For code over can a progress bar be fine to have,as i showed in you other Thread.
So use tqdm.
Then can plug it in in both loops.
Now can see that's it's 72 planes total.
In plain 3 which downloading now there are 21 .zip files.
Of corse the measure will jump a little as some planes have more .zip files.
Plane 2 had 171 .zip files and plane 1 had 4 .zip files.
So use tqdm.
Then can plug it in in both loops.
from tqdm import tqdm, trange # Then in the 2 loops for ref in tqdm(plain_link): for item in tqdm(td):
Now can see that's it's 72 planes total.
In plain 3 which downloading now there are 21 .zip files.
Of corse the measure will jump a little as some planes have more .zip files.
Plane 2 had 171 .zip files and plane 1 had 4 .zip files.