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Pattern Split String
I have an interesting challenge have few patterned records and i need to split it intelligently into a dictionary

Eg of records in file are like below. Each Record Type can have different definition. And I need to read that record and map its place holders correctly. The size of record type will remain static or fixed
<Counter 5 digit><Record Type><Rec Defn Attribute 1><Rec Defn Attribute 2>..etc

00001000A20181220233445 NAMEOFACTOR10023.431-84-203,FLAT-2A;BlockC,COUNTRY
00002000A20181220233445 NAMEOFACTOR20023.431-84-203,FLAT-2A;BlockC,COUNTRY

First 5 is counter,
Next 4 is record type defintion
Next 14 is datetime i.e in YYYYMMDDHHMISS format
Next 14 is Name of Person
Next 7 floating point number
Reminder address.

This is sample like this based on definition fo a record type the pattern will be different. How can i have a nice structural Python program which i can define the structure or pattern of a record and split each record in correct definition elements
use slicing
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Thanks Buran .... I have tried this any better sol than this

Can there be any format options rather than hard coding positions for splicer
ARRAY = Split("Textjsdkhjsfhd", "%s20%10f")

or is it better the way i have below

get_vz450dic_frm_str("293456250  sdfjk   dsfsdfds")

def get_pattern_slicer():
    # Create a Master mapping keys for all record Type
    # Maintain a Structure of positions and split in a definition configuration yaml
    # [Field Name, String Start Position, Characters to split from position]
    _master_rec_defn = {}
    _master_rec_defn['000A'] = (['REC_CNTR',  0, 5 , 'Format String', 'Data Type'],
                                ['REC_TYPE',  5, 4],
                                ['DATETIME',  9, 14],
                                ['NAME' ,    23, 14],
                                ['AMOUNT',   37, 8],
                                ['ADDRESS_LINE_1', 45, 75] )

    _master_rec_defn['000B'] = ( ['REC_CNTR', 0, 5],
                                 ['REC_TYPE', 5, 4],
                                 ['BILL_NO', 9, 14],
                                 ['BILL_TAX', 23, 8],
                                 ['BILL_DUE_DATE', 31, 14])

    # Sample Test Data
    samplelines = []
    line1 = "00001000A20181022342320Mr.ABC DEF VAL  234.34ADDRESS LINE1      Contains some address data                              "
    line2 = "00002000BISSNO-CF123    0023.3420180722"
    line3 = "00003000BISSNO-CF124   12327.3420180810"

    # Output in this Array
    line_array_dic_map = []

    # Reading lines and converting into Hash Map
    # Repalce this with file reading
    itr = 0
    while itr < len(samplelines):
        str = samplelines[itr]

        # Always Record Type definition for any record will be between position 5 and 9
        if str[5:9] in _master_rec_defn:
            field_defn = _master_rec_defn[str[5:9]]
            for fld_attr in field_defn:
                dicout = {}
                dicout[fld_attr[0]] = str[int(fld_attr[1]):int(fld_attr[1]+fld_attr[2])]

