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Beginner Getting an error
I'm following this video series but I seem to have messed up at some point. The error is at line 70. Can anyone spot where I have gone wrong?

import os
import datetime
from product import product
from city import City

MENU_DIVIDER = "-----------------------------"
GAME_TITLE = "Python Pirate Trader"

def welcome_message():
    print("Welcome to Pirate Trader")

def get_firm_name():
    #firm_name = input ("Please enter your firm: ")
    return "Testing firm"

def get_starting_options():
    #starting_options = input("How do you wish to start. 1) Cash & Debt 2) Cannons and no Debt.:")
    starting_options = "1"
    if starting_options == "1":
        opts = (250,250,0)
        opts = (0,0,5)
    return opts

def leave_port(city_list, current_date):
    i = 1
    for city in city_list:
        print("{0}) {1}".format (i,
        i += 1
    select_city = input ("Which city do you wish to go to?: ")
    current_date += datetime.timedelta(days=1)
    return city_list[int(select_city)-1], current_date
def buy():
    input("What do you want to buy?")

def sell():
    input("What do you want to sell?")
def visit_bank():
    input("How much to transfer to the bank?:")
def display_products():
    for product in Product.products:
            print( + "--" + str(product.price))

class product(object):
    products = []
    def __init__(self, name, minprice, maxprice): = name
        self.minprice = minprice
        self.maxprice = maxprice
        self.price = random.randint(self.minprice,self.maxprice)
        def create_products(cls):
            cls.products.append(Product("General Goods", 3, 20))
            cls.products.append(Product("Arms", 3, 20))

class City(object):
    cities = []
    def __init__(self, name, has_warehouse, has_bank): = name
        self.has_warehouse = has_warehouse
        self.has_bank= has_bank
    def create_cities(cls):
        cls.cities.append(City("Hong Kong",True, True))
        cls.cities.append(City("Shanghai", False, False))
        cls.cities.append(City("London", False, False))

'#' # Create Products

'#'# Start Game
firm_name = get_firm_name()
cash, debt, cannons = get_starting_options()

current_city = City.cities[0]
game_running = True

current_date = datetime.datetime(1820,1,1,0,0,0)
while game_running:
    '#'# Display Main Game Interface
    # Stuff to Debug

    # ---------------

    print("Firm Name: %s" % firm_name)
    print("Cash: {}".format(cash))
    print(f"Debt: {debt}")
    print("Cannons: %d" % cannons)
    print("City: %s" % current_city[""])
    print("Date: {:%B %d, %Y}".format(current_date))
    print("------City Products-----")
    has_bank_string = ""
    if current_city.has_bank == True:
        has_bank_string = "V)isit the Bank,"
    print("Menu: L)eave Port, B)uy, S)ell, T)ransfer Warehouse, %s Q)uit" % has_bank_string)
    menu_option = input("What is your option")
    if menu_option == "L":
        current_city, current_date = leave_port(City.cities, current_date)
    elif menu_option == "B":
    elif menu_option == "S":
    elif menu_option == "V" and current_city.has_bank == True:
    elif menu_option == "Q":
        game_running = False
What is the full traceback of your error? Without that we are just guessing

this is not a legit comment
Quote:'#' # Create Products

You only need
# Create Products
you import product (lowercase) but use it uppercased
from product import product

You are redefining product on line 45

and your method is misaligned:
class Product(object):
    products = []
    def __init__(self, name, minprice, maxprice): = name
        self.minprice = minprice
        self.maxprice = maxprice
        self.price = random.randint(self.minprice,self.maxprice)
        def create_products(cls):
            cls.products.append(Product("General Goods", 3, 20))
            cls.products.append(Product("Arms", 3, 20))
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The error is: NameError: name 'Product' is not defined
I assume you meant to do this?
from product import Product
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I have made that change before and received this afterwards: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'product'
This error:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 71, in <module> Product.create_products() NameError: name 'Product' is not defined
is referring to the fact that on this line:
Product is undefined.

I dont see anywhere in your code where Product is defined. I only see product. They are two different things.

Either you are not importing it right or your class is lowercase.

In the module change the class to
class Product(object):
instead of
class product(object):
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