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Help on adding two lists recursively
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Help on adding two lists recursively
(Sep-16-2018, 04:36 PM)gontajones Wrote:
def recursive_sum(l1, l2, idx=0, carryout=0):
    if idx < min(len(l1), len(l2)):
        l1 = l1[::-1]
        l2 = l2[::-1]
        n = int(l1[idx]) + int(l2[idx]) + carryout
        carryout = 0
        if n > 999:
            carryout = int(n/1000)
            n -= 1000*carryout
        return recursive_sum(l1, l2, idx + 1, carryout) + [n]
        return [carryout] if carryout else []

l1 = ['001', '234', '567']
l2 = ['007', '894', '561']
# l2 = ['999', '166', '568']
print(recursive_sum(l1, l2))

That is a lot simpler than what I just came up with, Thank you. The only thing is that I forgot to mention that the number of digits per node can be any positive number (1,2,3,...) so I need to modify it to deal with that. The way I did this involved a few different functions, but here's my carryout function that deals with different node sizes:
def carryout(myList, ND, pos, Res = []):
    strly = str(myList[pos])
    if(pos < 0):
        return []
        if(len(strly) > ND):
            myList[pos-1] = myList[pos-1] + int(strly[0])
            strly = strly[1:]
            myList[pos] = int(strly)
            carryout(myList, ND, pos-1)
    return myList
it takes in the result from my sum function ([8,1128,1128]) and then finds the carryout based on the ND which is the number of digits per node.

This is my modified sum function:
def Brecursive_sum(l1, l2, idx, ND, carryout = 0):
    if idx >= 0:
        print(int(l1[idx]) + int(l2[idx]))
        n = int(l1[idx]) + int(l2[idx]) + carryout
        nStr = str(n)
        if(len(nStr) > ND):
            carryout = int(nStr[0])
            n = int(nStr[1:])
        return Brecursive_sum(l1, l2, idx - 1, ND, carryout) + [n]
        return []
It seems to work. It also gave me the correct result. I only tested it with my example numbers from above and with ND = 3 though. I'm thinking I don't have to worry about the carryout being more then one digit long since 999+999 = 1998

With that portion solved, now I need to figure out how to do it if the two lists are of different lengths. (l1 = [123, 456, 789] and l2 = [987, 654, 321, 123]) I did this in my overly complicated way by running the two lists through this code before doing the add function:
def eqSize(sList, mx):
    if (len(sList) < mx):
        sList.insert(0, "0")
        eqSize(sList, mx)
    return sList 

if(len(list1) > len(list2)):
    list2 = eqSize(list2, len(list1))
elif(len(list1) < len(list2)):
    list1 = eqSize(list1, len(list2))
It works for my earlier solution, so I don't see why it wouldn't work for my newly modified solution.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Help on adding two lists recursively - by Metalman488 - Sep-16-2018, 07:09 PM

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