I have posted my question in stackoverflow but hasn't got any help yet.
I need to sync any Postgres table from the latest copy of our production database (source) to a developer database without wiping out its testing data. The below simplified code works for most tables, but not for those with jsonb fields, due to the psycopg2.ProgrammingError: can't adapt type 'dict'
I need to sync any Postgres table from the latest copy of our production database (source) to a developer database without wiping out its testing data. The below simplified code works for most tables, but not for those with jsonb fields, due to the psycopg2.ProgrammingError: can't adapt type 'dict'
import psycopg2 from psycopg2 import sql tb = "table_to_be_copied" ############################## # load data from source DB ############################## conn_source = psycopg2.connect(host='source_localhost', dbname=postgres, user='xyz', port=source_port) cursor_source = conn_source.cursor() cursor_source.execute( sql.SQL("SELECT * from {}").format(sql.Identifier(tb)) ) # obtain column names on the fly for any given table colnames = tuple([desc[0] for desc in cursor_source.description]) # jsonb's type code is 3802. This will help the program determine on the fly # which columns are in jsonb. typecodes = tuple([desc[1] for desc in cursor_source.description]) # obtain production data to be synced rows = cursor_source.fetchall() cursor_source.close() conn_source.close() ############################## # upsert data into destination DB ############################## conn_dest = psycopg2.connect(host='dest_localhost', dbname='postgres', user='xyz', port=dest_port) cursor_dest = conn_dest.cursor() for row in rows: cursor_dest.execute( sql.SQL("INSERT INTO {} ({}) VALUES ({}) \ ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET ({}) = ({})").format( sql.Identifier(tb), sql.SQL(', ').join(map(sql.Identifier, colnames)), sql.SQL(', ').join(sql.Placeholder() * len(colnames)), sql.SQL(', ').join(map(sql.Identifier, colnames)), sql.SQL(', ').join(sql.Placeholder() * len(colnames))), row * 2) conn_dest.commit() cursor_dest.close() conn_dest.close() print ("Sync done")It'd be terrific if you could help answer this question. If not, I would still greatly appreciate if you can vote for my post at stackoverflow so to attract more reads. Thanks!