rName, '--->', rEmail,'--->','--->',date,'--->',year)
        os.rename(f, newName)
#                                                                                                            |
#                                                                                                            |
#             At this point the files have been renamed. the next bit of code pertains to emailing.          |
#                                                                                                            |
#                                                                                                            |

#email body in HTML format. Be careful if passing non-string variables. Python won't concatenate non-string variables. so pass them under str()
        email_body="""<p><span style="color: #000080;">Hi """ + rName + """,<br>Here's the super duper important file for """ + date + """ """ + year + """.<br> 
        Please give this page turner a read by """ + str(dueDate.strftime("%b %d, %Y")) + """. Please send me your comments as soon as possible. If you would like to discuss in person, I am happy to accomodate.<br>
        <br>Thank you.</p></span>"""

#email parameters setup: Mail (from, to, subject, content)
#attachment is not an object that can be passed under Mail function. This is done separately below.

        from_email = Email("[email protected]")
        to_email = To(rEmail)
        subject = "Super duper important document for " + date + ' ' + year
        content = Content("text/html", email_body)
        mail = Mail(from_email, to_email, subject, content)

#encoding and attaching file. 

        with open(newName, 'rb') as g:
            data =
        encoded_file = base64.b64encode(data).decode()

#the filetype is not really necessary.

        attachedFile = Attachment(
        mail.attachment = attachedFile

        sg = sendgrid.SendGridAPIClient(api_key='blahblahblahblah123412340234randomCharacterSequence')
        response =
        print(response.status_code, response.body, response.headers)

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Email Security with SendGrid - what are the risks? - by Runecaster - Jul-29-2020, 06:16 AM

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