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Pausing a Script
I have a script/module (call it "main") that calls another script/module (call it "other"). I use runpy.run_path() to execute the call. All's good, except "other" is supposed write to a variable in "main" but "other" takes a few seconds to run. "main" has already executed it's lines by the time "other" is done. So, how do I force "main" to wait until "other" is finished executing and sending over the info to populate the variable in "main"? I know of timer.sleep(), which is fine by me, but I can't figure out how to wait the right amount of time for "other" to finish execution. Here's the code-
"main" (business end only):
mem_dumps = []
import os, ctypes, sys, practice_gui

def scan_dumps():
    dumps = []
    for dpath, dname, fname in os.walk('C:\\'):
        for fn in fname:
            if fn.endswith('.dmp'):
                dumps.append(os.path.join(dpath, fn))
    return dumps

if ctypes.windll.shell32.IsUserAnAdmin():
    practice_gui.mem_dumps = scan_dumps()
    ctypes.windll.shell32.ShellExecuteW(None, 'runas', sys.executable, '', None, 1)
"other' actually runs twice--once to restart as admin and once as admin. I need to send scan_dumps return to mem_dumps in "main". I think I'm solid, I just don't know how to determine the right amount of time to wait.



It turns out, calling time.sleep() puts "other" to sleep too. How can I work around that?
Not too sure, sorry but you can see if this helps.
there is no definite way to know how long to wait. you need to design other to send a message to main ... "i am done".
Tradition is peer pressure from dead people

What do you call someone who speaks three languages? Trilingual. Two languages? Bilingual. One language? American.
After I posted my problem I kept working at it and found that using time.sleep() just plain won't work. There may be something with running the script twice; I have to look into it more. I'll post back with what I find for those who may be interested.
Alright. A quarter of a day later (with some breaks) and I've hit pay dirt. Most of my problems were with Windows and it's administrator privileges system. I needed to run my IDE (PyScripter) as admin; all fell into place after that. Code:
if ctypes.windll.shell32.IsUserAnAdmin():
    mem_dumps = {}
    size = 0
    while not size:
import os, ctypes, sys, practice_gui

def scan_dumps():
    dumps = {}
    k = 0
    for dpath, dname, fname in os.walk('C:\\'):
        for fn in fname:
            if fn.endswith('.dmp'):
                dumps[k] = [os.path.join(dpath, fn), os.stat(os.path.join(dpath, fn)).st_size]
                k += 1
    return dumps

if ctypes.windll.shell32.IsUserAnAdmin():
    dmp_dict = dict(scan_dumps())
    #practice_gui.mem_dumps = dict(dmp_dict)
    i = 0
    tsize = 0
    while i < len(dmp_dict):
        tsize += dmp_dict[i][1]
        i += 1
    tsize /= 1024
    tsize = round(tsize)
    tsize = format(tsize, ',')
    practice_gui.size = tsize
    ctypes.windll.shell32.ShellExecuteW(None, 'runas', sys.executable, '', None, 1)
All is working as I'd like with the above code. So that's that.


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