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Traceback error
I've tried to run several of my .py files. I keep coming up with this error. I haven't seen this before and I have no idea what's causing it or what changed. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling all of the requests, urllib3, and chardet modules but nothing changes.

Help!! Please!!

Thank you!

Warning (from warnings module): File "C:\Python365\lib\site-packages\requests\", line 91 RequestsDependencyWarning) RequestsDependencyWarning: urllib3 (dev) or chardet (3.0.4) doesn't match a supported version! >>>
What code are you running?
Dos it behave the same in virtual environment?
Virtual environment is build into Python trough venv.
This is one that has worked before with no issues. I thought this was true of all of my Python files but now it seems is just this one. I did however have the wrong file that actually worked in the end. This file has given A LOT of traceback errors that I hope will be rectified once the initial issue is resolved.

Hold on though - let me try the virtual environment and I will let you know.

Thank you!

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from pathlib import Path
import CheckInternet
import sys

class GetCompletions:
    def __init__(self, infile):
        self.check_network = CheckInternet.CheckInternet()
        self.homepath = Path('.')
        self.rootpath = self.homepath / '..'
        self.datapath = self.rootpath / 'data'
        self.commandpath = self.datapath / 'command_files'
        self.completionspath = self.datapath / 'completions'
        self.htmlpath = self.datapath / 'html'
        self.reportspath = self.datapath / 'reports'

        if self.check_network.check_availability():
            # use: Api_May_27_2018.txt for testing
            # self.infilename = 'Api_May_27_2018.txt'
            self.infilename = input('Please enter api filename: ')

            self.infile = self.commandpath / self.infilename
            self.api = []

            with as f:
                for line in f:

            self.fields = ['Spud Date', 'Total Depth', 'IP Oil Bbls', 'Reservoir Class', 'Completion Date',
                           'Plug Back', 'IP Gas Mcf', 'TD Formation', 'Formation', 'IP Water Bbls']
            print('Internet access required, and not found.')
            print('Please make Internet available and try again')

    def get_url(self):
        for entry in self.api:
            yield (entry, "{}".format(entry[3:10]))

    def get_all_pages(self):
        for entry, url in self.get_url():
            print('Fetching main page for entry: {}'.format(entry))
            response = requests.get(url)
            if response.status_code == 200:
                filename = self.htmlpath / 'api_{}.html'.format(entry)
                with'w') as f:
                print('error downloading {}'.format(entry))

    def parse_and_save(self, getpdfs=False):
        filelist = [file for file in self.htmlpath.iterdir() if file.is_file()]
        for file in filelist:
            with'r') as f:
                soup = BeautifulSoup(, 'lxml')
            if getpdfs:
                links = soup.find_all('a')
                for link in links:
                    url = link['href']
                    if 'www' in url:
                    print('downloading pdf at: {}'.format(url))
                    p = url.index('=')
                    response = requests.get(url, stream=True, allow_redirects=False)
                    if response.status_code == 200:
                            header_info = response.headers['Content-Disposition']
                            idx = header_info.index('filename')
                            filename = self.completionspath / header_info[idx + 9:]
                        except ValueError:
                            filename = self.completionspath / 'comp{}.pdf'.format(url[p + 1:])
                            print("couldn't locate filename for {} will use: {}".format(file, filename))
                        except KeyError:
                            filename = self.completionspath / 'comp{}.pdf'.format(url[p + 1:])
                            print('got KeyError on {}, response.headers = {}'.format(file, response.headers))
                            print('will use name: {}'.format(filename))
                        with'wb') as f:
            sfname = self.reportspath / 'summary_{}.txt'.format(('_'))[1].split('.')[0][3:10])
            tds = soup.find_all('td')
            with'w') as f:
                for td in tds:
                    if td.text:
                        if any(field in td.text for field in self.fields):
            # Delete html file when finished

if __name__ == '__main__':
Warning (from warnings module): File "C:\Python365\lib\site-packages\requests\", line 91 RequestsDependencyWarning) RequestsDependencyWarning: urllib3 (dev) or chardet (3.0.4) doesn't match a supported version! Please enter api filename: Api_May_27_2018.txt Fetching main page for entry: 49009064690000 Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Python365\lib\urllib3\", line 603, in urlopen chunked=chunked) File "C:\Python365\lib\urllib3\", line 387, in _make_request six.raise_from(e, None) File "<string>", line 2, in raise_from File "C:\Python365\lib\urllib3\", line 383, in _make_request httplib_response = conn.getresponse() File "C:\Python365\lib\http\", line 1331, in getresponse response.begin() File "C:\Python365\lib\http\", line 297, in begin version, status, reason = self._read_status() File "C:\Python365\lib\http\", line 258, in _read_status line = str(self.fp.readline(_MAXLINE + 1), "iso-8859-1") File "C:\Python365\lib\", line 586, in readinto return self._sock.recv_into(b) ConnectionResetError: [WinError 10054] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Python365\lib\site-packages\requests\", line 445, in send timeout=timeout File "C:\Python365\lib\urllib3\", line 641, in urlopen _stacktrace=sys.exc_info()[2]) File "C:\Python365\lib\urllib3\util\", line 357, in increment raise six.reraise(type(error), error, _stacktrace) File "C:\Python365\lib\urllib3\packages\", line 685, in reraise raise value.with_traceback(tb) File "C:\Python365\lib\urllib3\", line 603, in urlopen chunked=chunked) File "C:\Python365\lib\urllib3\", line 387, in _make_request six.raise_from(e, None) File "<string>", line 2, in raise_from File "C:\Python365\lib\urllib3\", line 383, in _make_request httplib_response = conn.getresponse() File "C:\Python365\lib\http\", line 1331, in getresponse response.begin() File "C:\Python365\lib\http\", line 297, in begin version, status, reason = self._read_status() File "C:\Python365\lib\http\", line 258, in _read_status line = str(self.fp.readline(_MAXLINE + 1), "iso-8859-1") File "C:\Python365\lib\", line 586, in readinto return self._sock.recv_into(b) urllib3.exceptions.ProtocolError: ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(10054, 'An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host', None, 10054, None)) During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "O:\Python\Wellinfo\src\", line 96, in <module> GetCompletions('apis.txt') File "O:\Python\Wellinfo\src\", line 33, in __init__ self.get_all_pages() File "O:\Python\Wellinfo\src\", line 47, in get_all_pages response = requests.get(url) File "C:\Python365\lib\site-packages\requests\", line 72, in get return request('get', url, params=params, **kwargs) File "C:\Python365\lib\site-packages\requests\", line 58, in request return session.request(method=method, url=url, **kwargs) File "C:\Python365\lib\site-packages\requests\", line 512, in request resp = self.send(prep, **send_kwargs) File "C:\Python365\lib\site-packages\requests\", line 622, in send r = adapter.send(request, **kwargs) File "C:\Python365\lib\site-packages\requests\", line 495, in send raise ConnectionError(err, request=request) requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(10054, 'An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host', None, 10054, None))
Ok - I'm setting up my virtual environment. This is the code I'm running. I thought it would create folders or something but it didn't. Am I missing something? I don't see any thing but this when I run it. Is this all I should see?

def create(self, env_dir):
    Create a virtualized Python environment in a directory.
    env_dir is the target directory to create an environment in.
    env_dir = os.path.abspath(env_dir)
    context = self.ensure_directories(env_dir)
Python 3.6.5 (v3.6.5:f59c0932b4, Mar 28 2018, 17:00:18) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information. >>> ============= RESTART: C:\Python365\VirtualEnvironment\ ============= >>>

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