        itr += 1


# Run the Function
yes, you can do mapping. however it's the same technique - slicing

def parse_lines(lines):
    # Create a Master mapping keys for all record Type
    # Maintain a Structure of positions and split in a definition configuration yaml
    # [Field Name, String Start Position, Characters to split from position]
    mapping = {'000A':{'REC_CNTR':(0, 5), 'REC_TYPE':(5, 4),
                       'DATETIME':(9, 14), 'NAME':(23, 14),
                       'AMOUNT':(37, 8), 'ADDRESS_LINE_1':(45, 75)},
               '000B':{'REC_CNTR':(0, 5), 'REC_TYPE':(5, 4),
                       'BILL_NO':(9, 14), 'BILL_TAX':(23, 8),
                       'BILL_DUE_DATE':(31, 14)}}
    records = []
    for line in lines:
        rec_type = line[5:9]
        record = {key:line[start:start+length] for key, (start, length) in mapping[rec_type].items()}
    return records
# Sample Test Data
sample_lines = ["00001000A20181022342320Mr.ABC DEF VAL  234.34ADDRESS LINE1",
                "00002000BISSNO-CF123    0023.3420180722",
                "00003000BISSNO-CF124   12327.3420180810"]
[{'REC_TYPE': '000A', 'AMOUNT': ' 234.34', 'ADDRESS_LINE_1': 'ADDRESS LINE1', 'NAME': 'Mr.ABC DEF VAL', 'REC_CNTR': '00001', 'DATETIME': '20181022342320'}, {'BILL_DUE_DATE': '20180722', 'REC_CNTR': '00002', 'BILL_NO': 'ISSNO-CF123 ', 'REC_TYPE': '000B', 'BILL_TAX': ' 0023.34'}, {'BILL_DUE_DATE': '20180810', 'REC_CNTR': '00003', 'BILL_NO': 'ISSNO-CF124 ', 'REC_TYPE': '000B', 'BILL_TAX': '12327.34'}]
you can use OrderedDict from collections or namedtupple for each field for more readability, you can go OOP, etc.
If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself, Albert Einstein
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for two more, different approaches, one using struct and one using itertools, see this
If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself, Albert Einstein
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from collections import namedtuple
def parse(line):
    Field = namedtuple('Field', field_names=('name', 'start', 'length'))
    mapping = {'000A':(Field('REC_CNTR', 0, 5), Field('REC_TYPE', 5, 4),
                       Field('DATETIME', 9, 14), Field('NAME', 23, 14),
                       Field('AMOUNT', 37, 8), Field('ADDRESS_LINE_1', 45, 75)),
               '000B':(Field('REC_CNTR', 0, 5), Field('REC_TYPE', 5, 4),
                       Field('BILL_NO', 9, 14), Field('BILL_TAX', 23, 8),
                       Field('BILL_DUE_DATE', 31, 14))}
    rec_type = line[5:9]
    # rec_field_names = ( for fld in mapping[rec_type])
    # Record = namedtuple("Record", field_names=rec_field_names)
    # return Record(**{[fld.start:fld.start+fld.length] for fld in mapping[rec_type]})
    return {[fld.start:fld.start+fld.length] for fld in mapping[rec_type]}

# Sample Test Data
sample_lines = ["00001000A20181022342320Mr.ABC DEF VAL  234.34ADDRESS LINE1",
                "00002000BISSNO-CF123    0023.3420180722",
                "00003000BISSNO-CF124   12327.3420180810"]
data = [parse(line) for line in sample_lines]
for rec in data:
this will output
{'AMOUNT': ' 234.34', 'REC_CNTR': '00001', 'DATETIME': '20181022342320', 'ADDRESS_LINE_1': 'ADDRESS LINE1', 'NAME': 'Mr.ABC DEF VAL', 'REC_TYPE': '000A'} {'BILL_NO': 'ISSNO-CF123 ', 'BILL_DUE_DATE': '20180722', 'BILL_TAX': ' 0023.34', 'REC_CNTR': '00002', 'REC_TYPE': '000B'} {'BILL_NO': 'ISSNO-CF124 ', 'BILL_DUE_DATE': '20180810', 'BILL_TAX': '12327.34', 'REC_CNTR': '00003', 'REC_TYPE': '000B'}
if you uncomment lines #11-#13 and comment out line#14 you will go one step further and use namedtuple also for record, not only fields
Record(REC_CNTR='00001', REC_TYPE='000A', DATETIME='20181022342320', NAME='Mr.ABC DEF VAL', AMOUNT=' 234.34', ADDRESS_LINE_1='ADDRESS LINE1') Record(REC_CNTR='00002', REC_TYPE='000B', BILL_NO='ISSNO-CF123 ', BILL_TAX=' 0023.34', BILL_DUE_DATE='20180722') Record(REC_CNTR='00003', REC_TYPE='000B', BILL_NO='ISSNO-CF124 ', BILL_TAX='12327.34', BILL_DUE_DATE='20180810')
If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself, Albert Einstein
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Perfect !!! Thanks a lot Buran

I was looking exactly that encode and decode format string as its done in Perl

Struct is the fastest in time processing so will take that route.

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