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Array Iteration/Merging
Hello All,

So let me get straight to my issue, I've got nested array which is a result set from a SQL query and has the format similar to the below.

'Resp' is the only unique column and 'ticket' often has duplicates.

So for example if the array is printed (for x in x) you would get the below sample data

What I'm looking to do is add the 'quantity' field where the 'ticket' numbers are the same and produce a new nested array, the unique resp could be dropped at this point as I’m not sure if it's needed yet. The above sample data would become the below

I've tried a few things but never quite seem to get it working. Any advice or directing would be appreciated.
I hope I've been clear enough?
This response will work for you too - just drop column 1 and use sum as an aggregation function
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Thanks Volcano63,

That's exactly what I'm looking for Smile

I really should have done a better job of searching.
well, to be honest I would alter the SQL query to get the what I want
SELECT ticket, SUM(quantity) FROM table GROUP BY ticket

data = [[56789,1326,10],

result = {}       
for ticket, resp, quantity in data:
    result[ticket] = result.get(ticket,0) + quantity

or using defaultdict

from collections import defaultdict
data = [[56789,1326,10],

result = defaultdict(int)       
for ticket, resp, quantity in data:

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Hi Buran,

Altering my query does make a lot of sense, get the data I want and save messing with it more than I have to in Python.

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll give it a go as we

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