Aug-20-2019, 09:12 AM
Just when I almost get it, it slips away.
I have a dataframe that I would like to put into a google big query table.
However (aha) as per normal, when I try it, it just errors (pyarrow cannot convert byte to intger on an object/string).
So I thought I would try to force a type on a column on the dataframe to see if that would allow it to go up.
Can't even get that to work.
How do I change the type of the column..?
Just when I almost get it, it slips away.
I have a dataframe that I would like to put into a google big query table.
However (aha) as per normal, when I try it, it just errors (pyarrow cannot convert byte to intger on an object/string).
So I thought I would try to force a type on a column on the dataframe to see if that would allow it to go up.
Can't even get that to work.
df.reset_index() df.rename(mapper={ 'year':'theyear', 'month':'themonth', 'excl':'totalexclbtw','incl':'totalinclbtw', 'autotrading':'automatedtrading' }, axis='columns',inplace=True) df[ 'dateofprocesing' ] = None df[ 'publisherid' ] = 0 df[ 'siteid' ] = 0 df.astype([{'theyear':'int64'},{'themonth':'int64'}], copy=False, errors='raise') df.dtypesThe month and the year should all be numbers, but appears it has been assigned an object (assuming string)
How do I change the type of the column..?